CrewGo - User Guide for Partners
1.0 Before you Start
Key | User Type |
A | Administrator |
C | Crew |
CL | Client |
M | Manager |

Sites |
Daily |
Jobs |
Shifts |
Calendar |
Staff |
Weekly |
Graphs |
Events |
Maps |
Statistics |
Deleted |
Staff | Client | Other |
Add Staff | Add Client | Venues |
Recruit cards | Client | Tasks |
Staff List | Client Groups | Access Levels |
Staff Group | Supervisors | Extras |
Search Staff | Item Groups | |
Crew Abilities | Items | |
Incompatibility | Form Matrix | |
Unavailability |
Messages | Utilities | Logs |
Credits: 4425 | Action Forms | Shift History |
Send an SMS | Processes | App Activity |
MESSAGE Logs | Inductions | |
Chat Logs | Projects | |
Bulk Email | Instructions | |
Purchase Credits | Job Templates | |
Msg Templates |
Add Job |
Add Shifts |
Add Booking |
Job Templates |
Add Import |

SUPERUSER | Administrator | Finance | View All Business |
Logout | Settings | Rules | On/Off |
Help | Businesses | Payroll | |
Partners | Invoices | ||
Timesheets | Activities | ||
Clients Booking Block | Categories | ||
Discounts | |||
Extras | |||
Allowances | |||
Leave | |||
Time off In Lieu |
2.0 Quick Start
To access CrewCard you need an active account. Login details are provided to you by the technical support team of CrewCard.
Alternatively, if you would like to visit the demo version, please email
2.1 Custom Logo, Background Image
Key: A / DM / M
CrewCard creates a personal experience that allows you to change the image in your software for your Logo, Login background image and Profile Icon. The Admin of the account can access these changes through the settings which is located on the top of the right-hand side.
These settings are under Company Details in Admin Settings.
To change the Logo:
1. Navigate to Admin Settings
2. Select Company Details
3. Click Choose File in 44. Logo and upload your image file from your computer.
Tip: For best results — please use image format JPEG/GIF/PNG/TIFF/EPS to upload.
This will change the following image in the software:
To change the Background Image on the Login/Sign Up page:
1. Navigate to Admin Settings
2. Select Company Details
3. Click Choose File in 45. Background Image and upload your image file from your computer
Tip: For best results — image dimension should be 4000x1400. Upload image formats JPEG/GIF/PNG/TIFF/EPS.
This will change the background image on the login and sign-up:
To change the Profile Icon:
1. Navigate to Admin Settings
2. Select Company Details
3. Click Choose File in 46. Profile Icon and upload your image file from your computer. Tip: For best results — Upload image formats JPEG/GIF/PNG/TIFF/EPS.
This will change the following image in the software:
2.2 Home Page Default
Key: A / DM / M
Home page default is the jobs pages, you can change this to calendar or events. Please see guide 3.0.
When using CrewCard you can select whether to see all your jobs in the system or only view certain jobs based on location or business depending on how your company is set up. This button is located in CNB. Click the text next to the switch, in the example below it is Melb. This will drop down a list of job groups, selected the one you wish to view.
After selecting the one you wish to view, click the switch.
Only jobs allocated to the selected will be viewed throughout CrewCard while using. To turn this off click the switch again.
3.0 Home Page
Key: A / DM / M
CrewCard automatically opens to the Home Page. The default home page displays the jobs page. However, you can change this to a Calendar view or Events view, this change is done through the Admin Settings please read 10.1.6 Ops Home Configuration guide for guidance.
This page displays Job Sheets, Quotes and Invoices for jobs based on the week they are booked, new jobs in the system automatically show here. The default week is Monday to Sunday, if you would like to alter this please contact
Colour Code description is explained on the info icon next to the left of Actions tab, which is on the right of your screen.
Colour Codes for Invoices/ Quotes:
Colour | Description |
Red | Invoice or Quote have NOT been sent to the Client. |
Green | Invoice or Quote has been sent to the Clients. |
Grey | This means the Quote has been approved by the Client. |
The system assigns a Job Number to each Job Sheet automatically. Once a Job Sheet has been added, the Quote and the Invoice are automatically created. The corresponding Quote and Invoice share the same Job Number. A job with “+” next to it means it spans more than one pay week.
Colour Codes for JobSheets:
Colour | Description |
Red | No Shifts have been confirmed. |
Blue | Some or All Shifts confirmed. |
Green | Some shifts are locked but there are still unlocked shifts in the job. |
Grey | All shifts have been locked. |
Blue Background Highlight | The Job sheet is admin locked. |
Yellow Background Highlight | The shifts within the job sheet have been highlighted. |
Client Name Orange Shading |
The job is booked via the client portal. |
In the columns, you can see the following:
Clients: The name of the client for whom the job is booked for
Business: The job relates to the business within your system
Job Sheet: Click the square you are wanting to open and it will take you to the related job sheet to view or edit, for more information please read guide 7.1 Jobs Sheets
Job No: CrewCard automatically creates a 3 digit Job No. If you wish to be able to overdrive the Job No this can be done in the admin settings, please read guide 10.1.6 Ops Home Configuration. If turned on, click the field and start typing a new Job No.
Description: Click the field and start typing the description of the job, this can be entered at the time the job is created or can be edited here
Invoice: Click the square you are wanting to open and it will take you to view and update the invoice for the job, see guide 12.2.6 Updating Invoices for more information about this page.
The Calendar page is a useful tool in the CrewCard. All jobs are plotted in a calendar interface where you can view important details of a job in one glance. To learn about the Calendar, please see guide 4.4.
Working on the Events page is a different way of entering jobs, paying staff and charging clients. The layout of the page shows an overview of all jobs in colour coordination based by the day. Please view guide 4.7 to learn more.
4.0 Jobs
This tab is where you’re able to manage your current jobs and book new jobs in your system. This section will explore the different pages under the tab ‘Jobs’. Click on Jobs to open the drop-down menu which will give you access to the different pages:
This page displays Job Sheets, Quotes and Invoices for jobs based on the week they are booked, new jobs in the system automatically show here. The default week is Monday to Sunday, if you would like to alter this please contact
Colour Code description is explained on the info icon next to the left of Actions tab, which is on the right of your screen.
Colour Codes for Invoices/ Quotes:
Colour | Description |
Red | Invoice or Quote have NOT been sent to the Client. |
Green | Invoice or Quote has been sent to the Clients. |
Grey | This means the Quote has been approved by the Client. |
The system assigns a Job Number to each Job Sheet automatically. Once a Job Sheet has been added, the Quote and the Invoice are automatically created. The corresponding Quote and Invoice share the same Job Number. A job with “+” next to it means it spans more than one pay week.
Colour Codes for JobSheets:
Colour | Description |
Red | No Shifts have been confirmed. |
Blue | Some or All Shifts confirmed. |
Green | Some shifts are locked but there are still unlocked shifts in the job. |
Grey | All shifts have been locked. |
Blue Background Highlight | The Job sheet is admin locked. |
Yellow Background Highlight | The shifts within the job sheet have been highlighted. |
Client Name Orange Shading |
The job is booked via the client portal. |
In the columns, you can see the following:
Clients: The name of the client for whom the job is booked for
Business: The job relates to the business within your system
Job Sheet: Click the square you are wanting to open and it will take you to the related job sheet to view or edit, for more information please read guide 7.1 Jobs Sheets
Job No: CrewCard automatically creates a 3 digit Job No. If you wish to be able to overdrive the Job No this can be done in the admin settings, please read guide 10.1.6 Ops Home Configuration. If turned on, click the field and start typing a new Job No.
Description: Click the field and start typing the description of the job, this can be entered at the time the job is created or can be edited here
Invoice: Click the square you are wanting to open and it will take you to view and update the invoice for the job, see guide 12.2.6 Updating Invoices for more information about this page.
In the Invoice page, tick the Attach PDF to Invoice checkbox and once the admin has Emailed Invoice, Client will received the Invoice with attached PDF Invoice.
Quote: Before sending a quote, please read 10.2.13 Quote Template Settings to set up a customised quote experience on CrewCard.
Tag: All Tags created and selected in Job Sheets are displayed in this column. (See “Tags” under the 7.1 Job Sheet Page for more info).
Click the square with the quote number you are wishing to open, this will open the quote. Please see the quote example below.
On the quote page you are presented with a view of all costs for a review before sending. Through settings, you can hide the crew/staff from the quote which will remove the crew/staff column from the quote. Go to Admin Settings>> #61 Show Crew per shift on Quotes/ Invoices
Please see guide 10.1.6 Ops Home Configuration for more help.
If the Admin Discount and Management Tax is not set to be automatically added to a quote and invoice, it can be applied at this point before sending the quote by ticking the box next to the one you wish to add, then enter a name to appear on the Quote (explanation/description), enter the amount to include the (%) sign and make sure to click “Update Quote”.
Additionally, Part Payment Required allows admin to charge the client a maximum 3 separate times by using this feature. It can be applied by ticking the box next to Part Payment Required, enter the part payment amount or enter the percentage and click “Update” button.
TIP: Tick “Apply Management Tax” and add any amount without the (%) sign and update Quote to add any cost or make a deduction/discount. For example type “Tool Hire” and put 100 in the amount to charge $100 or enter an amount with “-“ negative sign to deduct any amount or give discounts. Please remember these amounts are excl. GST.
After reviewing the quote, move down to the email quote section, all recipients who have been uploaded into the client’s profile will be displayed here. To find out how to do this, please see guide 9.2 Client Profile. Tick the box next to their name. If you wish to send the quote to a recipient who is not in the system, use the bottom line to add their information:
A “Type” of contact, Name, Position and email address can be filled before sending. If you wish to send this quote to multiple people, check the boxes next to their names. If you would like to cancel selection, click the “Reset” button which will reset the fields. Once new details are entered and the quote is sent, the contact will automatically be added to the contact’s list and the invoice loop. Any contact’s entry can be Viewed, Deleted or Edited in each client’s “Client Profile”.
Time to send the quote, select to use CrewCard default quote template or use your own customised one that you have set up in settings. Then click Email Quote.
Back on the job page on the right, there is a button that says action:
A drop-down menu will appear which contains a list of actions that can be performed on this page:
Tick the box next to the job/s you wish to perform an action on, then click the action from the list.
Repeat Job: If you need to repeat the same job sheet, a pop-out window will appear on the page:
Fill out all fields and click Repeat, the job will be added throughout the system.
Email Job Sheet Summary: This will be sent to the client, it is important to customise these through General Settings > Client, you can customise the layout of the email that is sent, which is located in guide 10.2.5 Client Email Job Sheet Summary.
The following should be met for the client to be able to receive the email.
- Only ‘Locked’ shifts will be included in the summary email.
- Accounts Email in the Client Profile. Client Profile>> Accounts>> Contact Type “ Accounts” >> Email address who has the contact type “ accounts” will be able to receive the email.
Update Invoices: If an invoice has been paid in full, partly paid or the amount has been changed, then the original invoice number will turn red, click the box for the job, click update invoice, and this will turn the box green.
Print Approved Job Sheet: CrewCard will create a Job Sheet that will open in another window. You can print the Job Sheet or download it into a PDF.
Tags: All Tags created and selected in Job Sheets are displayed in this column. (See “Tags” under the 7.1 Job Sheet Page for more info).
4.1.1 Invoices
Apply Admin Discount
In the invoices page, admin can add a discount in several ways:
- Go to the Client Profile and select Client Discount, This will automatically add a discounted amount to the Invoice page depending on the discount selected in the Clients Profile.
2. Another way to add a discount is to tick the Apply Admin Discount and set the amount or percentage of the discount. This will allow you to add a discounted amount in the invoice.
To Create a discount go to the Discount Page and create a discount. Once it has been created, Go to the Client Profile>> Client Discount to select the Discount.
Merchant Fee and Bank Account Fee
Bank Account Fee, An Amount of fee to be applied (including % sign to use a percentage of invoice total). When a Bank Account fee is ticked on the invoice page, it means that the client’s preferred payment method that was set on Client’s Portal>> Billing Details Page is the Bank account.
Merchant Fee Amount is the amount of fee to be applied (including the% sign to use a percentage of invoice total). This fee applies when Clients have selected the Primary Credit card as their Preferred Payment Method in the Clients Portal>> Billing Details Page.
Note that admin can opt to remove these fees by unticking the selected preferred method in the Invoice page.
Part Payment Required
The admin allows charging the client max of 3 times using this feature. To start with, Tick the Part Payment Required and Enter the part payment Amount or percentage of the total amount (inc GST). Once done, Admin can either Click the Charge payment to directly debit the part payment account to the Client’s Bank Account or Credit Card Account. Alternatively, Admin can send the part payment email by Ticking the Attached PDF to Invoice and select who you would like to send this invoice to or add a new Account details who you wish to receive it and Click the Email Invoice. This will send the copy of the invoice to the selected users under the Invoice Loop.
Whenever an Invoice was sent to the Client, A copy of the email will be sent to them and the invoice will also be posted in the Client’s portal >> Invoices Page. In the Invoices page of the Client’s Portal, you will notice that the Payment Type Column will be “Part Payment Required”. Thus this will be also a way for the Client to know what type of payment was charged to them.
For more information about the Client’s portal Invoice page, Please go to >> 5.0 Invoices
Admin are not allowed to directly enter a part payment amount and charge directly to the clients. It is necessary for the Admin to do the Part Payment first and the Payment Amount will be automatically displayed in the Payment Amount field.
This is what the Invoice looks like when a part payment required is selected and the amount was entered:
Given that Part Payment 1 has been charged by the Admin, an email will be sent both to the Admin and the Client. A thank you email will be sent out with the Total Invoice Amount, Paid Part Payment and the Balance remaining.
Admin will also be notified via email for the New Customer Payment whenever Admin makes a Charge Payment and Client makes the Payment.
Payment will be reflected in the Invoices page under the Admin Drop Down.
In the invoices Page, it will reflect the paid by details.
Select the Invoice and Click Select an Action. Admin can select Email Statement or Email Statement with Attach PDF.
Once any of the options mentioned has been clicked, this will bring you to the Email Invoice Statement page wherein you can view the invoice details such as the Invoice number, Date Sent, Amount, Interest, GST and Total. Since the first part payment has been made then you can see the paid amount and the outstanding amount. Please also take note that Admin should use the Email Invoice Statement when sending the outstanding amount to your client.
Once the Email Invoice Statement has been sent, the Admin and Client will receive an Invoice Statement Email with the outstanding amount that needs to be settled by the Client. For more details about the Invoices Page, please go to >> 12.2 Invoices
Add Notes in the Invoice
In the invoice page, add your additional notes in the Invoice Notes section.
Once the Invoice notes has been added, Tick the “Attach PDF to Invoice” and Click Email Invoice.
Once sent, Client who are selected under the Invoice Loop will receive the Invoice email with the attached PDF.
Open the attached PDF and you will find the Invoice Notes.
Removing GST
To remove the GST from the Invoice Page, Simply go to the Clients Profile you wish to remove the GST or Click the Client Profile button on the the top of the Invoice page. This will direct you to the Clients Profile Page
In the Clients Profile Page, Click the Client Discount on the side menu.
Untick the “Apply GST” and click Save Details
Go back to the Invoice page and refresh it, the GST will no longer reflect in the invoice page of the selected client.
After receiving payment for an invoice, you may need to reverse the payment or refund an amount. For example, we inadvertently charged the incorrect fee. A completed payment on an invoice can be refunded.
To begin, on the Invoice page, click the Refund button.
The Refund Payment window will appear; select the previous transaction from the Select a Part Transaction drop down list.
Enter the refund amount and the reason for the refund, then click the Refund button.
The Refund transaction has been completed, as shown in the Payment History section.
The client will receive a Refund Completed email with the amount refunded.
The amount refunded and the date when the refund was triggered can be found in the Client’s Portal’s Invoices page.
4.1 Sites
To access the site’s page, hover your mouse in Jobs in the central navigation bar and select Sites from the drop-down list.
The Sites page displays the location of workers and the current jobs they are working on.
To be able to trim down and search for a specific job, you may use the search function at the top of the page. It provides the following parameters you may use to specify your search:
- Businesses
- Job Number
- Clients
- Crew
- Date
Info icon allows you to view the Job Card Colour Legend.
The map provides functions to help you search better, please see the following:
- Live View: You may choose from the options All, Sites, Crew to cater to your needs.
- Suburb/Postcode: You may enter a specific value code to narrow down your search.
- Date: You may navigate to a certain date according to your needs.
There are two kinds of cards you may select; Job Cards and Crew Cards these cards show the following information: Schedule, Timesheet, Logs, Notes, Rating, and Crew Pass. You may also initiate a Call and Chat with the specific worker.
Included data in the cards are the following:
- Venue
- Meeting Place
- Total Crew
- Total Hours
- Position
There may be cases where a job is unassigned. To be able to assign a crew, please click on “Unassigned” and it will provide a list where you can select a crew to be assigned to the said task by selecting their name.
Cards also do have a feature to view a crew’s profile by clicking on their picture in between the check box and their name.
The window can provide information on the selected crew such as the Date of Birth, Age, On Call/ off Call status, Address, Email Address, Number, total Shifts, Acceptance Rate and Registered date. Activities and Abilities are also available. You may also leave a note and rate the crew’s performance. Additionally you can send Invite Contract and Invite Action.
please refer below for further explanations of the different types of cards and their function.
Crew Cards:
These show the specific crew in a site
Job Cards
These show the group of crew members in a particular site/location:
Card Functions:
- Timesheet: You may view and approve the selected worker’s timesheet and also an option to edit time. Data included in the window are Crew Name, Reported Time, Admin, and Records.
- Logs: You may view the selected worker’s log should there be instances of Auto-Scheduling
- Notes: You may leave notes for the crew in this window and options on who can see the notes.
- Rate: You may submit a rating for the crew by selecting a star from 1-5 and the system will automatically equate it with corresponding conditions, and there is also an option to leave a comment. Please refer to 9.1.2 Performance of Crew Calculation for the detailed computation of ratings.
- Crew Pass: Please refer to 4.1 Daily regarding the information and status of Crew Pass.
Page Footer
Located at the bottom part of the page is the Page Footer, with different options mainly Auto, Scheduler, Edit, Quick Edit, and an option to select all crew with Unconfirmed shifts or Unlocked shifts.
- Auto: You may be able to schedule and set the following
Schedule By
- Merge Shifts
- Rank
- Oncall
- Proximity
- Option to set a distance
Select Abilities
- Select Abilities
- Staff Every
- Minutes
- From Rank
- To Rank
Also, an option to check on the following SMS, Email, App, Enable Client Shift Confirmation, Open Scheduler Page, Return to the previous page.
It allows users to send offers via SMS, Email, and by CrewCard mobile application.
You may also select crew members based on the following:
- On-Call Status
- Ranking
- Proximity
- Abilities
Please refer to 4.11 Scheduler for more information
Provides you with a comprehensive view of the crew’s information and details regarding the specific job he/she working on and lets you set the following:
- Date
- Start and End
- Rate
- View/Edit Breaks
- TimeSheet
- Crew Name
- Activity
- Ability
- Access
- Task
- Venue, Room, and Meeting Place/ Address
- On-site Contact Name
- PO No or Name of Event
- Notes for Crew (Clients editable and Ops Section)
- Update Rates
- Update Breaks
- Business
Quick Edit:
Provides a summarized version of the Form in Edit which lets you set the following:
- Task
- Date
- Time On and Off
- Break Start and End
To check the jobsite please select the arrow on the Job Card.
Once on the Jobsite, you may now access more details and information regarding the job such as:
- Job No
- Dates
- Supervisor
- Notes
- Venue
- Address
- Meeting Place
- Room
Day Cards (Please refer to Card Functions for detailed information regarding the functions)
- Timesheet
- Message
- Call
- Chat
- Notes
- Rate
- Crew Pass
- Map — You may check the pinned locations of the Venue.
To add you may also do the following on the jobsite:
Inductions — For a more detailed guide and information please refer to 6.2.2 Inductions
Add Induction
- Induction Name (required)
- Induction URL
- Crew Required to upload file Yes/No (required)
- Client Association
- Venue Association
- Job Sheet Association
Reminder Email when assigned to job
- Email to Admin
- Email to Crew
- Notes
Add Induction
- Select — Select from the current inductions
- Remove — Remove currently assigned inductions
Actions — For a more detailed guide and information please refer to 9.4 Actions Forms
- Select — Select from the current Actions
- Remove — Remove currently assigned Actions
- Operations Notes (not visible to crew) — add special instructions/notes/information that regards the booking.
Instructions — For a more detailed guide and information please refer to 6.2.4 Instructions
Add Instruction
- Title
- Task Name
- Upload Instruction File
- Select — Select from the current instructions
- Remove — Remove currently assigned instructions
Add Instruction
4.2 Daily
The daily page displays all confirmed jobs by day, the page opens up to today’s date.
If you wish to view a past or future day, simply click the date you wish to view. If you cannot see it, use the left arrow to go into the past and the right arrow to move into the future. Another way to find a confirmed shift is by starting an advance search.
Search and filter job by entering one of the following fields at the top of the page: Job NO, Shift No, Client, Activity, Staff or Date. To start a new search, click reset.
Quick Add
In the same section as the advance search, you can also Quick Add. Click the Quick Add button:
The following pop-out window will appear:
Fill out the required details to be able to save.
NOTE: You can only use the Quick Add system if the information for the client & venue is already in the system.
Another key function that the Daily Page provides is access to the job sheet, in which you can edit any information in regards to the job. For the individual, shift-click the Edit icon. To see all the job sheets related to the client, click the blue arrow.
The Scheduler icon will take you to the scheduler page. View guide 4.3 Shift to learn about the scheduler.
The Quick Edit icon will pop-out Quick Edit window, the window will display limited edits that can be changed in relation to the shift.
Fill out any information you wish you edit about the shift, and click Save & Close.
To create a new Access Level in the Admin Portal, please refer to Easy Assign Crew Pass. Once the Access Level is created and assigned to a crew member, simply click the crew pass icon in the Daily Jobs page.
Green crew pass means induction is completed or no induction required while the Yellow crew pass means that the induction is required or not yet completed.
In an event that Induction is required or not yet completed, please refer to 6.2.2 Inductions
Once the card icon on the right of the screen has been clicked it will open the CrewPass and view the Access Level, Job details as well as any relevant qualifications or inductions that Crew Member will require for that Job. The Crew Pass will automatically display all qualifications of the Crew Member that are associated with the Activity of that shift.
4.3 Jobs
Click the Job tab to open up the Jobs page. This page has been discussed in the user guide 3.0 Home Page as it is the default home page.
If you wish to change your home page to Events or Calendar, this is where you will access the Jobs page.
4.4 Shift
Key: A / DM / M
The shifts page allows you to view, edit and process data regarding all staff shifts that are entered into the system. All information on this page has been collected when a job is booked.
Advanced Shift Search
As the shifts page displays all current shifts in the system, use the advanced search to find the shift and job sheet you are looking for.
To commence a search you can fill out one or more fields of the following information.
No |
Shift number to view a specific shift. |
Job Sheet |
Job sheet number to view the entire Job Sheet on Shifts Page |
Client |
When the field is clicked a drop-down list containing all your clients will appear, click the client’s name you wish to view |
Activity |
When the field is clicked, a drop-down list containing all your activities will appear, click the one activity. The activities that are listed can be altered through Admin Settings. |
Date From — Date To |
Click the field to open a calendar, select the dates you wish to view shits commencing in |
Time From — Time To |
Enter the time in 24 hours. For example, 11:00 am/ 23:00pm |
Project Code |
Project Code is only for rental point and only can be activate at General Settings #180 Enable Project Code |
Staff |
When the field is clicked a drop-down list containing all your staff will appear, click the staff’s name you wish to view |
Day of Week |
Tick box one or more day |
Options |
Use this field to select what form you would like to view your search in a new tab will open up. Graph: this will open up the graph guide 4.6 and display only the searched shifts. Calendar: this will open the shifts in the weekly guide 4.5 format Import shift from XML: contact for help to set this up |
Status |
Tick box to view unlocked or unconfirmed shifts |
Search |
Click to search |
Reset |
Click reset to clear all search fields |
TIP: Combine Job Sheet number with date or time to narrow down the search. Ideal for a massive job sheet.
On the top right corner of the page is an overview of the shifts and hours. See below:
The totals automatically change when a search is done.
Underneath the advanced shift search, warnings will appear in a yellow square.
Warnings: If there is an issue when booking a shift, a warning will appear at the top. See the following screenshot for example. Warnings can appear for a number of reasons such as double booking, SMS failure, crew ticket expiry, and if the crew has exceeded [x] amount of hours in a week (setup in Admin Settings > General Settings > #139 to #142). Click the dropdown list to expand the reason behind the warning, below is an example of how they will appear:
Note: CrewCard will not allow the crew members to mark themselves as unavailable for a shift that you have already booked them for.
Action Keys
Column |
Description |
Scheduler (S Column) |
This will open a new tab that will take you to the scheduler |
Quick Edit (Q Column) |
Quick edit, a pop-up window will open with limited editing options |
Edit (E Column) |
This will allow you to edit the whole shift in detail |
Shift Number (No. Column): This provides information regarding the Shift number, also it provides a code regarding how the shift was booked. Please refer to the below information as a Guide.
Message (Msg): Indicates the Status of outgoing SMS Messages. For more info regarding sending shifts to the crew, please see “MESSAGE Shifts” under “Shifts Page — Select an Action” and see “Message Logs Page” for more info regarding SMS Codes.
M: (Multi SMS) In the “Offer Shift Message” options for shifts can be sent to crew/s and the last 3 digits of Shift Numbers becomes the Acceptance (or Decline) Code for this shift.
L: (Linked Shifts SMS) In the “Offer Shift Message” options for multiple shifts of the same kind can be selected (linked) and sent to the crew.
- For example, 5x general crew shifts starting and finishing at the same time at the same venue sent to “x” amount of crew. CrewCard assigns the last 3 digits of the shift with the lowest shift number and shows L[xxx] on each shift.
SC: (Same Crew SMS) 2 or more shifts from different hours/dates/venues etc, have been sent together to the crew aiming to confirm the same person on all of them. All shifts must be selected and “Offer Shift Same Crew” must be clicked.
- For example, a 4hr shift on Monday, 3hr shift on Wednesday, and 5hr shift on Saturday can all be sent together in one SMS as a package offer. CrewCard assigns the last 3 digits of the shift with the lowest shift number and shows SC[xxx] on each selected shift.
S: (Single Shift Sent) When the Crew Member’s name is in blue, it indicates that the crew member has been selected manually, entered, and saved for a shift, but has not been confirmed. Once an “Offer Shift Message” is sent, it changes to green and an “S” appears in the “MESSAGE” column. The “S” will also appear in this column if the “Time Change” SMS has been sent to the crew. (For more info see “Time Change” under “Shifts Page” and “Select an Action”)
T: Highlighted “T” indicates Time Out for an “Offer Shift Message” has been sent and no incoming acceptance messages will be confirmed after this point. Time Out period can be determined in Global Settings.
?: This indicates that an offer multi has been sent to the assigned crew. You may select the ? icon to open up a window showing if SMS, Email, or App offers has been sent to the assigned crew. You may also cancel the Multi SMS by selecting the X icon
The font colour of the Crew Name may vary depending on the status of the job assigned to him/her. Please refer to the info below:
Green — If an offer/request has been sent to Crew but not yet confirmed.
Red — If the crew has received the offer but is denied or unavailable to add to the said shift.
Blue — If the offer received is confirmed by the crew.
You may also observe checks and codes below the name of the assigned crew. Please refer to the information below as a guide.
En Route (EN) -Crew has en routed
Check-In(CI) — Crew has checked in to the job
Check-Out(CO) — Crew has checked out
To view the Geofence Location of the crew, Click the Timesheet icon and refer to the information below.
Geofence In(GI) — When a crew has this it means he is inside the designated geofence of the job.
Geofence Out(GO) — Crew is no longer in the vicinity of the workplace
Click the pin icon and it will show you if the Crew is inside the designated geofence of the job or outside the vicinity of the job.
The SMS icon does appear on shifts that aren’t yet either confirmed or denied. It will appear on shifts where an offer has been sent but the crew has not responded.
Once the SMS Icon is clicked it will redirect to the Send Messages page where you may send a message to the crew either by SMS, Email, or App. Please Input your message and select Send Message.
Once the SMS Icon is clicked it will redirect to the Send Messages page where you may send a message to the crew either by SMS, Email, or App. Please Input your message and select Send Message.
Scheduler Settings and Message Logs
Select the scheduler logs below the message code to view the Scheduler Settings and Message Logs.
The window will provide information regarding Scheduler Settings, Offer Run Status, and Message Logs.
- You are given an option to Cancel Auto-Schedule and Cancel Multi SMS
- Cancel Auto-Schedule — These will apply to the shifts that are scheduled via the Auto feature. Please select the button to cancel.
- Cancel Multi-SMS — These will apply to shifts where there is an Offer Multi that was sent to the specific shift. Please select the button to cancel.
Additional Actions:
Images |
Description |
Time |
Select to open a window on Timesheet Approval |
Map |
Click to open the venues page, edit the Venue & Meeting Place for shift |
Note |
Notes for/from staff and operations |
Instruction |
Instruction can be assigned to a job Please refer to the colour code for the meaning of the Instruction icon. |
Action |
Select action as a job may require that crew members are properly inducted about the venue, or before a crew can start a job, they will need information about health and safety. Please refer to the colour code for the meaning of the Action icon. |
Document |
Any documents that have been uploaded are related to shifting. |
Crew Pass |
Select to be able to view the Crew Pass that can be used by the crew to know their access level on sites. The colour code will be activated depending on induction at the crew pass. Please refer to the colour code for the meaning of the Crew Pass icon. |
Colour Code:
Time: Select to open a window on Timesheet Approval. To approve, please select a row of timesheets or select all timesheets and Select the role/activity, then select Approve.
Map: Click to open the venues page, edit the Venue & Meeting Place for shift
Note: Notes for/from staff and operations
Instructions: These are documents that are needed for specific jobs, these are instructions that are needed to accomplish the tasks. (Development In Progress)
Actions: These are forms that are needed to be accomplished prior to starting a job. (Development In Progress)
Files: Any documents that have been uploaded related to shifting. These files are uploaded via the corresponding job sheet of the shift(please refer to 7.1 Job sheets for more details). Once clicked you are given an option to view the file or delete it.
Crew Pass: Select to be able to view the Crew Pass that can be used by the crew to know their access level on sites. This will also include Job Details, Activity/Role, Documents Uploaded, and Inductions(if required). For more information on Crew Pass, you may refer to 4.1 Daily.
Action Footer:
Tick box one or more shifts ? Click ‘Select an Action’ to present the following dropbox.
Confirm Shift: By selecting shift/s and clicking this option, you simply make Crew member/s confirmed for a shift without sending them a Confirmation Message. Their name will appear black on the Shifts Page with a C next to it (under the SMS field) which indicates they have confirmed.
Edit Shifts: Select the shift/s and then scroll down to the bottom of the Shifts Page, use the Select an Action drop-down box to select Edit Shifts to edit the selected shift/s details.
Update Rates: When editing details of each shift or swapping crew members, along the way whether manually or automatically (confirmation via SMS) some shifts’ rates may not follow the changes properly even after being saved and the shift rate may need to update. This option is to ensure shift rates are updated based on rate/crew to correct payslips.
Copy Shifts: The selected shifts will be copied
Repeat Shifts: The shift will repeat the exact same
Unconfirmed Shifts: If the shift has been confirmed but you wish to change it back to unconfirmed
Highlight Shift: Highlight the shift, this reminds you to make changes to it
Remove Shift: Highlighting: This removes the highlight from the shift.
Deleted Shifts: The selected shifts will be deleted
Auto Scheduler/scheduler: The Auto Scheduler will automatically send offers to qualified crew based on Rank, On Call, Proximity and Merge Shift. Scheduler: manually select the crew you wish to offer the shift to. Learn more about this in guide 4.7.
All of the following actions will open up a message page where you can edit the message and select if you would like to send the message by Email, App or SMS (SMS uses SMS credit). You can set default messages for each section through the general settings.
Offer Message: A message will be sent to the crew about the shift
Offer Same: A message will be sent to multiple crews to offer the same shift
Offer Multi: Multiple shifts and one message will be sent to the same crew
Confirm Message: This will send a confirmation message to the crew who is booked for the shift
Confirm Multi: Confirm multiple shifts for the same crew (can do in one message)
Send Message: Allows you to send messages and bulk messages via SMS or App.
How to Send Message
Seamlessly connect with your crew members by using the Send Message. This feature allows you to send messages and bulk messages via SMS or App.
In the Shift page, Select a shift and click Select an action, Click Send Message.
Send Message page, allows you to select the Msg template additionally the crew assigned in the selected shift is automatically added to the list of crew who will receive the Msg Template. Users can tick SMS and App from where the crew will receive the message.
Once the Message template has been selected the message will automatically populate in the message field. Click the Send SMS button to send the message.
Users can also send messages by going to the Shift Edit page. In the shift page, click the edit icon.
This will open a new window for the Shift Edit page, Select or tick the checkbox for the shift.
Click the Option button and select Send Message.
Select the Message template and it will automatically populate in the message field. Click the Send SMS button to send the message.
Time Change: Update the times on the job
Cancel/Delete: Delete/cancel shift and a message will be sent to the crew member to notify them
Export Run sheets: Exports a detailed Run Sheet for selected shifts into PDF format. Useful for viewing staff’s start/finish times, venue and other details.
Export Excel: This feature enables you to export the selected shifts from the Shifts Page to an Excel spreadsheet. Once the scheduling has been done this feature makes it easy for importing the roster into other packages. You can save an Excel sheet into CSV files or tab_delimiter files.
Export Excel Sign off: The system will create a sign off sheet and download it into an Excel file
Export Summary: Export into Excel that displays a breakdown of the selected shifts which shows the following breakdown:
Date | Business | Activity | Job Sheet Number | Total hours | Total Paid $ | Total Bonus $ | Total Charge $ | Profit | Margin |
Site sheet PDF Download: The job sheet will download into a PDF
Site Sheet PDF Email: The software will create a PDF off the job sheet and send it to the allocated email
Export Staff Emails: The emails from staff on shifts will download all together into an Excel
Export ABA File: A software to pay contractors, contact
Lock Type |
Description |
Lock Shifts |
When a shift is locked, no one is able to make changes to the details of the shift |
Admin Lock Shifts |
This is different from the normal lock as only the admin can unlock the job |
Payroll Lock Shifts |
In the Shift page a lock icon will be visible once payroll lock has been triggered while a lock with letter “P” will be visible in the shift edit page. Additionally, if Payroll locked is selected you can select or choose which week Pay Period you want the shift/s to be added to. |
Unlock Shifts |
Unlock a shift so the shift can be edited |
If you need further assistance, please email
4.5 Calendar
The calendar displays all jobs for the week in one glance. You can set this page to be the home page, however you can also access the calendar page through the Jobs tab. You can edit the display information and starting day of the week through General Settings. This is explained in guide 10.2.
Colour Codes for Calendar:
Colour |
Description |
Red |
No Shifts have been confirmed. |
Blue |
Some or All Shifts confirmed. |
Green |
Some shifts are locked but there are still unlocked shifts in the job. |
Grey |
All shifts have been locked. |
On the top right-hand side, you can click each button to view your jobs by month, week, 3 days or day.
Note: Hover mouse over the job to view more information
3 Days:
To make changes to a job or view more details you have to expand the job. There are two ways you can do this; click ‘expand all’ at the top of the calendar, or click the arrow on each job to drop down the details.
Scheduler: If there are no confirmed staff for your shift, use the Scheduler (guide 4.11) function to send job offers to the available crew.
Quick Edit: Show limited editing options for the shift.
Edit: This will take you to the job sheet pages which will enable you to make changes to the shift for the job.
Click on options to expand more buttons:
Shifts: Tick box on or more crew and press the shift button. This will open up the shifts page so you can edit a shift
Jobs: Tick box on or more crew and press jobs button. This will open up the job sheet just for the selected crew.
Day Sheet: After a job has been completed, the Day Sheet button will appear. This will direct you to the Day Sheet page. The Day Sheet allows you to enter times directly into the system and to report the performance of a crew (applicable for Team Leaders, Client and Duty Managers). To access the Day Sheet, go to the calendar and find the job that you want to view the Day Sheet. Click Options then select the Day Sheet.
Job Details: Click the box to open up information about the job number, date, venue, meeting place and the activities of the job
Supervisor Details: If there is a supervisor assigned to the job, it will be displayed here. This is not available in the Day Sheet of the crew
Signature: Affix your signature and submit it
Venue: Click the venue icon to quick edit the venue for the job.
A pop-out window will open. In this window, you can edit the details of the Venue by clicking the pencil icon. It will redirect you to the venue’s page where you can edit the details of the Venue. Additionally, you can set the Meeting Place by selecting from the dropdown menu. Expand the map of the Meeting Place by clicking the plus icon.
Crew Profile: To open up the crew profile, click the name of the crew. This will redirect you to the crew profile.
Crew Rating: Once the job is completed, you can expand to see all the crews that were on the job. Click on the star icon to provide feedback and a rating.
4.4.1 Day Sheet
The Day Sheet allows you to enter times directly into the system and to report the performance of a crew (applicable for Team Leaders, Client and Duty Managers). To access the Day Sheet, go to the calendar and find the job that you want to view the Day Sheet. Click Options then select the Day Sheet.
You will be redirected to the Day Sheet where you can save crew times and feedback as you go. This is what the Day Sheet will look like for Admin, Duty Managers, Team Leader and Supervisors.
This section will display the details of the job which includes the job number, date of the job, venue of the job and its meeting place and the activities. You can click on the house icon where the details of the Venue can be edited (applicable for Admin and Duty managers only). You can also click on the direction arrow of the Meeting Place where it will open in a new tab and will display the Meeting Place on a map and the directions on how to go to the meeting place.
If there is a Supervisor assigned to the job, it will be displayed here. Otherwise the fields will be blank and information will need to be entered before submitting the Day Sheet.
When the Induction Button is clicked, a new window tab will open for Induction. Depending on your login credentials, the Induction can be for Client Induction, Team Leader Induction or General Activity. The Induction Button is not available on the Day Sheet of the crew. Further, the Induction function is for Team Leaders and Supervisors only. Though the button will appear for Clients and Admin, the function will not work for them.
You will be redirected to the Induction page where you should completely fill out the Induction Form. This is how the Induction Team Leader will look like. The contents of the induction will depend on the settings of your system.
Job Details
Click on the Job Details to open its content and select the job from the dropdown list.
Tool Box Talk
Click on the Tool Box Talk to open its content and select the job from the dropdown list.
Policies and Procedures
Click on Policies and Procedures to open its contents. It will list down all available policies and procedures. You can click on the policies and procedures to view its entire content.
Once you are done with the Induction, you can now affix your signature and submit it.
When the Venue Inspection Button is clicked, a new window tab will open for Venue Inspection. The venue inspection function is for Team Leader and Supervisors only. Though the button will appear for Clients and Admin, the function will not work for them.
Select the job from the dropdown menu where the venue inspection will take place. Then follow all necessary inspection steps as outlined in the window. When you selected a job from the dropdown menu, it will display the venue and the client for that job.
NOTE: The content of these sections will vary and will depend on the settings configured in the Safety Forms.
Take 5 — Before You Start
This section will provide users with some tips on how to effectively inspect a venue. Follow these guidelines to ensure your venue inspection is effective.
Open All — when you click on this button all accordions will be opened.
Close All — accordions will be minimized.
Photo — can take a photo or Upload image of the venue
Venue Information
Based on your observation and inspection, you can now fill out the information needed in the Venue Information. Provide info for Staff Entry Location, Security Location, First Aid Location, Emergency Meeting Point, Restroom Points and Other info.
Staff Entry Location — this is the entrance dedicated for the crew members
Security Location — the location of the security personnel
First Aid Location — the location where first aid is kept
Emergency Meeting Point — this is the assembly meeting point if there’s an emergency
Restroom Locations — the location of the restrooms
Other Info — other relevant and important information about the venue
Work Areas Inspected
Tick the box of all the areas you’ve inspected. If you inspected other areas, you can enter it on the info box provided at the bottom of this section. You can also enter your notes in this field.
Existing Safety Measures
Tick the boxes of the applicable safety measures in effect in the venue.
Signature Block
If you have previously signed a form, your signature will appear here. You can always click Clear if you want to re-affix your signature. You can now click Submit once you have completed all the sections under the Venue Inspection Form.
After you submit the form, a pop-up will appear asking if there are any safety issues you want to report. Click No if there are no safety issues and click yes if there are safety issues you want to report.
The next section in the Day Sheet page is the photo. You can attach a picture in the day sheet by clicking the photo button. If you are using a mobile phone to access a day sheet, it prompts you to use your camera or to browse for photos. If you are using a web browser, when you click on the photo button, it will ask you to search the photo in your files so you can attach it in the day sheet.
The timesheet can be accessed within the Day Sheet by clicking the link provided for the timesheet. When clicked, the timesheet information will pop-up.
It displays the time entered by Crew, Supervisor, Client, Team Leader and Admin.
The star icon is for crew rating. When you click on this icon, you will be able to send ratings and feedback for the crew. Go to 4.4 Calendar >> Crew Rating for more details.
There are numerous indicators on the Day Sheet that signify something. For example, the green text and time on the Day Sheet with code “CM” on the below screenshot signify that crew has entered his/her check in and check out time.
These are the codes to indicate the user who entered the time on the Day Sheet.
Admin — Admin
Duty Manager — DM
Manager — M
Client — CL
Supervisor — S
Team Leader — TL
Crew — CM
The green handshake icon signifies that crew has fully understood the content of the Induction, Toolbox Talk, SWMS and that crew member will abide by all policies and has confirmed all details in the Day Sheet are correct.
The footer buttons are the buttons used for entering and submitting time.
Check In Button — to enter the start time of the crew
Check Out Button — to enter the end time of the crew or to mark the crew as absent
Breaks — to enter the break time of the crew
Submit — to submit the time
To enter the check in time for the crew, select the crew by ticking the box of their names, then click the check-in button. A window will pop-up to select time for check in. Select time from the dropdown menu and click ok.
The page will refresh and the check-in time will be reflected with a green text followed by the code of the person who entered the time.
Follow the same steps when entering check out time. Select the crew by ticking the box of their names, then click the check-out button.
A window will pop-up to select time for check out or you can mark the crew member as Absent.
The page will refresh and the check-out time will be reflected with a green text followed by the code of the person who entered the time.
Follow the same steps when entering the break time. Tick the box of the crew then click the Breaks button.
Click the plus icon to add break time. Then click the down arrow to select break start and break end. After that click the Save button to add the break time.
Affix your signature in the box and click the submit button if you are ready to submit the Day Sheet.
A pop-up window will appear to confirm submission of the Day Sheet. Click YES if you are ready to submit the day sheet, otherwise click CANCEL.
Once a Day Sheet has been submitted successfully, this pop-up window will appear.
The check in and check out times will now have a lock icon beside them.
4.6 Weekly
When clicked, a different form of calendar will open in a new tab. It will show you the current week. Use the ‘Previous Week’ & ‘Next Week’ buttons to scroll through the different weeks.
4.7 Graphs
When clicked, you will be redirected to a new page where a graph will be displaying crew and jobs.
Data Display
Group By:
Job: Crew are grouped by the name of the job
Crew: All crew who have a shift will show
Filter by Business: Only see jobs based on business
Job No: Number allocated to the job
Crew Group: Only members in that group will show
Date From/To: Jobs between the entered dates will show. The Graph page will load 1 week by default.
Scroll: Use arrows to scroll through job days
Graph Layout
Height: Use the arrows to adjust the height of the graph. The height of the graph will reflect how many rows of jobs will show.
Zoom: Use the ‘-‘/’+’ buttons to zoom in and out of the graph. This will narrow down or expand the visible days.
Important Shifts from XML, please contact
Shift can be transferred from one crew to another by dragging the shifts to another crew or dragging it to the same crew at different times in the Graphs page.
Drag the shift to another crew member.
A window will pop up for the Confirmation changes. You can check the previous and updated shift details. Once you have confirmed that the details are correct, click the Save button.
A pop up will notify you that Shift updated successfully.
The shift was transferred to another crew member.
4.8 Events
The Events page displays a list of current events by date and day. This page can be set as the default home page.
Bookings or job sheets here are known as “Events” and all bookings are displayed by the event on the main Events Page rather than by each shift (staff) on the Shifts Page. Creating job sheets (events) on this page also gives you quick access to two additional components: “Equipment” and “Consumables”, which can be added or edited on the go. Using the Events Page would be most efficient if each event is entered by your office staff (as opposed to Clients making bookings online every day) and your invoices include a combination of an hourly rate for staff, consumable items, and equipment hire. There are three pages within this page: Events, Booking and Quote.
The events are colour coded by day, the columns are categorized by key:
Business: The name of the business/location that the job is booked for
From/Until: Click the field to display a calendar and select the time frame in which you would like to view the events
Notes: Anything that’s entered in the “Booking Notes” text box, in either Booking or Quote tab, appears here.
Using the search bar, events can be narrowed down by client, date or job number, or a combination of multiple search filters which can be used by entering the data and clicking the “Search” button. Click the “Reset” button to reset the advanced search bar entries and bring the events to view back to today.
Creating New Event:
Click “New Event” or “Booking” which will open a small window.
Fill out the fields and click create.
This will create a new booking/event. This will then take you to the quoting page.
‘Job No.’ is automatically assigned by CrewCard. This can be edited with numbers or text.
Booking Notes: Any notes related to this event can be entered here.
Staff Required: All staff requirements can be viewed and edited on this part of the page. More staff can be added by clicking “Add Staff”.
Equipment: Click “Add Equipment” then enter the quantity, which will multiply the amount that’s entered under “Charge”.
Consumables: Add a description of the charge, date (optional), quantity, and the charge, which will be multiplied by the quantity.
Make sure to click “Save Information” after making any changes.
Invoices can be connected to MYOB, please contact for more information. Costs apply.
To edit, double click the event to open.
To perform an advanced search, use the client bar, date or job number, which narrows down the jobs displayed. Click reset to return to view all.
When the event has been created, double click the event to be taken to the booking page. Here, you can allocate staff, select a venue, write notes for staff and update their rates.
Shifts: Number of shifts
Booked: Confirmed count
Required: Required number
Whenever an Activity or Category is edited or remapped, updating rates in the Job Sheet, Shift Edit Page or Events Bookings Page is recommended.
Assigning or editing a supervisor may also be possible by selecting the On-site Contact Name.
A window would show up where you may input the supervisor’s name, an option to send an Email and SMS invite can also be done. To save the changes please select Send App Invite.
Tick box one or more shifts. Use the footer options to perform the following actions:
Offer Message: A message will be sent to the crew about the shift
Offer Same: If you have more than one shift with different details and you put those shifts in one offer, that is Offer Same
Offer Multi: Multiple shifts will be sent to the same crew
Confirm Shift: If you know the crew has already confirmed the shift, this will not send a message to them but will confirm that they will be doing the shift
Confirm Message: This will send a confirmation message to the crew who is booked for the shift
Confirm Multi: Confirm multiple shifts the same crew can do
Lock: When a shift is locked, no one is able to make changes to the shifts details
Admin Lock: This is different from the normal lock as only the admin can unlock the job
Payroll Lock: In the Events page>> Booking Tab a lock icon with letter “P” will be visible once payroll lock has been triggered. Additionally, if Payroll locked is selected you can select or choose which week Pay Period you want the shift/s to be added to.
Unlock: Unlock a shift so the shift can be edited
Export selected Shift (s): The selected shifts will export into an excel sheet
Copy Shift (s): The selected shifts will be copied
Deleted Shift (s): The selected shifts will be deleted
Message Cancel & Delete Shift (s): Delete/cancel shift and a message will be sent to the crew member to notify them
Message Notify Staff of Change: The change in the selected shift will be sent to the crew
Make Unavailable: The shift won’t be available
Admin Lock Shift(s): This is different from the normal lock as only the admin can unlock the shift
Highlight Shift(s): Highlight the shift. This reminds you to make changes to it
Remove Shift(s) Highlighting: This removes the highlight from the shift
4.9 Map
“Location Maps” displays the location of staff and the shifts at any given time.
You can also search Crew and Venue to pinpoint the location on the map. Type in the first few letters of a crew name, venue or any meeting point and select from the drop-down list.
Colour Tags:
Green: Where crew live
Red: Staff working at venue
When you click the tags, more information about the Staff and Shifts will display in a pop-up. You can search by date and time to see the Staff and shift.
TIP: Same as the Google Map website, Location Map can be zoomed in and out using the mouse wheel or click + drag to navigate.
4.10 Statistics
The statistics page allows you to view and compare two time periods at once. Enter and select the information you would like to compare for the two different graphs.
4.11 Deleted Shifts
Key: A / DM / M
This page displays all deleted shifts.
Restore: Jobs ? Deleted ? Restore Shift ? OK
Note: Delete shift reason is required by default, Settings is required to manually change to have delete shift, reason hidden.
4.12 Scheduler
The scheduler is another way of sending job offers to staff but with added features and functionality. Scheduler allows users to send offers via SMS, Email and by CrewCard mobile application.
Scheduler also allows you to select crew members based on their On-Call Status, Ranking, Proximity to the Job Location and Abilities. You can access Scheduler through the Calendar, Job Sheet and Shift.
Job Sheet:
Two Types of Scheduler
Manual — You have to select the crew from the available list and send the offers to them manually. You can also confirm staff to shifts or pencil them in.
Auto— Sending of job offers is done automatically. Simply enter the number of staff that will be sent offers based on the time you prescribed in the minutes field. You can also specify the ranks of the staff.
Manual Scheduler
To open the manual scheduler click scheduler through the calendar or open it through the job sheet by selecting the shift and click scheduler.
The following page will open. The warning sign appears on the top of this page — Only a maximum of 50 crew should be sent out each time, or else this will overload Scheduler, and the page will be very laggy and slow.
The distance (in KM) here next to the crew name, eg: Scarlet Witch 36.2km, describes the POINT TO POINT distance of the crew to the job site, not the DRIVING distance.
A list of crew will appear bellow the shift, click Rank, On Call or Proximity to list the staff in order.
Rank — The list of available crew members will be listed according to their rank.
On Call — Staff who activated their on call status from the Crew Access portal will be on top of the list
Proximity — When this is selected, the crew are listed according to their proximity from their home address to the job location.
Merge Shifts — You can combine shifts into one using the Merge Shifts button. This means a crew member will only receive one SMS, one Email or one App notification when job offers or job confirmation are sent. Select the shifts that you want to merge and click Go.
NOTE: The difference between the Multi Shift Offer and Merged Shift (Method 3) is that the crew will only receive one offer message the number of shifts. If there are 10 shifts, there will only be 1 SMS, 1 Email and 1 App Notification for the message offer. If you use Multi Shift Offer to send the offer, the crew will receive 10 separate SMS, 10 separate Email and 10 separate App notification for the job offer.
Send Message:
Tick box one or more ways to send the offer to the crew
Tick box the staff you wish to send a message to and use the footer to perform sending the message.
Each shift has three functional buttons that you can use — Pencil, Offer and Confirm
Pencil — When you pencil in staff to a shift, you are just planning to assign that specific crew to that particular shift. Pencil does not mean confirmation. No message is sent to the crew when they are penciled in to a shift.
Offer — Shift is being offer to the crew. Shift offers are sent via SMS, Email or App.
Confirm — Crew is confirmed to a shift and a confirmation message is sent to the crew. Also when the crew is ticked box and you click confirm it will confirm their shift.
Confirm Message: This will send a confirmation message to the crew who is booked for the shift
Cancel: This will delete the shift
NOTE: When the crew accepted an offer, he/she will be automatically confirmed to the shift.
When offering a shift depending on what way is ticked a message box will appear. A default message will appear that is set in settings please see guide 10.2 General Setting.
4.13 Auto Scheduler
The Auto Scheduler will automatically send offers to the qualified crew. Similar to the Manual Scheduler, you can also use Rank, On Call, Proximity and Merge Shift. Tick box the shift/ shifts on the job sheet, then click auto-scheduler:
When clicked the Auto Scheduler will open. Fill out the fields to commence sending out job offers.
Click one of the following which will be the base of offering the jobs to.
Rank — the offers will be sent according to their rank.
On Call — job offers are sent to crews who are on call
Proximity — job offers are first sent to crew who are nearer to the job location
Merge Shifts — shifts are merged and offers are sent using Rank
Select Abilities: Only crew members with the Ability will receive the offer
Staff Every: The values entered here will determine the volume of offers sent to the crew and how long between the job offers will be sent out
From Rank to Rank: Enter the rank number you wish crew with that ranking will only be offered
Finally, click how you wish to send out the offers, once clicked press go and the shift will be sent out.
Note: You can select the Open Schedule page and a new window will open to display the Scheduler page. Offers will be sent to the crew as indicated by the logs. In Auto Scheduler, offers are sent to qualified crews and if they accepted the offer they will be confirmed instantly except for Auto Scheduler — Merge Shift.
For Auto Scheduler — Merge Shift, if 3 crew members accepted a shift, there will be an interval before someone gets confirmed. The system will select the best crew member among the three who accepted the offer then auto-confirmation is sent to the crew.
4.14 Quick Edit
Quick Edit can be found in Scheduler Page, Shifts Page and Calendar Page. it will allow you to edit shift(s) such as the activity, date, time and break schedule.
Scheduler Page
Shift Page
Calendar Page
5.0 Contacts
Contacts gives you access to view/edit your staff, clients and job details.
The Recruit Cards is highlighted in the above images as this is a setting that needs to be switched on, please see guide 10.4 Recruitment Settings.
5.1 Staff
5.1.1 Crew (Staff) List
Key: A / DM / M
Click this page to display a list of all crew in your system. You are able to advance search, block, disable, edit existing crew and add new staff through this page.
Advance search crew by Name, Postcode and Mobile no.
Employee ID: Click the text box and enter a customised employee key for each crew member.
Rank: The CrewCard staff rostering system allows you to rank your crew numerically for the purposes of prioritising them in order of preference. Simply open the Crew Page (Admin/Manager Login), and put a number in the text box to the left of each Crew Member’s line. It is possible to assign the same ranking to multiple staff. The MultiSMS system will use the ranking when sending SMS. If rankings are not saved (which means 0), the MultiSMS sequence will display crew in alphabetical order. The administration account can lock the ranking so it cannot be changed. No one can see this lock.
Business: Determines which “Business” this Crew works under. All shifts are entered under one “Business” and crew names DO NOT appear if they are not saved under that “Business”. Please note that any crew can be saved under multiple businesses.
MESSAGE: Click the message next to a crew member’s name.
This will open the SMS message page where you can send a message to one or to multiple crew members.
Add Existing Staff
To add an existing Crew in CrewCard, Simply hover your mouse to contacts and select Add Crew under Crew Column. Add Crew will allow you to add existing crew in your company while adding a new crew through recruitment process, please refer to 5.4 Recruitment .
Enter the details of the crew and you may click Save & Exit or Save & Open Profile.
Add New Staff
If you wish to add staff that are not in the system or have not signed up, click the add staff button.
The following window will open:
Enter the crew details and use the arrow buttons to select their activities. These activities that are available in the list are from the activities uploaded through the settings.
After entering the information you are given the option to save and exit or open the crew profile to finish uploading their information. Please see guide 9.1 Crew Profile for more information.
Disable Staff
Disabling staff is a setting that allows you to temporarily disable crew from being able to be booked for jobs.
Tick box the crew or crews you wish to disable, then click the Bulk Disable Staff.
A pop-out box will open up, enter a reason for disabling the crew member and click submit.
Before disabling the crew a pop-out will appear making sure you want to proceed. If yes click okay.
You can now find the crew member on the disabled staff list. If you wish to enable crew members back into the crew, click the red icon next to the crew.
Enter a reason why you wish to enable the staff back into the system.
The crew will be back in the system and be available for bookings.
If you wish to permanently delete crew from the system you can do it on this page.
On the disabled crew page, you can view all deleted staff. Click the deleted staff button.
This will take you to a list of all deleted crew, where you can view or edit their profile.
The Deleted Crew Page contains deleted crew member details which enable Admin to access for editing/viewing. The purpose of the Deleted Crew Page is to change deleted crew details for a crew to be rehired in the system. The CrewCard system does not allow a crew to be added with the same mobile number even when a crew member has been deleted.
To add deleted crew as New Crew, please go to Deleted Crew Page then change crew’s mobile number and Save. Once the mobile number is changed, Admin is able to add the person as a new crew again.
Export Emails:
Through the staff list page, you can export all crew names and emails from the system. Click the export email button.
This will download the list of crew names and emails into excel.
5.1.2 Crew (Staff) Group
Key: A / DM / M
Allows you to create different groups for different types of clients and staff. When booking a shift, crew names who are selected in this group will appear in blue, if the staff is associated with the client they will appear green, meaning they are preferred. Crew names that are not associated with this client will appear in black as this is the default colour. Also, Crew who have made themselves unavailable will appear in red. For more info, see “Unavailability”.
For Example: A labor-hire company may have staff for two different sets of Clients. One set of Clients maybe very corporate and another set of Clients may not be. It may be that certain types of Crew Members would not be suitable for these Clients. On the Crew groups Page, you would be able to create two groups, Corporate and Non-Corporate and assign the correct Crew Members and Clients to these groups.
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Add New Group”. Once the page is refreshed, the new default group will appear.
Enter the name and and sort no. of the group, use the arrow keys to group the crew and client together. Click save at the bottom of the page.
Deleting or Undeleting a Group
- Tick the box “Tick to delete this group”
- Press “Save Changes”
- To recall deleted records, press “Show Deleted”. Crew groups can then be undeleted.
The buttons “Order by Name” and “Order by Rank” sorts all crew in all lists on this page either alphabetically or by their rank.
5.1.3 Search Crew (Staff)
Key: A / DM / M
In this window, you can search all the Crew Members in your system by business, date, time, four activities, status and three abilities. So, if you need a certain crew with a certain skill (activity) for a certain time slot, you can enter the time and date you require the person and then select up to four different Activities.Additional info is based on what is set in general settings for the crew profile.
5.1.4 Crew Abilities
Crew Abilities are specific abilities that a crew can perform. One example is a crew that speaks a language fluently, this will be added to the list and applied to that particular crew in their profile. With the use of crew abilities, you can further filter your crews when clients request a specific group of people with specific abilities. For example, when a client needs a crew with bartending skills but also knows how to speak French.
Click Add Ability and enter the Ability Name and Ability Description.
Ability Name: Name the ability
Ability Description: Description of the ability
Click save and this will then be added to the ability list in the system.
At any time you can return to the list, edit and delete abilities using the action keys. Click the pencil to edit the ability or click the bin to delete the ability from the system.
When edit icon is clicked, we can edit the ability and and assign a Qualifications by selecting a qualification in the drop down and assign one qualification to the Ability. It is only possible to add one Qualification per Ability
5.1.5 Incompatibility
On this page, you can make certain Crew Members incompatible with certain Clients. This will remove their names from the list of available crew when issuing shifts out for a particular client.
Enter client name then crew name, add a reason, (optional) then click “Add Incompatibility”.
Press the drop-down box to display the clients in the system. Select the client. Press the drop-down box to display the Crew/Staff in the system. Select the Crew/Staff. Type a reason if needed then press add.
5.1.6 Unavailability
Key: A / DM / M
The Unavailability Page in Admin/Manager Login allows you to enter Unavailability for Crew Members for certain time slots, so that they appear with a hash symbol (#) next to their name in the Crew List for jobs that are due to occur in that time slot.
If a Crew Member is booked for a shift in a time period that conflicts with their Unavailability, then a warning will display on the Shifts Page.If a Crew Member becomes unavailable for a shift that’s been confirmed, it is possible to take the crew’s name off the shift and make it unavailable in one go by pressing the “Make Unavailable” button in the Shifts Edit Page or Job Sheet Page, which will automatically enter that Crew Member’s Unavailability in the Unavailability Page. The entry in the “Unavailabilities Page” will say “Made unavailable by admin — time/date of entry”.
When Admin has selected to allow the crew to enter their unavailability in Crew Area, Crew Members can enter their own Unavailability in Crew Login, and Crew must not be booked on any shifts within that time period to be able to enter unavailability.
Unavailability Search: Enter crew name and/or date to make a search for unavailabilities. Any unavailability can be edited or deleted in this page by clicking on the “edit” or “delete” icons next to each entry.
Add Unavailability: Select crew name, then start date/time and finish date/time, optional if it is repeated.
Crew Unavailability Reason is required
Request Status is to be selected as Approved/Pending/Denied. Once done click “Submit Unavailability”.
Note: If Request Status left blank the entered unavailability will not be active.
Admin will confirm Crew Unavailability: This option in AM allows whether unavailabilities must be approved by admin or not.
If “No”, crew can simply go on to their crew pages and enter the unavailability in the system.
If “Yes”, then each unavailability “request” must be viewed and approved by admin by selecting “approved” in the “Request Status” in the Unavailability Page and saved.
If any feedback needs to be sent to crew regarding their request, it can be entered in the “Admin Status Feedback” ? “Submit” ? “Email Feedback to Crew” is selected “Yes”.
Please see the General Setting guide 10.2 to alter the unavailability system in CrewCard.
5.2 Clients
Key A / DM / M
All the work being conducted is on behalf of CA Client. In Ops Home, a Client must be selected in order to create a job sheet. For Labour Hire companies, the clients of the company can be listed here or some businesses may prefer to enter their account managers or supervisors as clients.
Client records can be searched by entering the first few letters of the name then selecting from the list that appears. Once selected click “Search” to bring up the records. Search by “Postcode” can also be performed on this page.
Adding Existing Client
To add an existing Client in Crewcard, Simply hover your mouse to contacts and select Add Client under Clients Column. Add Client will allow you to add your existing clients.
Enter the Client details and Click Save & Exit or Save & Open profile.
Adding a new client
Press ‘Add Client’
Enter the client’s details and create their login. We suggest using the client’s number if they have not requested a certain password. They can change their password through their own account.
Click Save & Exit to return to the client list or click Save & Open Profile which will redirect you to the Client Profile. See guide 9.2.
5.2.1 Client Groups
You can create client groups and allocate certain activities to them. Use the arrows to shift clients and activities to the right box to activate.
Scroll at the end of the page and click add new group.
Name the group, use the arrows to move the clients and activities to group them.
The group will save into the system. If you wish to delete a group, use the tick box under the name which will delete the group from the system.
5.2.2 Supervisors
Key: A / DM / M
The Supervisor is the person that crew will report to and contact onsite. They are added once the name and mobile number are stored in the system for future reference. They are also listed in the Client Access.
App Access: Tick box to allow supervisor to have app access
Message: Message client
Edit: Edit the supervisor
Delete: Quick delete supervisor contact card
The Supervisor is the person that staff will report to from the client company. When a Supervisor is entered, the name and mobile number are stored in the system for future reference in the Supervisor Page and in the individual Client entries.
They are also listed in the Client Access.
If Dual Text Activity is selected in the Activities/Rates page when adding or editing an Activity, then both the Crew Member AND the Onsite Contact will receive reminder SMS messages (if they have been activated). Deleted on-site contacts cannot be restored.
Click add supervisor button.
A pop out window will open fill out the fields.
- Client: Select the client from the dropdown menu list.
- First Name: Enter the first name of the Supervisor in this field
- Last Name: Enter the last name of the Supervisor in this field
- Contact Phone: Enter the contact number of the Supervisor in this field
- Extension No.: If the Supervisor has an extension number, enter in this field
- E-mail: Provide the email address of the Supervisor in this field.
- Password: Nominate a password for the access of the new Supervisor in this field.
- Supervisor App Access: Tick the box if you want the new Supervisor to have access to the Supervisor App.
- SMS and Email Invite: Tick the checkbox for SMS and Email Invite.
- Click Save after you have entered all the information for the new Supervisor.
- A confirmation message will appear after you have added the new Supervisor
The following actions can be performed on this page:
App Access: Tick box to allow the supervisor to have access to the app
Message: Click to be redirected to the message page where you can send a message to the supervisor or bulk message
Edit: This will open a pop-out window that will allow you to edit the supervisor’s information.
Cross: Click to delete the supervisor from the system, the supervisor will then have a line through like the image below
How to send SMS and Email Invite to Supervisor
In the Supervisor page, Click + Add Supervisor
Fill out the Add Supervisor form
Once the form has been filled out, Click the Save button and a pop up will appear that “ Supervisor has been added Successfully”.
The newly created Supervisor will be added in the Supervisor list
This is a sample email that the Supervisor will receive.
Furthermore, Supervisors can also be assigned through the Events page > Booking Tab and Job Sheets. you may refer to 4.7 Events and 7.1 Job Sheets for more details.
5.2.3 How to activate client to have the Add Job function on their portal
Go to Contacts in the Central Navigation Bar and select clients
Select a Client and click edit icon
In Clients Page, click Accounts in the side menu
Click + Add Clients Booking Email
Fill out the Add Accounts Details
Contact Type: Select the Contact type
Types of Contact:
- Accounts: Enter the email of the person responsible for the accounts in your company.
- Billing Person: person who is responsible for collecting and sending invoice
- Admin CC: Company Admin email address
Position: Enter the Position
First Name: Enter First Name
Last Name: Enter Last Name
Email Address: Enter the Email Address
Phone Number: Enter the Phone Number
Tick the checkbox if “Include this person in the Invoice Loop”
Once it’s completed, Click Save
Next is to Select Associated in the side menu of Client’s Page
Select Booking Persons and Click Add Booking
Fill out the Add Booking Person
First Name: Enter First Name
Last Name: Enter Last Name
Email: Enter Email Address
Phone: Enter Phone Number
Position: Enter the Position. This field is optional
Once it’s completed, Click Save
5.2.4 Invite Email Client Card Details
Go to Client’s profile and Select Accounts
Please click the “Invite Email” button. Registered email address of the client will receive the Invite Email.
Client will receive a Client Add Payment Details Email. Advise the client to click the “Click Here” button.
Clients must enter the credit card details in the given fields and Click Submit button.
Once submitted, It will prompt the “Billing Details Added Successfully”.
Admin can check if the billing details have been added, by going to the Client’s profile and selecting Accounts. Under the billing details section, the credit card details of the client will be added.
5.2.5 Invite Email Client Add Payment Billing Details
To begin with, you need to go to the Clients page, simply hover your mouse to Contacts and select Clients under the Clients column.
In the client page, select the client you wish to invite to add their bank account details and click the edit icon that will direct you to the Client’s profile. Select accounts and you will be directed to the Client’s Accounts page.
Go to the billing details section and click the Invite Email button.
Billing Invite Email window will pop up, Click the OK button to send the invite to the client’s registered email address. The Copy Link button will be activated after the admin sends the email invite and they can also send the link to the client right away.
Client will receive a Client Add Payment Details Email. Advise the client to click the “Click Here” button.
Clients must Select Bank Account Direct Debit tab and enter the Bank account details in the field required and Click Submit button.
Once submitted, It will prompt the “Billing Details Added Successfully”.
Admin can check if the billing details have been added, by going to the Client’s profile and selecting Accounts. Under the billing details section, the bank account direct debit details of the client will be added.
5.3 Others
5.3.1 Venues
Key: A / DM / M
A venue is the location that the shift is to take place in. Anytime a venue is entered into the database, it is stored for future reference and can be found in the Venues Page.
Staff can view their Shift Meeting Places on a Google Map on their Crew Login Page and from their internet calendar (such as Outlook Calendar). (See “iCAL under “Crew Login Page” for more info).
Eye Icon: Displays the venue details in a new window.
Pencil Icon: Opens the Venue Edit Page.
Add Venue: Takes you to a new window to enter venue information
Review: A date is set for an inspection and when a job is booked at that venue after the date of the inspection a warning will appear on the Shifts Page.
Show Deleted: View all deleted venues
Add New Venue/ Edit Existing Venue
Click add venue
Name, address, postcode can be entered here, as well as venue phone number, website address etc.
Notes: Important venue notes are saved in this text box which also appears on SMS Confirmations (or emails) sent to the crew who are booked to work at this venue. For example: “Corporate venue, dress appropriately”.
Private for Client: When selected, this Venue will not appear in the list of possible venues that clients can select from in the Client Booking Page. It is useful for private residences or one-off events. To enter a client name, start typing the first few letters then select it from the drop-down list of clients that appears.
Delete: If ticked and saved, this venue would be deleted from the system.
Meeting Places: A specific meeting place for this venue. Each time, these are entered by clicking the “+” icon they are stored in the system. It is possible for the one venue to have several meeting points. When a venue is selected in a shift or shifts, a list of meeting places that belong to this venue will be loaded to be selected under the Meeting Places in the shifts edit page.
For example: ABC Hotel would be saved as a venue with address details like 123 Halifax St, Sydney CBD. The meeting places would be entered as “Meet at the front”, “Loading Dock”, “Call on Arrival”. There is no need to enter the street address in the meeting points as it will already be entered in the venue details.
The Meeting Place of any Venue can have a Google Map attached that can be accessed by staff in their Crew Page and in their Internet Calendar.
Delete: Any meeting point or rooms can be deleted by ticking “Deleted” box and saving the page.
Rooms: Rooms is an alternative location that can be saved under each venue. It does not necessarily have to be a room, it could be for example “Main Foyer”. By default, rooms does not appear in SMS Confirmation messages sent to the crew, but they can be seen by crew in their crew pages.
Files: Any documents related to this venue can be uploaded and stored in each venue’s page.
5.3.2 Tasks
Key: A / DM / M
Add tasks that are related to any activity/shift, enable the task page in settings. See guide 10.2.18 Software Configuration.
Add Task
To Add a task, click the Add Task button. Enter the Task Name, Task Description and click Save button.
Alternatively you can delete and edit a task. To delete the task, click the delete icon and to edit the task, click the edit icon.
Edit the Task name, description and click the Save button.
5.3.3 Extras
Extras is a way to add a charge to a job that isn’t a set price. For example, if a crew goes out to a three-hour shift you can charge the client a call-out fee. In the screen shot below, you can see Paid the crew member will receive $35 and the Charge is how much the client will be invoiced after the job.
5.3.4 Items Groups
To add group, press the ‘Add Item Group’ button.
Fill out the fields and click save.
5.3.5 Items
Follow the above instructions to add individual items.
5.3.6 Form Matrix
All forms submitted by the crew, supervisors, team leaders and clients can be accessed through the Forms Matrix. In the Forms Matrix, select the Form Type and User Type from the dropdown menu. If you know the Username, Venue, Date from and Date to, all the forms will be listed according to the search criteria entered. Click View Details to display the full information of the form. A pop-up will then appear with the information requested.
5.4 Recruitment
Recruit Cards Page — Admin Access
Recruiter — Administrator or Duty Manager User accessing the Admin Portal to use the Recruit Cards page to perform the tasks necessary to assist recruits to complete the recruitment process.
Recruit — Crew User accessing the Crew Portal to complete the recruitment process.
Applicant — Crew User accessing the Sign-Up page to register themselves as potential recruits.
Contacts (Header) > Recruit Cards
CrewCard’s Recruitment Module allows you to onboard new staff members directly into your CrewCard platform for recruitment. Recruits can access their Crew Portal Profile to complete the onboarding process once they have been invited either by a recruiter (Admin or Duty Manager User) or when Recruitment Settings are configured to allow for automatic invitations — Auto Invite.
Add Recruit
There are two methods to initiate the recruitment process and create a Recruit Card in the Admin Portal for a recruit: Enrollment and Registration.
Enrollment. A recruit is enrolled into the system by an Admin or Duty Manager User by pressing the Add New on the Recruit Cards page.
Registration. A recruit registers themselves into the system on the Sign-Up Page.
During the onboarding process, a recruit completes a series of stages of recruitment until they are Activated by a recruiter (Admin / Duty Manager User) which moves them into the active Crew List at Contacts > Crew List.
Stages of recruitment are Enrolled / Registered, Shortlisted, Invited, Pending, Completed, Hidden and Active which can be searched in the search header of the Recruit Cards page.
To enroll crew into your system click the Add New button.
A pop-out window will open, please fill out the fields.
After you click Save, you will be redirected to the individual’s recruits page, the recruit will receive an email of enrolment. Once enrolled the status on the card will be tagged as Enrolled.
Auto — Invite:
Invitations are not required after registration.
There are two options for applicants to progress to the onboarding process from the Sign-Up page. Once applicants have either registered themselves from the Sign-Up page or been enrolled by a recruiter, they can be invited by the recruiter via an email with a once-only access token to open their Recruit Details page and continue the process of onboarding themselves as recruits. The Auto Invite option allows you to bypass the step of Recruiters manually inviting recruits to set their password, fill in their personal details, qualifications, experience, medical history, agreements, contract, induction and accounts so that once an applicant has registered on the Sign-Up page, they can progress to the next steps without the need for an email invitation.
Recruitment Page Tabs
Crew Profile > Crew Access
Recruits (staff) can access their Crew Profile to self-register as recruits, which can also be viewed in the Recruit Cards page in the Admin Portal (admin access).
Admin Users and Duty Manager Users can view the same recruitment details as the recruits by clicking on a Recruit Card on the Recruit Cards Page at Contacts > Recruit Cards.
The Crew Portal Profile page contains several pages for recruits to navigate in order to complete their onboarding process. Admin and Duty Manager Users can access the Recruit Cards to view the Bio, Overview, Interview, Details, Agreements, Induction, Contracts, Accounts, Approval and Activate tabs. Recruits are unable to view the Bio, Interview, Approval or Activate pages as these are for the use of Admin and Duty Manager Users only. To hide any of the Interview, Details, Agreements, Inductions, Contracts, Accounts pages from recruits please untick any of the below settings.
Interview: Admin or Duty Manager Users performing the function of Recruiters can add Admin notes, set interview questions, send predefined SMS messages to recruits (perhaps to inform them to expect a call from a certain phone number to discuss their recruitment) and view the CV of recruits.
Customise the questions that you may need to ask the recruit during a phone or in-person interview.
Agreements: Recruiters (Admin and Duty Manager) Users can assign company policies and other documents from the Resources Module in Settings and create disclaimer questions for recruits to view, sign and submit. The Agreements Invite button at the bottom of the page sends an email to the recruit with a button that links directly to the Agreements page of their Crew Portal Profile, inviting them to agree to the company policies and agreements and to accept the disclaimers, sign their signature and submit. At this point the Recruit has accepted your company’s legal requirements for employment and the Profile Completed email is automatically sent to both the recruit and Administrator with two PDF attachments and a record of the agreements that have been accepted, plus a copy of the captured signature. The PDF attachments can be uploaded in the Recruitment Settings page and can be chosen by the Administrator. An example is PDF 1 may contain ‘Welcome Information’ outlining your expectations to new staff members and PDF 2 may contain ‘Safety Handbook’. The agreements information and captured signature is also permanently stored within the Crew Profile.
Inductions: Recruits can complete a multiple-choice quiz to demonstrate their knowledge of your company’s work health and safety system such as how to submit an incident report, for example. Customise induction questions in Settings > Forms > Recruit Induction. To remove the induction tab for recruits, please hide the tab.
Customise induction questions in by going through Settings>Forms>Recruit Induction. To remove the induction tab for recruits, please hide the tab.
Contracts: To add new contracts, see Settings > Contract Settings. Once you have set up a new contract template and signature block, you can assign an employment contract for new recruits to sign and submit as part of their recruitment onboarding. Admin and Duty Manager Users can also invite Recruits to sign the contract by clicking the Invite Contract button in the Contract tab of the Recruit Card at Contacts > Recruit Card > Contracts tab. When recruits sign and submit the contract, it will be attached as a PDF to an email sent automatically to both the Recruit and Admin. Additionally, the contract will be stored permanently in their Crew Profile.
Accounts: To collect info in preparation of payroll you can show this tab for recruits to fill in their Bank, Super and TFND (tax file number declaration) details.
Display Recruits Sign Up on Login Page: This will show the Sign-Up option on the System Login Page that directs recruits to the Sign-Up page.
The following is what the recruits will see when signing up.
Enable Recruits Page Menu:
This will enable the Recruit Cards page via Contacts > Recruit Cards.
Hide business selection on sign up page: If you are using the Businesses as Location such as when you are operating in Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane, you would enable this selection for your recruits to sign up under the correct location.
Business Label: You can relabel your Businesses drop down menu to a custom label such as Location or Branch to make more sense to applicants when they choose which Business to select upon registration in the Sign-Up page.
This is also relates to the button at the top of the systems page.
Display employment history section on Recruits Sign up: Enable this setting if you require applicants to fill in their employment history on the Sign-Up page when they first register to the system. Then you can add customised questions for that Sign-Up page.
The crew will see this:
Allow UK mobile number: The system defaults to accept 10 digits for Australian mobile numbers. Enable this setting to accept 11 digits for UK mobile numbers.
Resume:This setting allows you to choose one of two methods that applicants can provide their resume or CV details, either by TextEditor or Attachment.
Texteditor: This will allow the applicant to copy and paste their resume upon registration in the Sign-Up page.
Attachment: This will allow the applicant to attach their resume as a PDF or Word file when they register on the Sign-Up page.
To make profile photos upload optional please see General Setting 47. Profile photo upload required.
To Edit Gender Selections please see General Setting 46. Gender Text
Shirt size fields are useful to record uniform sizes for staff and are enabled by default as a required question on the Details page. However, this question is optional and can be disabled in General Setting 45. Shirt Size Field
SMS Templates:
Create and add multiple default SMS message templates for Admin and Duty manager Users to send to applicants to improve the chances of them answering calls from your recruiters.
Example 1: Title — Initial SMS. Message — Hi This is [Insert Company Name]. We have received your application and will give you a call shortly to discuss in detail. The call is coming from 1800 000 000. Thank You.
Example 1: Title — Request for Call Back. Message — Hi This is [Insert Company Name]. We have received your application and tried to get in contact with you. Please contact recruitment at 1800 000 000. Thank you.
Info Box:
Explainer text can be customised above the text field below the medical disclaimer checkboxes to prompt the recruit which medical details they should provide.
Example: List all previous physical or psychological injuries that may affect your work performance (answer not compulsory).
Enable Medical Conditions:
When the medical conditions setting is enabled, recruits are required to fill in any medical related details that may be required as part of the employment details on the Medical page of their Crew Portal Profile.
Medical Disclaimer Check boxes:
Add any additional custom questions under the medical conditions section for your recruits to check and acknowledge.
Recruit View:
Sign-Up Page Questions:
Create and add custom questions on the Sign-Up page to record answers for applicants. For example, you may wish to include questions to ask an applicant to explain why they want to work for your company or what pertinent industry experience do they have?
Crew View:
When selected Activities (skills, roles) have been configured to require qualifications to be uploaded into the system by recruits and crew, the Qualifications page will be added into the recruitment process. In this page, recruits will select the qualifications they possess and upload them.
To add and update qualifications, see Settings (Header) > Compliance Settings > Qualifications Expiry Date Warning.
To update any Activity and qualification mapping, see Activities Page > Edit Activity
Enable Activities for applicants to select upon sign up:
Tick to enable applicants to select different Activities (skills, roles) in the system. Once selected, the Activities will be assigned to staff in their Admin Portal Crew Profiles. Any Activities that require Qualifications will then need to be completed by recruits in the Qualifications section of the onboarding process.
Crew View:
Default Activity — Settings > Recruit Settings
Each Crew User is required to have at least one Activity assigned to their profile. This setting allows you to select which Activity will be assigned as the default Activity for Crew Users.
Default Category — Settings > Recruit Settings
Each Crew User is required to have at least one Category assigned to their profile. This setting allows you to select which Activity will be assigned as the default Category for Crew Users.
Assigned Activities — Contacts > Recruit Card > Interview Tab
Recruiters can add extra Activities to the Crew Profile of recruits during the interview process. For example, the default Activity assigned to all recruits might be General Labourer. Using the Assigned Activities function in the Interview tab of the Recruit Card page, a recruiter may add a second Activity of ForkLift Driver, if the recruit has that skill.
The Default Activity will be already assigned as will any Activities that the applicant selected on the Sign-Up Page.
Assigned Categories — Contacts > Recruit Card > Interview Tab
The Default Category selected in the Recruit Settings will be already assigned in the Recruit Card for each recruit. Because each new Activity assigned will require a Category mapped to it in order to trigger a Paid Rate, the Recruiter may need to select additional Categories to match any additional Activities assigned to ensure the Activity Details displays correctly (see Activity Details).
Activity Details
Activity Details displays a table with a combination of Activity, Minimum Rate and Description for each Activity assigned to the recruit.
By displaying the Activity Details on the Agreements page, recruits are accepting the initial pay rates as part of their acceptance of their employment obligations.
The Activity Details can also be inserted into their employment contract, displayed on the Contract page of their Crew Portal Profile, or indeed any contract, by inserting the placeholder [ACTIVITY_DETAILS] into the text of the contract when you create or edit a contract in Settings > Contracts > Add Contract. The contract will automatically contain the Activities, pay rates and job description for those Activities in the employment contract for recruits to agree to without the need for any member of staff to manually insert such details.
Activity name and description are pulled from the Activities section of the system, see Administrator Menu > Finance — Activities > Add New Activity or Edit Activity. Activity name corresponds to the *Name field and description information is pulled from the Job Description field under Activities.
The Min Rate is Paid rate which can be accessed and set under Administrator Menu > Finance — Activities > Edit Rates or Administrator Menu > Finance — Categories > Edit Rates, under the Paid column. In order for the Paid amount to register, a category needs to be assigned to both the Activity and a Crew Member (recruit) first.
Invite: Invitations are required to be manually sent by pressing the Invite button in the footer after applicants are ‘enrolled’ by recruiters (admin or Duty Manager Users) by pressing the + Add New button in the Recruits Card page and completing the pop up details. Invitations are emailed to the applicants with a button that links them to the Set Password page in their Crew Portal Profile with a once only access token.
Once enrolled, recruits appear on the Recruits Cards page and may be invited individually by selecting one Recruit Card or in bulk by selecting multiple Recruit Cards and pressing the Invite button. Recruits who have registered themselves via the Sign-Up page may be manually invited by pressing the Invite button unless the Auto Invite feature is selected in which case applicants can progress to the Set Password page and may continue with the onboarding process without the need to be invited by Recruiters in the Recruit Cards page.
Details Page: The details page allows recruits to complete their details within their Crew Portal Profile such as their name and contact details, next of kin / emergency contacts and address and to upload up to three profile images and pressing the Next button. Recruiters can also assist recruits in real time or complete these details on behalf of recruits by completing the Details tab in their Recruit Card and pressing the Save button at the bottom of the screen.
Agreements: Please review and accept each agreement below, then sign at the bottom of the page and press Submit
During the onboarding process for new staff, recruits are guided to the Agreements page where they will accept your legal agreements such as contracts, company policies and disclaimers.
The Agreements page can be set up at Settings > Recruitment > Agreements.
Agreements can also be manually emailed by Admin and Duty Manager Users for staff to accept, either during the recruitment process or once activated into the Crew List as active crew with Crew Profiles.
Invite Agreements for Active Crew:
Go to the Contacts menu in the header and select Crew List. Search or find the crew member you would like to invite to accept your company agreements and click the edit icon on the far right of the screen.
Inside the Crew Portal of the desired crew member, in the Overview section near the top, click the Registration button to open the same registration pages that recruits access during their onboarding process with your company. Click on the Agreements page and then scroll to the bottom of the page and press the Invite Agreements button to send the email to the crew member which will contain a link to their Agreements page in their Crew Portal where they can accept your policies and agreements. Once set up, your staff can be sent and accept their agreements quickly and easily on their mobile device.
Crew Portal:
Invite Agreements for Recruits:
Go to the Contacts menu in the header and select Recruit Cards. Search or find the recruit you would like to invite to accept your company agreements and click their Recruit Card to open it.
Once inside their Recruit Card, click on the Agreements page and then scroll to the bottom of the page and press the Invite Agreements button to send the email to the crew member which will contain a link to their Agreements page in their Crew Portal where they can accept your policies and agreements. Once set up, your staff can be sent and accept their agreements quickly and easily on their mobile device.
The Agreements Invite button at the bottom of the Agreements page in the Admin Portal sends an email to the recruit with a button that links directly to the Agreements page of their Crew Portal Profile, inviting them to agree to the company policies and agreements and to accept the disclaimers, sign their signature and submit. At this point the Recruit has accepted your company’s legal requirements for employment and the Profile Completed email is automatically sent to both the recruit and Administrator with two PDF attachments and a record of the agreements that have been accepted, plus a copy of the captured signature. The PDF attachments can be uploaded in the Recruitment Settings page and can be chosen by the Administrator. An example is PDF 1 may contain ‘Welcome Information’ outlining your expectations to new staff members and PDF 2 may contain ‘Safety Handbook’. The agreements information and captured signature is also permanently stored within the Crew Profile.
Account Log:
Account Logs, allows you to see the logs when crew made alterations in their accounts. Crew must make changes to their account in order for Admin to receive an Account details email and view the changes in the accounts tab>> Accounts log section.
Crew must login to their Crew Portal.
Click the dropdown arrow beside your name and select Accounts.
They will be directed to the Profile Page >>Account Tab wherein Crew can make modification on their account information.
As an example, I will be adding the Last Name of the Crew in the Name of the Account and click Save button.
A pop up will appear that says “Your Account Details has been updated.” Click close to confirm. Simultaneously the Admin will receive an email that the account details of the crew has been updated.
This is the sample email that Admin will receive when the crew updated their account details. Admin must click the Click Here button in the email to direct to the Crew profile.
Once the the Admin has been directed to the crew profile, click Registration button.
This will bring you to the Recruit Page, Click the Accounts Tab.
Scroll down at the bottom part of the Accounts tab until you reach the Account Log section and there you will see what alterations made by the crew on his/ her account information.
6.0 Records
6.1 Messages
6.1.1 Credits
This displays a quick view of the SMS credit balance. An Alert will appear whenever your SMS Credit falls below 500. This warning is important because once your SMS credit runs out, all your outgoing SMS will be put in queue until you replenish your SMS credit.
6.1.2 Send an SMS
This option allows the users to send a quick SMS’s to the crew. When clicked it opens a new tab in your browser. Type your message in the text box “SMS Message” or select the Msg Template, find staff name/s, double click on their name or click “>>” to move the names to the right-hand side. Then click “Send”.
To view staff select “Search Disabled Crew”, “Search Active Crew”, “business and skills”.
Notification will prompt that SMS Queued for Send Successfully.
For example, if you need to send a common message to all your drivers, select “Driver” in the skill list, which will bring up the crew list with only “Driver” skill assigned, select all crew in the list move them to the right by clicking “>>”, then send your message.
6.1.3 Notification Logs
By default, the Notification logs play displays all messages, incoming or outgoing, starting from the beginning of the week to the current time; the latest received/sent message being on top of the page. An “Advanced Notification Search” can be made using the fields provided above the messages.
TIP: All or some of these fields can be combined while making a message search.
No.: Enter a shift number and click “Go” to see the history of all messages sent or received regarding this specific shift.
Client Name: Select a client name to narrow down all messages to one client’s shifts, which are booked under this client only.
Crew Name: Select a crew name to see all incoming/outgoing messages sent or received by this crew.
Mobile Number: Instead of crew name, a search can be made by crew mobile number. Please note that any number of digits can be entered here. For example, a search that only has “89” in all mobile numbers can be made.
Business: Search by Business can be done by selecting a Business in the drop-down list.
Date From & Date To: To narrow down the searches by date.
No.: Indicate the shift number
T: Tags are codes that show the type of that message:
Business: Shows which business crew is assigned under.
Date: Date and time message has been sent/received.
From & To: Indicates where the message is coming from or sent to which number.
Crew Name: Crew name that sent/received the message
Message: The actual message sent/received. Messages are shortened by CrewCard for an easy display. If needed any message can be viewed fully by clicking [More] or shrunk by clicking [Hide]. You will notice (when clicked [More]) that any incoming message from the crew is displayed with some of the crew details such as date, time, ranking, email address etc, but the actual message sent by crew appears under the text “SMS Message — — — — “.
Status: The status of the message can be either “Success” which means the message has been successfully sent, “Queued” which means it is pending, or “Failed” which means the server may have problems sending the message.
Sent Via: Indication of whether it’s an SMS or Email.
6.1.4 Message Logs
Message log displays all chat messages. An “Advanced MESSAGE Search” can be made using the fields provided above the messages.
No.: Enter a shift number and click “Go” to see the history of all messages sent or received regarding this specific shift.
Client Name: Select a client name to narrow down all messages to one client’s shifts, which are booked under this client only.
Crew Name: Select a crew name to see all incoming/outgoing messages sent or received by this crew.
Mobile Number: Instead of crew name, a search can be made by crew mobile number. Please note that any number of digits can be entered here. For example, a search that only has “89” in all mobile numbers can be made.
Business: Search by Business can be done by selecting a Business in the drop-down list.
Date From & Date To: To narrow down the searches by date.
No.: (not applicable in Message logs)
T: (not applicable in Message logs)
Business: (not applicable in Message logs)
Date: Date and time message has been sent/received.
From & To: Indicates the Sender and Receiver name
Crew Name: Crew name that received the Chat message
Message: The actual message sent/received.
Sent Via: Indication of whether it’s a Chat
6.1.5 Bulk Email
This will open the Bulk Email page where you can readily use the function.
Bulk email allows you to send a large number of staff the same message. For promotional use costs apply. Please contact
Create an email list
Click Email Lists, this will take you to another page.
Click Create Lists, this will open a pop-out window.
Fill out the information required in the fields.
The new Email List will now appear on this page.
After creating the email list/s return to the bulk email page. Enter your address in the From Email fields. Enter the recipients in the To field. Each email address needs to be separated by a comma. If you want to send a blind copy of the email, add the email addresses in the Bcc field. Select an Email List from the dropdown menu. If you do not want to use an email list, leave this field blank. Enter the subject for your email. If you already have an email template, select the Email Template you wish to use, otherwise just leave this field as it is or create and edit the layout of the email.
Press Preview to view the email before sending it. Press Send when you are ready to send the email.
Email Log
This will display if the emails sent are successful or pending.
Unsubscribe List
This will display all email address which have unsubscribed from you.
6.1.6 Purchase Credits
Click purchase credit, this will open a pop-out window. Select the amount you wish to purchase from the dropdown from 1000 to 25,000 SMS, once you click Purchase you will receive the invoice shortly after the purchase. The invoice is sent to the allocated accounts person/ email.
6.2 Utilities
6.2.1 Action Forms
The job may require that crew members are properly inducted about the venue, or before a crew can start a job, they will need information about health and safety.
The Action Forms is where you can set up actions that a crew needs to read and understand before they can complete a job.
To add an action, Go to Messages and Select Action Forms under Utilities Column.
Click the +Add New Action Form button to open the window for adding Action Form.
Enter the title of the Action Form in the provided field. You can select an action form or start adding elements to the Action Form.You can just drag the Elements to the Action preview to create a custom form. There are different Elements that you can add to an Action Preview.
These are the available steps that you can add to your Action List:
- Resource — This can be a policy, procedure or any other important information that the crew can access using the Crew Access or via the app.
- Subtitle — this is a text which can be used as an additional information
- Text — information in the form of texts
- Checkbox — checkboxes which you can set as mandatory or not
- Question — a question step where crew members will have to answer
- Yes/No Question — a question step answerable by yes/no
- SWMS — This will display on the venue’s inductions when a crew is on shift.
- Toolbox Talk — Providing you with fully fledged and dynamic safety inductions for every occasion.
Required Action, allows you to select when action will takes place such as the following:
- First Time App Login
- Before Accept Shift
- Before Check In
- Before Check Out
Forms can also be provided to staff at certain programmed times, such as the first time they are confirmed on a shift, or every time they are confirmed, monthly, quarterly, every six months or every year. For example, you may have a Forklift Induction that needs to be sent to a Forklift driver prior to their first shift, or you may require staff to complete a questionnaire every year to prove they are up to date with your latest policies and procedures.
Available Activity
This allows you to select which activity will take action to the Action Form assigned to a shift.
Email Admin and Email Crew can be ticked if you want them to receive an email notification for the Action required by the crew.
Once the action has been filled out, Click the Save button.
The newly saved Action forms will be added in the Action Form List. You may edit, delete or copy the Action Form.
Assign the Action form to a job by going to the Jobs Page.
Select a Job Sheet where you want to assign the Action Form.
Scroll down at the bottom part of the page.
Select an Action from the drop down list and click save.
Action form is now assigned to a Job.
6.2.2 Processes
Internal documents and office processes can be stored and accessed using the Processes page. This enables your Administrator and Duty Managers to easily search processes in the system. These initiatives have been implemented with a view to reduce the systems required for operations management.
See guide 10.8 Processes Settings
6.2.3 Inductions
Induction is important to a job as it educates the crew about important information about a job that they may not be aware of. Use this page to store and view all induction in the system
To access induction, click Records in the Central Navigation bar and select Inductions under the Utilities column.
At this page, you can see lists of inductions that have been made/ saved before.
You can Click + Add New button to create a new Induction.
Fill out the form.
Induction Name: Enter the Induction name
Induction URL: Enter the URL of the Induction
Crew Required to Upload File: Select Yes/ No
Client Association: Select a Client associated to this Induction
Venue Association: Select the Venue associated to this Induction
JobSheet Association: Select a Job Sheet associated to this Induction
Reminder Email when assigned to Job: Select Email to Admin/ Email to Crew
Notes: Enter Notes
Click Save once completed .
Once the Induction has been created you may edit the induction by clicking the edit icon and if you want to delete the induction,click the delete icon.
For more details about Instruction, See Easily Manage Site induction Page.
6.2.4 Projects
CrewCard includes a complete project management module called ‘Projects’ which allows easy team collaboration in a user-friendly and visual interface.
To access the Projects page, click Records in the header and select Projects under the Logs column.
Click the + Add Projects button on top left-hand side to create a new Project. Once a Project has been created, open it and start creating tickets by clicking the + Ticket button on the top left-hand side. This way, you can have multiple different Projects for different departments, events or teams as you require. The tickets within the projects can be allocated to multiple Crew Members. Tickets include the following information: Ticket Name, Owner Name, Owner Email, Activity, Assign To (multiple crew), and Description where the bulk of the project information is added, such as the tasks required to be completed by the staff the ticket has been assigned to.
This will take you to a new page where you have the ability to fill out the information on the job you wish to create.
Board Name: This is the title of the board that the tickets will be under
Description: Add a description of the board which informs users what is under the the board
Click Save and this will add to the board.
If you wish to edit or close a board, click edit on the board you wish to perform the action to.
This will open up the board where you can edit the name and the description. If the jobs under the board are completed, click close.
This will move the board to closed projects. You can open up closed boards at anytime.
After creating a board, click the board you wish to open.
Once a Project has been created, you can open it and start creating tickets by clicking the + Ticket button on top left-hand side. This way, you can have multiple different Projects for different departments, events or teams as you require. The tickets within the projects can be allocated to multiple Crew Members. Tickets include the following information: Ticket Name, Owner Name, Owner Email, Activity, Assign To (multiple crew), and Description where the bulk of the project information is added, such as the tasks required to be completed by the staff the ticket has been assigned to.
Below this, the ticket requires a start date and time, deadline date and time, and reminder date and time so that each party to the ticket, owner and assignees may be reminded of the work required to be completed by a certain deadline. Once the ticket is completed by the assignee/s, they submit it to be reviewed which notifies the ticket owner to check the Review Column of the Project’s Kanban board of tickets.
Ticket Name: Brief description of the job ticket
Owner Name: Enter the name of the person who created the ticket
Owner Email: Enter the email of who creates the ticket
Activity: Use the pre-uploaded activities to highlight who it belongs to
Assign To: Click the box and a list of the crew will be displayed. You can select one or more crew to allocate this ticket to
Description: Write a detailed description of the task that needs to be performed
Start Date: Use the calendar to select the date you want the task to commence on
Deadline Date: Use the calendar to select the end date for the task. This will inform the crew when the task needs to be completed by
Reminder Date: Use the calendar to select the date that the crew will be reminded of the task
Start Time: Click the box to select the start time of the task
Deadline Time: Click the box to select the end time of the task
Reminder Time: Click the box to set a time to the reminder to be sent out
Click Save once completed
Each Project opens to a Kanban board where tickets are displayed in four columns: Plan, Current, Review and Completed. These can be dragged and dropped into place as per the status. When assignees have completed a ticket, it is automatically moved from the Current Column to the Review Column. The owner may then review them and decide it has been successfully completed and then drag it into the Completed column. Alternatively, the owner may not be satisfied that the ticket is completed and drag it back to the Current column, which will trigger a new notification to the assignees that they need to work on that ticket again, with new deadline and reminder dates and times to adhere to.
6.2.5 Instructions
To assign an instruction to a job, Simply hover your mouse to Jobs in the central navigation bar and select jobs. Select a Job Sheet where you want to add the instruction.
In the Job Sheet page, scroll down until the Instruction section. Click + Add Instruction button to add an instruction.
The instruction window will pop out and fill out the form. Note that you may add more than 1 task by clicking the + Icon.
Click the Upload button to upload an image or photo. Once the file has been uploaded you may be able to view it by clicking the file below the Upload button.
A notification will prompt on your upper right screen that “Instruction Saved successfully”. You will also notice that the newly created instruction was added under the assigned instruction. Additionally you may select existing or saved instructions in the select drop down menu.
Another way of Adding Instructions is through the Instruction Page, Simply hover your mouse to records in the central navigation bar and select Instructions under Utilities column, this will direct you to the Instruction Page.
Once you are directed in the Instruction Page, click + Add Instruction to add an instruction, you may also select an instruction from this page and click edit icon if modification is required alternatively click delete icon if instruction needs to be removed.
Once the + Add instruction has been clicked, an Add Instruction window will pop up. Fill out the form and please note that we can add more than 1 task by clicking the + icon. Click the Upload button to upload an Image or photo. If there are additional instructions, Enter it in the Notes field. Moreover you may select a Job wherein you can associate the Instruction.
Once done filling out the Add instruction form, Click Save button.
A notification will prompt that “Instruction Saved successfully”. The new added instruction will also be added in the Instructions list on this page.
6.2.6 Job Templates
Job Templates allow you to create as many different types of Jobs (schedules, rosters) as you like and save them within each Job Sheet.
Once your template has been saved in a Job Sheet, you can edit and delete the job templates at the job templates page. It can be opened at any time, with a new start date and all other details the same as previously. It is even possible to recreate the same template under a new client or business.
To create a Job template, Simply go to the Job Sheet Page page and click the Save Job Template button.
Save Job Template window will pop up, Enter the Job Template name and Click Save button.
To create a job from the save Job Template, Hover your mouse to Add Jobs and select Job Templates. Enter the Job Template name, and click save.
Create a Job from the Job Template, a window will pop up. You can select the saved Job Templates, fill up all the empty fields, and click open.
Once the open button has been clicked a notification will pop up on your upper right screen that Job has been added to the template.
Additionally the created job from the saved template will be available from the jobs page as shown on the below screenshot.
6.2.7 Msg Templates
Crewcard created a solution to a constant flow of communication, by using Message templates to simplify customer communication. This feature is used to create a set of standard messages that allow you to use previously configured messages to reply, send new messages and send SMS. This means that you do not have to manually type the messages you can use the Msg Template field to automatically fill in the information to your message on top of that message templates allows you to respond faster and in a quicker way.
To create a Message Templates, simply hover your mouse to Records and select Msg Templates.
In the Msg Template page, Click + Add Message Template button to create a new template.
The Add Message Template window will pop up, Enter the Template Name and the message.
Once the Template name and Message has been entered, click the Save button.
The Saved Msg Template will appear below the list of Msg templates list alternately you can edit or delete the Msg Template.
To send a message using the created message template, you can choose the message template from the Send Message page or Send SMS page.
6.3 Logs
6.3.1 Shift History
Key: A / DM / M
Displays all shifts completed in the system, any notes of changes in the shift will appear here.
Advance search the shift using shift No., Date From, Date To, Business and Duty Manager.
6.3.2 App Activity
An App Activity page is a recorded log of how time spent. Within organizations, app activity is typically used to track the activities of crew and clients.
7.0 Add Job
Key: A / DM / M
There are three types of creating jobs in CrewCard: Add Job, Add Shifts and Legacy & Add Job. This guide will help guide and create a better understanding of the different types. Hover your mouse over Add Jobs on the CNB:
7.0.1 Add Jobs
Add Jobs feature takes you through a detailed way of adding jobs into your system. Hover your mouse over the Add Jobs on the CNB and click Add Job:
The following window will pop out.
It will take you to a new page. Fill out all fields.
Booking Person: The person who create the job or responsible for the job
Job Location: Click to open the drop-down menu to display the location the booking person falls under
PO No: Enter a reference number or job name
Venue Name: Enter the name of the venue
Meeting Place/ Address: Click the text box to open a drop-down menu with a list of pre-uploaded locations or use the plus button to add a venue. This is the address that the crew will go to for the job.
Room: This field helps guide the crew to the right location when they arrive at the venue, click the field for a drop-down menu of all the meeting marks related to the venue or use the plus button to add a new one.
Onsite Contact: Click the field to present a list of all onsite contacts that associate with the client or use the plus button to add a new onsite contact
Select date, No of Crew, Time on/off, Activity & Ability.
The next page will open, it will display the individual shift. Edit any information.
After clicking Next you will be taken to the overview of the job.
Click next, you will be taken to the Final Info page.
Click confirm booking to create the job.
The following message will be displayed including the job reference number. This is highlighted in green in the below screenshot.
Please see guide 7.1 Jobs Sheets learn how to fill out a job sheet.
7.0.2 Add Shifts
Add Shifts is another way to create a job. Click Add Shifts:
A pop-out window will show, fill out all fields and press save.
NOTE: You can only Add Shifts if the information for client & venue are already in the system
Once successfully added, a message will appear at the top of the pop-out window, which includes the job number. If you wish to edit the job sheet, you can click the number which will open a new tab with the job sheet ready to be filled out.
This will open the job sheet. The job description will automatically be entered as Quick Job, click the text box to overwrite the description.
Please see guide 7.1 Jobs Sheets to learn how to fill out a job sheet.
7.0.3 Add Booking
Add Booking will open the job sheets for the selected client. Click Add Booking:
This will open up a pop-out window. Select the client and date you wish to open a job sheet for, and click go.
This will open the job sheet page. If the client has a job on the date you have selected, the existing job sheets will be displayed with a new job shift under the existing one. Please see guide 7.1 Jobs Sheets to learn how to fill out a job sheet.
In the screenshot below, ABC Sydney has an existing job on the day selected, the new shift displays under the existing shift. Please note that this shift does not relate to the existing one.
After editing the shift, use the footer to perform an action.
If you wish to open a blank job sheet for a client, click Add Job sheet. This will open up a blank job sheet for the client.
On instances where a booking is added and there aren’t any existing jobs for the week, the jobsheet would have added forms such as Inductions, Actions, Operations Notes, Upload Files, and Instructions.
- Inductions, you may be able to add, select, and delete existing inductions.
- Actions, you may be able to select from the existing actions on the list(for more details please check, 9.4 Action Forms.)
- Operations Notes, input notes that are not visible to the crew, to provide additional information regarding the task.
- Upload Files, upload files that are related to the job.
- Instructions, you may be able to add, and select instructions that are needed for the job.
7.0.4 Job Templates
Job Templates allow you to create as many different types of Jobs (schedules, rosters) as you like and save them within each Job Sheet.
Once your template has been saved in a Job Sheet, you can edit and delete the job templates at the job templates page. It can be opened at any time, with a new start date and all other details the same as previously. It is even possible to recreate the same template under a new client or business.
To create a Job template, Simply go to the Job Sheet Page page and click the Save Job Template button.
Save Job Template window will pop up, Enter the Job Template name and Click Save button.
To create a job from the save Job Template, Hover your mouse to Add Jobs and select Job Templates. Enter the Job Template name, and click save.
Create a Job from the Job Template, a window will pop up. You can select the saved Job Templates, fill up all the empty fields, and click open.
Once the open button has been clicked a notification will pop up on your upper right screen that Job has been added to the template.
Additionally the created job from the saved template will be available from the jobs page as shown on the below screenshot.
7.0.5 Add Import
Add Import allows users to create Jobs under Add Jobs wherein they can customise your download template and upload the excel template to create a Job.
Required PM Fields for Add Import
First Name | Crew Profile> Personal Details > First Name of the Crew |
Last name | Crew Profile> Personal Details > Last Name of the Crew |
Client Short Name | Client Profile> Client profile> Client’s Short Name |
Approved Box in Timesheet | Yes/ No |
Job Scheduled Start Date | This must be entered in dd-mm-yy format e.g. 28-04-22. Job start date |
Job Scheduled Start Time | This must be entered in 24 hour format e.g. 00:00, 14:00. Job start time |
Job Scheduled End Date | This must be entered in dd-mm-yy format e.g. 28-04-22. Job end date |
Actual Start Date | Actual start date of the job |
Job Scheduled End Time | Scheduled end time of the shift |
Actual Start Time | Actual start time of the shift |
Actual End Date | Actual End date of the shift |
Actual End Time | Actual end time of the shift |
Break 1 Start | Break 1 Start is the start time of the break per shift |
Break 1 End | Break 1 End is the end time of the break per shift |
Activity | Activity assigned to Crew |
Venue | Details of the location that crew members will meet for the shift to commence. |
Optional PM fields for Add import
Break 2 Start | Break 2 Start is the start time of the break per shift |
Break 2 End | Break 2 End is the end time of the break per shift |
Break 3 Start | Break 3 Start is the start time of the break per shift |
Break 3 End | Break 3 End is the end time of the break per shift |
Total Working Hours + Break Time | The total working hours including break times |
Total Working Hours | The total working hours excluding break times |
Ability | Abilities that a crew can perform |
To begin with, hover your mouse to +Add Job and select Add Import.
To edit the Add Import Template, simply click the edit icon
In the Edit Download Template, you can drag and drop the elements from the Available Fields to Excel template to create a custom template.
As an example I will drag the Total Working Hours to Excel template. Once done, Click the save button.
To upload the custom template, go back to the Add Import window by clicking the left arrow key.
Click the Download Template button to download the customise excel template. Once downloaded, open the excel file.
Fill out the fields required in the excel template and save the template to your local drive.
Go back to the Add Import window and click Upload Template. Select the excel file to your local drive and click the open button.
Below the Upload Template button you will notice that the Imported Job has been completed with the Job No.
To view the Job, Go to the Jobs Page. Search and open the job.
Here’s the sample Job Sheet created using the Add Import function.
7.1 Jobs Sheets
Job Sheet contains all shifts within the one job sheet number, where job details can be added and edited. Admin can group shifts on the Job Sheets page by shift, date or activity, which is located in Admin Settings. See guide 10.1.6 Ops Home Configuration for more information. You can open job sheets from the jobs home page and shifts page.
Job Page: click the job sheet number you wish to open.
Shift Page: click the no. next to the Job Sheet column if you wish to open the job sheet.
The below image is what a job sheet looks like.
On the job sheet, assigning or editing a supervisor may also be possible by selecting the Supervisor.
Scroll to the right until Supervisor column. Click the Plus Icon to Add a Supervisor.
Fill out the Add Supervisor form.
Once the form has been filled out, click Add button.
Select the Supervisor name is the drop down list and Click the Supervisor icon.
Check the Email and Phone number of the Supervisor you wish to send the SMS and Email Invite. Tick the SMS and Email Invite checkboxes and Click Send App Invite button.
A pop up will appear that “App Invitation has been Sent” to the Supervisor.
Exploring the Job Sheet:
The job sheet has many different functions. This guide will help break down the different functions step by step to make sure you have a better understanding.
Job Description: You may enter the job description you want to describe the job sheet to be created.
Tags: Select from the pre-existing tags that are available, you may also add a new tag. The tag will also be visible in the jobs page.
Select Team Leader: This allows you to select a crew member who is on a team leader level to be a team leader for the overall job sheet, and allow them access to view the job sheets.
Status: Select the status of the job sheet from Confirmed, Pending, and Cancelled. The status will be displayed on the Job Sheet column on the Jobs page.
View: Select whether you want a Complex View or a Simple View.
Complex View — The Complex View is the name given to the standard view you would be familiar with; rates will not be visible when a Complex view is selected. To view the rates, select Job Sheet Rates in the Job Sheet drop down menu.
Simple View — allows you to see just the basic fields needed for day to day operations.
Billing Person: Select from the list who would be billed for the invoice and in the invoice under the Invoice loop section, the name selected from the job sheet page will be selected from the Invoice loop section.
Job Sheet: Select from the list of Job Sheet, Job Sheet Rates, Site, Event, Quote, and Invoice. Once selected, this will open the page with the same job/shifts details.
+ Add New Job Sheet: Click the button to add a new separate job sheet.
If you wish to open a blank job sheet for a client, click Add New Job Sheet. This will open up a blank job sheet for the client.
Qty: Refers to the quantity of shifts, the number in the box will be the amount of times this same shift will be duplicated once you click “Save”.
Example: You have 10 people working on this shift, therefore you type 10 in the box, and the row will be duplicated 10 times.
TIP: Pressing ‘tab’ will advance you to the next field. Pressing ‘shift + tab’ will take you back to the previous one.
Service Request: Click the button to create a service request
Save Job Template: Select to save the job template that was created.
Import Template: Working with TEMPLATES: On any job sheet, it is possible to save a template. This can later be opened to recreate a previously existing job sheet with new dates to save you the effort of entering all the information into a new job sheet each time.
See User Guide 6.2.5 Job Template for creating a Save Job Template.
Import template allows you to import the shifts with a new start date and all other details the same as from the saved Job templates. To import a template, open a jobsheet in the jobs page.
In the job Sheet page, Click the Import Template.
Import Template pop up will appear, select the template and the first date.
Once the template and first date has been selected, Click import button.
The shifts from the Save Job Template will be added to the Job Sheet.
For Example: if the saved job sheet had 3 shifts on the 12th of January and if 13th of March has been entered as the “First Day”, then CrewCard creates the new job sheet with full details (Times, venue, activities...) of 3 shifts on the 13th
Tags: Tags are useful when it comes to visually categorising job sheets on the Job page. Click “Tags” button, a drop-down list appears, click “Add New Tag”, click Save at the bottom of the job sheet page. Once created, all tags will appear in the drop-down list under “Tags”, where they can be selected or deselected. Selected Tag will appear on the Ops Home page and can help to categorise different job sheets. For example, a tag named “Xmas” can be created and all job sheets related to Christmas can be tagged for an easy view on the jobs page.
If a shift has been saved with a crew member assigned to it and you press CONFIRM for that particular shift, the SMS page will bring up the ‘confirmed’ message for the selected shift to be sent to the crew member once more.
If numerous shifts have been selected then all the SMS will be brought up with their respective ‘confirmed’ messages. This message can be modified or completely deleted and a new message can be entered manually.
The message will appear: ‘Confirmed: “Date”, “Time On” (Minus 15 mins) until, “Time Off” approx, at “Venue”, “Meeting Place Address”, “Client”, “Onsite Contact Name”, “Onsite Contact Mobile”, cheers’
For example, the SMS will appear like this: ‘Confirmed: Fri 25-05, 08:15am — 11:30am approx, at Opera House, Stage Door, SHS, Dave Neil, 0412968412, cheers’
Tip: When you can’t find crew or Staff for a shift or job, please make sure to check that:
- Activity is assigned
- Crew/Staff is assigned to the correct business
- Crew/Staff Groups
- Incompatibility (This function makes Crew Members incompatible with certain Clients. This will remove their names from the list of the available crew when issuing shifts out for a particular client, making it impossible to send certain staff to certain clients.)
For more information regarding Inductions, Actions, Operations Notes, and Upload Files. And Instructions you may refer to 7.0.3 Add Booking for more information
Operations Notes: When new bookings are created online, clients have the option to add special instructions/notes/information that regards the booking. See the Operation Notes section at the bottom of the job sheet page.
Show Shift: Alter how many shifts you would like to see per a job page.
Upload a new file: Required documents are available to attach in the job sheets, Crew members who have shift/s booked within the job sheets can view the attached documents online from the Crew Pages.
To attach, click “Upload File” and provide a name for the crew to see, then browse through the computer and select upload.
Add Induction: Select a pre-existing induction in the system or create your own induction that will be allocated to this job sheet. The crew will have to see read the induction before commencing the job
Job Sheet Number: When selected in Admin Settings by ticking the box “Use In-house Client Reference Numbers”, CC displays ‘In-house Client Reference Numbers’ instead of ‘Default Reference Numbers’ on Job Sheets, Invoices, and Quotes. Then any number or name can be given to Job Sheets “manually”.
Double Bookings: In scenarios where a crew is assigned to two different shifts but have conflicting schedules, a warning can be seen on the job sheet showing the job number of the shift that has conflict.
Job Sheet Columns
Scheduler: This will take you to the scheduler page
No.: A Shift Number for each shift that is automatically assigned by the database.
Copy: “Copy” Icon appears for each shift, click to open a pop-up dialogue box with the ‘Copies’ Box to enter a number. The number entered in the ‘Copies” Box indicates the amount of time you request to copy this individual shift. Note: “Copy” Icon only works on a single shift, selecting multiple shifts will not copy all shifts at the same time. Make sure to check the shift number on the pop-up dialogue box when copying shifts.
Lock: When shift is locked, a ‘Padlock’ Icon will appear in the Lock column (See “Lock Shifts” under “Dashboard”/“Job Sheets Page” for more info)
Lock Type |
Description |
Lock Shifts |
When a shift is locked, no one is able to make changes to the details of the shift |
Admin Lock Shifts |
This is different from the normal lock as only the admin can unlock the job |
Payroll Lock Shifts |
Once payroll lock has been triggered, a lock with the letter “P” will be visible in the shift edit page. Additionally, if Payroll locked is selected you can select or choose which week Pay Period you want the shift/s to be added to. |
Unlock Shifts |
Unlock a shift so the shift can be edited. |
C/A Lock Shifts |
When the crew checks out of the shift, the C/A Lock Shifts will appear in the lock column. |
Date: To enter date format as DD-MM-YY.
Shift row date has defaulted to Sunday of the current week.
- Always check for the correct month at the beginning/end of month as the date may default to the previous or following month.
- Always check for the correct date after entering either 24:00 or 00:00 to make sure that it has not been changed to the intended day
Once “Save” is clicked, the day of the week will appear to the left of the date.
Time On: This must be entered in 24 hour format e.g. 00:00, 14:00, The “:” (Colon) can be substituted for a “.” (Full stop), so to enter 03:30 you can simply type 3.3
Tip: For 15:00 you can simply type 15 and press Tab. 00:00 refers to midnight at the very start of the day. 24:00 refers to midnight at the very end of the day.
If you type 24:00 for a Monday, the database will automatically translate it to 00:00 on Tuesday.
Time Off: Time Off has the same format as Time On.
If a shift commences on one day and finishes on another, you can enter the finish time in either day’s time.
E.g. If a shift commences at 22:00 pm on Mon 02-04-17 and finishes at 02:00 am on Tue 03-04-17, then you can enter either 22 or 2 as finish time and the database will correct the finish time to 02:00 am.
Hrs : The total working hours excluding break times.
Rate, Paid and Charge: Rates are assigned by adding/editing an activity in the Activities Page. (See “Activities Page” for more info). Pay Rates and Charged Rates can be entered under the “Activities” tab. “Paid” is the rate pay to the staff hourly for conducting the activity in the scheduled time period. “Charge” is the rate the client will be invoiced for this particular shift. In the Global Settings page, when “Hide Pay and Charge Columns” is switched to “Yes”, the ‘Paid’ and “Charge” rates will not appear in the job sheet.
Pay Date: The scheduled date to pay
Extra: Add extra charge to the shift, this will not appear on the job sheet
BTT (Break Times Total): Indicates the total amount of break times per shift. To view break times, click on the “Paper-Pencil” Icon next to the BTT column, the pop-up window opens with break details that the crew members entered via SMS whilst locking their shifts. Admin users have the option to edit breaks manually by entering start and end times. Please note that Admin users override crew breaks.
Note: Admin has the ability to delete break times submitted by crew, or any other breaks that has entered previously.
Click the break edit icon, then click on the red delete icon on the break pop-up window.
TS: Time sheet. Click on the clock to open the timesheet for the crew, where you can edit the time and break, and lock the timesheet.
Crew Name: Crew members are available to select from the arrow drop-down list or by entering names to bring up matching results. The drop-down list will be empty when no crew members are added from the “crew” page.
The KM above the upper right side of the staff name field stands for Kilometres. Also once the distance is clicked it will show the exact distance of the crew from the venue.
Note that venue and crew address should be correct for the feature to work.
Driving Distance calculates the crew’s personalized, real-life distance in km by car, from their home, to the job site.
To illustrate, you can see Scarlet Witch’s Driving Distance is 1km by clicking into “Driving Distance” on the top right hand corner.
- When a crew member has been booked on another shift, their name will be in red and an asterisk “*” will appear next to it
- When a crew member has made an unavailability for a shift from the crew page, their name will be in red and a hash (#) will appear next to it
When a shift is sent to a crew via SMS, the crew member replies “yes”, confirmation SMS is sent and the crew name will automatically appear in the crew name box. See “Offering Shifts and Confirming Crew” under “Job Sheet Page/ Edit Page” for more info.
Crew names can be entered manually to send a confirmation SMS. Once a confirmation SMS is sent, the crew name appears in black. It is optional to enter a crew name and save for the shifts without sending a Confirmation SMS (name will appear in blue). Names can also be entered and sent an “Offer Shift” message (name will appear in green, until the crew replies ‘yes’ to it, then it changes to black).
In the global page, there is a feature called “Permit Crew Member Unavailability to be Viewed by a 3rd Party”. If this feature is switched on, the bookings/unavailability information for crew members will be “shared” by other subscribers to the CrewCard software.
Message: Message column display the status of Incoming/Outgoing SMS Messages
- B = Basic Send which was not associated with a Job
- C = Confirmed SMS
- M = Multi SMS
- S = Single SMS
- L = Linked SMS
- Co = Connected SMS
- I = Incoming SMS
- A = After Hours Reminder
- N = Next Day Reminder
- OA = Onsite Contact After Hours Reminder
- ON = Onsite Contact Next Day Reminder
- Lo = Loser Multi Shift Message
Activity: Activity must be entered/selected from the drop-down list. The list contains all pre-entered activities from the activities/rates page. The selected activity will automatically be adjusted to the pre-set rate for the shift.
Example: Rate A — (amount a person earns per hour between the hours of 08:00 and 20:00) and Rate B — (amount a person earns between 20:00 and 08:00)
Ability: Select the crew ability from the drop-down list
Access Level:
Venue: Details of the location that crew members will meet for the shift to commence. When typing names in the venue text box, the search function will also generate any matching venue names which will appear in a drop-down list for selection. If the venue name does not appear in the drop-down list, it means it is not in the system. Add the venue by clicking the plus button. A pop-out window will open for you to fill out.
Room: Room is the specific detail of the venue location. You have the option to add/select from the drop-down list, or click on the Green ‘+’ Icon to add. Rooms are also available to be edited/deleted in the venues tab. When room detail is added, the information is sent in outgoing emails to crew and in job details on crew’s personal pages.
Meeting Place/ Address: Once the location is added in the details in a drop-down list, it will help speed up the process for the similar shift. The meeting details are also sent in the SMS messages to the crew. To add a new meeting place, click on the “map” icon to bring up a pop-up map window, then click on “Add New” and type in location name/details, then move and drop the pin to the accurate point on the map then press “Add”. (For more info see “venues” tab) Tip: Meeting points can be edited in the venues tab.
Onsite Contact: Onsite contacts are available to add by clicking “+” icon next to the drop-down list. Please include the area code and omit spaces when typing in the contact numbers of the onsite contact person. Added contacts will be retained in the CrewCard system for future use, the list will be available to select when editing the job sheet, and all contacts are available to view/edit/delete on Client Profile Pages. (For more info, see “Clients” tab)
PO No.: PO number is optional to add for reference which also appears on the invoice.
Notes for Staff (Client editable): Admin or clients can add notes in this box. Notes are included in SMS messages sent to crew and available to view on crew pages.
Example: “Outdoor job, bring water”
Note for Staff (Ops Section): Admin can add notes in this box and be hidden from clients. Notes are included in SMS messages sent to crew and available to view on crew pages.
App Checklist:
Message Reminders: Tick ‘Messages Reminder’ to sent a reminder SMS to the confirmed crew members.
Example: You can select an SMS Reminder sent to your staff with the details of their shift at 16:00 one day before their shift. SMS Reminder 2 can be selected for (X) minutes before the commencement of shift.
Example: You can select a secondary SMS Reminder sent to your staff with the details of their shift at 30 minutes before the shift commencement on 10:00.
TIP: In the global page, SMS Reminder can be switched on or off.
Update Rates: The rates may not be updated if crew members have different rates and swapped shifts. Prior to processing payroll/timesheets, the rate is available to change in “Update Rates” feature in the shifts page.
Update Breaks: Same as “Update Rates” feature, breaks are available to edit prior to processing payroll.
Add Extra and Add Allowance, for additional rates for the timesheet for a particular shift.
Once Add Extra and Add Allowance are selected, you may input quantity, rate, paid, charge, pay date, and an option to delete.
Once done, please select Save to keep the changes.
Crew Profile: This will provide more information regarding the crew. Please select the profile icon on the Staff Name column.
A window will appear providing more detailed information regarding the assigned crew for the shift.
Information: Select the information icon on the Activity column to provide additional information regarding the shift.
A window will show the Activity Name, Categories Assigned, and Rules Assigned.
Tick the box next to one or more shifts, then use the action bar in the footer to perform the following actions:
Deleted Shifts: The selected shifts will be deleted without a message sent to crew.
Cancel / Remove:
In the jobs page, select a Job sheet where you want a Crew Member to be cancelled from a shift without deleting it.
In the job sheet page, Tick a checkbox or select a shift that you wish to cancel a Crew Member from. At the bottom left part of the page, click the cancel button.
Select Cancel or Remove and you will be directed to the cancel message template page.
Scroll down at the bottom part of the page. Automatically the app checkbox is already ticked. To notify the crew by SMS, tick SMS checkbox and And to notify via email, tick email checkbox. Click Send Message, Cancel & Remove Shifts(s) to notify the Crew Member of their shift cancellation by SMS, email and in-app notification in their CrewCard App.
Alternately, select the Cancel / Delete option which simultaneously notifies the Crew Member of the cancellation and deletes the shift.
Time Change: This feature is available when time or date has changed. When shift time/date has updated, click on the “Time Change Button” to open a new window with an SMS message ready to send to affected crew members to advise changed information, and requests crew to reply and confirm/accept the changes. The status of the changes displays as followings:
- Crew Name appears as green on the Shift Page, ‘S’ (sent) in ‘message’ column also indicates a message has been sent.
- Crew Name appears as black when crew member/s has confirmed and accepted.
- Crew Name appears as red to indicate crew has denied the changes and ‘D’ (Denied) also appears in the message column.
These features will work like a normal Cancel/ Delete, Cancel/ Remove and Time Change; however this will auto send the message without opening the send message page.
Auto Cancel/ Delete
Auto Cancel/ Remove
Auto Time Change
Scheduler/Auto: Please see guide 4.3
Offer Message:
This option is used when sending out ‘shift offer messages’ to staff members. Click and a page called ‘MultiSMS’ opens up, which allows you to offer shift/s to multiple staff members. The default SMS appears in the text box (editable and customisable in global settings) with another box with the list of crews that are assigned to the activity.
In this list, crew members have an asterisk (*) next to their name indicates that they are booked at that time, or a hash symbol (#) next to their name which indicates they entered their unavailability. Any other crew members are available for shifts.
Offer Same: The ‘same crew’ SMS feature works in two ways.
- You can book multiple people on several shifts, with a view to keep consistent staff booked on those shifts, provided you select an equal number of shifts on each occasion. For example, if on the shifts page you had four shifts for four people from 8am to 12pm and you needed the same four people to return on four subsequent shifts, perhaps that evening from 8pm to 11pm, you would have to select all eight shifts (it has to be an even number of both to work, four morning shifts and four evening shifts) and choose “Message Same Crew Shifts” in the “Select an Action” drop down list or press the edit (pencil icon) to enter the Shift Edit Page, then leave the Crew Member name blank, press “Offer Shift Same Crew”. This will bring up the default SMS (customisable and editable) and a crew list of available crew for that activity. Once again, crew that are already booked in all time slots will have an asterisk * next to their name and those that have entered their own unavailability will have a hash # next to their name. In this same crew SMS mode, if a Crew Member is already booked for one but not all of the shifts, a *+ will appear next their name and if they have made themselves unavailable for one but not all of the shifts, a #+ will appear next to their name. The message will create one shift number for both (or all shifts) but will offer crew both shifts in the same message. Depending on how you have set the default settings for the same crew SMS message in global settings, the message you’ve sent may look like this:
[715] Can you do 2 shifts, Sun 05-07, 07:45am — 12:00pm & Sun 05-07, 20:00pm — 23:00pm approx., at Cronulla Beach ? Client — X Productions. Reply 715Y for YES, 715N for NO. Await Confirmation.
The crew members are accepting both shifts by replying with 715Y. With this function, it would be possible to select all eight shifts (four in the morning and four in the evening) and send this message to eight or ten or twelve crew members (however many you think necessary to get the job filled). Once again, the system will wait the predetermined length of time that you have programmed into it; the first four of the highest ranking to reply in the affirmative will be awarded the job and will receive the confirmation messages. Those who missed out will receive the declined message to inform them that they will not be needed and to standby for more shifts. Once again, on the shifts page, it will be possible to see which shifts have been sent out using the ‘Offer Shifts Same Crew’ feature. In the shifts, under the SMS field, it will show SC “?” and the shift number created by the system for these shifts, which is, in this example, SC (715). There will be “?” next to the SC (715) of the first of these ‘linked’ shifts. When the “?” icon is clicked, a list will open of all the crew you sent the ‘same crew SMS message’ to, including the time the message was sent. As you refresh the page you will see Y and N appear after the names of the Crew Members that have responded yes or no to the shifts and the times they responded.
- The second way that the “Message Same Crew Shifts” can work is offering multiple shifts (under different clients and job sheets) to one crew member, for example an entire week or fortnight’s work. In the shifts page, you need to select all the shifts that you wish to offer to the one crew member, and press the edit (pencil icon) to open the shift edit page. Press the “Offer Shift Same Crew” button, select the crew member you wish to offer the shifts to from the crew list and press “Send SMS”. The content of the SMS will say how many shifts are being offered along with dates, times and locations.
Offer Multi: The ‘Multi Roster Message’ option works the same way as the Message Same Crew Shifts.
Message Multi Roster Shifts allows you to offer several shifts in one SMS/Email to a staff member/s. If they accept the shifts offered, they receive a confirmation SMS with the details of all their shifts in one SMS/Email.
On the shifts Page, at the bottom of the screen under “Select an Action”, and in the shift edit page and the job sheets pages, there is the option “Message Multi Roster Shifts”. This feature allows you to offer multiple shifts to a crew member or several crew members in a single message (SMS/Email) per crew member. The crew member/s only need to reply with a single SMS accept to be confirmed for all shifts.
For example: You could create an entire roster for the following week, select all the shifts you want in the shifts page, scroll down the bottom of the page, under “Select an Action”, select the “Message Multi Roster Shifts”. All shifts will be presented in SMS/format to the staff to accept the shifts in one go. When the crew members accept the shifts, they will automatically be sent confirm multi messages (after the predetermined length of time that is customisable in global settings under “SMS Incoming Configuration”, after “Incoming SMS Accept Shifts Interval”).
Confirm Shift: By selecting shift/s and clicking this option, you simply make a crew member/s confirmed for a shift without sending them a Confirmation Message. Their name will appear black on the shifts Page with a C next to it (under the SMS field) which indicates they have confirmed.
Confirm Message: This will send a confirmation message to the crew who is booked for the shift
Confirm Multi: Confirm multiple shift with the same crew
Lock: Shifts must be locked with the correct times in order to be processed by payroll. Once the start/finish/break times are correct, shifts can be locked using this option from the drop down menu. Once locked, a padlock icon will appear next to the locked shift.
Admin Lock: Shifts must be locked with the correct times in order to be processed by payroll. Once the start/finish/break times are ensured correct, shifts can be locked using this option from the drop-down menu. Once locked, a padlock icon with the word ‘ADMIN’ under it will appear next to each shift/s. Admin locked shifts can only be unlocked by ‘ADMIN’ users.
Payroll Lock: The job is locked for payroll the time sheet will be sent to be paid
Unlock: This option reverses the locked or admin locked actions.
Copy Shift (s): The selected shifts will be copied
Deleted Shift (s): The selected shifts will be deleted
Message Cancel & Delete Shift (s): Delete/cancel shift and a message will be sent to the crew member to notify them
Message Notify Staff of Change: The change in the selected shift will be sent to the crew
Highlight Shift(s): Highlight the shift, this reminds you to make changes to it
Reasons for Job Sheet Highlight:
- Copied Shift
- RP update
- Highlight option
- Copied shift that has been locked (Lock, Admin Lock and Payroll Lock)
Remove Shift(s) Highlighting: This removes the highlight from the shift.
8.0 Messages
Messages is a live online communication platform that allows you to communicate with managers, crew and clients. Click the Messages tab at the top of the page.
This will open the live messages (Chat).
8.1 Create Group
Creating a Group allows you to send messages to your team members added in the Group Messages.
To create a Group, Simply click group message icon on the upper right of the live messages. Enter a name for the new Message Group and assign members to the group. You may also use the search box to search for the Clients, Duty Managers and Crews. Once done selecting the members in the group, click the Create button.
9.0 Crew & Client Profile
Crew and Client Profiles is where their information is stored. It can be edited at anytime.
9.1 Crew Profile
The Crew profile has the following fields.
Overview — Crew Notes — Files Pending Approval — Personal Details — Resume/ CV — Address — Banking Details — Super Fund Details — TFND — Emergency — Recruitment Info — Send Messages — Crew Status — Experience / Reliability — Business Association — Client Association — Categories — Crew Groups — Available Activities — Activities Tags — Warnings — Citizenship Status — Expiry Date Warning — Exceed Weekly — Exceed Shift — Qualifications — Training — Inductions — Visas — Personal File — Permanent Files — Additional Information — Crew Ticketed List — Agreements — Contracts Invite Contracts — Actions —Invite action — Forms
9.1.2 Performance of Crew Calculation
The overall performance rating of a crew member is a measurement of the performance of the crew in terms of experience, crew rating/feedbacks, and reliability. Each crew member is awarded a score out of 100 that is derived from a combination of their star rating (out of 5), experience level (out of 5), reliability level (out of 5) and recent activity level (out of 5) with the formula weighted most heavily on their recent activity level rating.
Score formula:
((Experience) + Rating + Experience # Days + Reliability*#) *#)
Star Rating:
Star ratings default to a rating of 2DF for crew members not yet rated (DF = Default). Once they are rated in the calendar or app, they will earn an average star rating.
Shift Acceptance Rate:
The shift acceptance rate displays the average acceptance from crew. It shows acceptance rate within 30 days, 90 days, and 14 days.
In the dropdown menu for experience, select 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. If you select default for the experience, the rating will be calculated automatically.
Experience Levels are 1 — 5 from least experienced to most experienced. This is defaulted to the total hours crew have worked in the system and are calculated as follows:
Level 0 — 0 Hrs
Level 1 < 100 Hrs
Level 2 100 — 200 Hrs
Level 3 200 — 500 Hrs
Level 4 500 — 1000 Hrs
Level 5 > 1000 Hrs
Once the default setting has been replaced, the experience level will no longer display DF for default.
Example: if a crew member with a lot of industry experience came to work for Show Support, then a level of 1 would not be appropriate and would adversely affect their score. In these cases, we can assign a higher level, such as 4 or 5. The DF will no longer appear after the number to display that the experience level has been manually updated.
Reliability rating from the dropdown menu. Reliability levels are 1 (least) — 5 (most) reliable. Reliability levels default to 5 for all crew. Reliability levels MUST be updated manually (under experience/reliability in their crew profiles) as follows:
Level 5 — No blow outs, no lateness, perfectly reliable.
Level 4 — 1 Blow Out and/or 2 Times Late in the last 12 months
Level 3 — 2 Blow Outs and/or 4 Times Late in the last 12 months
Level 2 — 3 Blow Outs and/or 6 Times Late in the last 12 months
Level 1 — 4 Blow Outs and/or 8 Times Late in the last 12 months
Aside from experience and reliability, you can also enter bias in the crew profile page. Only admin has access to this feature. If you are using a different login credential, this option will not appear. Enter the value of bias in the provided field.
Recent Activity:
Recent Activity Levels are 0 (least) — 5 (most) active. Recent activity is based on the number of hours a Crew member has worked in the last 60 days.
Level 0 — 0 Hrs
Level 1 — 0 — 75 Hrs
Level 2 — 75 — 150 Hrs
Level 3 — 150 — 250 Hrs
Level 4 — 250 — 340 Hrs
Level 5 — 340 Hrs
Ranking Using Crew Score:
You can order ranks by hours, score or inactive.
- Score
- Bias
- Hrs — Total Working Hours of the Crew
- Hrs 7 — Total Working Hours of the Crew within a week
- EXP — the experience rating
- REL — the reliability rating
- REC — the recent activity rating.
9.1.3 Activities Tags
Activities tag is an additional field in the Crew Profile page. Administrators, Duty Managers, Managers can access this page but not within Client/Crew access. Crew tags are identification marks so that you can easily recognise a crew.
9.2 Client Profile
The client profile has the following fields.
Client Details: Enter client’s details
App Access: Create a login for the client and press ‘Invite’ to email their details
Address: Office address
Billing Address: Enter address if different to office
Account Details: The contact for anything accounts-related
Primary Booking: The contact who manages booking
Online Booking: Tick box on/off to allow client to make their own booking
Email Templates: Edit clients own email template based of CrewCard template
Invite Contracts: Invite client to sign a contract
Crew Groups: If need to assign crew
Business Association: If need to assign the client to business/es
Additional Information: Please go to settings to edit, see guide 4.7.7
Clients Discounts: Please see guide 6.5
Client Venues: Venues for the clients
Press ‘Save Details’ at the bottom of the page.
9.2.1 ABN Check
ABN can be set to be a mandatory or optional field in the client profile. Please email Once activated, the check ABN button will be activated and can be used to check the ABN details of a company. Enter the ABN on the provided field and click ABN Check. If the ABN is invalid, a warning message will appear.
The name of the company will appear. You can select accept or cancel
9.2.2 App Update
If the client’s login details have been changed or the client is unable to log into the app, the details will need to be updated. On the client profile overview, press update app, and this will refresh their login details.
9.3 Contracts
Crew members are sent an email invitation to accept contracts. They simply open the contract from a link in the email, review and sign it with their finger and then press submit. The final copy is emailed to the staff member and to Admin as a PDF attachment and is permanently stored in the CrewCard system.
The process of creating contracts in CrewCard is very easy. Each contract can be added in under one minute or as long as it takes to enter the contract name, copy and paste the content, select a signature block and press save. Assigning signature blocks to your contracts means they are ‘pre-signed’ by the authorised representative from your organisation so only the recipient needs to sign and submit. Different contracts can be saved with different signature blocks. For example, a manager’s name, position and signature can be preloaded into the contract as a signature block so they will not need to sign each time the contract is executed.
How to Add Contracts
To create contracts, go to Settings and select Contracts in the side left menu.
Create a Signature
You will need at least one Signature to be able to create a contract.
To add a signature, click + Add Signature in the top left of the page. Complete the three required fields, Signature Block Name, Manager Name and Job Role. Signature Block Name refers to the name of the Signature that will be added to the contract as the signatory from your organisation. Manager Name refers to the name of the person signing — e.g. John Smith — and Job Role refers to the position of the manager signing — e.g. General Manager. The last field is the signature itself where the manager must sign using their mouse or touch screen to get the closest result possible to a hand-drawn signature.
You may save several signatures in your Contract settings for different managers to be added to different contracts, but you can only add one signature to a contract. For example, you might have two contracts, one to be signed by the General Manager and another to be signed by the Managing Director, with the signatures for the correct manager applied to each contract.
Once a signature has been created and saved it will appear in the Signature list below the Add Signature section from where it can be edited or deleted.
Create a Contract
To add a contract, click the + Add Contract button below the Signature List.
Simply fill in the Title with the name of the contract and copy and paste the main content of the contract into the text editor below and then select a Signature from the drop down and press Save.
For employment contracts, you can insert the Activity Details by inserting the placeholder [ACTIVITY_DETAILS] at the desired place inside the contract and this will automatically pull in the Activity, Activity Description and Minimum Rate of the various Activities that have been assigned to crew members or recruits. Note, you will need to ensure the correct Categories and Activities have been assigned for this feature to function correctly. See Activity Descriptions in the User Guide for more information.
Once a contract has been created and saved it will appear in the Contract list below the Add Contract section from where it can be edited or deleted.
How Contracts are signed
There are three methods for getting contracts signed and saved in CrewCard.
- Recruit Contracts
Employment contracts that may be required to be accepted by new staff members as part of their onboarding process can be included via the Recruitment module. Go to Settings > Recruitment in the left side menu then scroll down to the Contract section. Select the desired contract from the Choose Contract drop down and then press Save Contract. Once contracts have been saved, they appear in the Contract form list and can be deleted if required.
Recruits are onboarded in their Crew Portal Profile where there is a Contracts page that is optional for inclusion by the Administrator as some users may prefer to include the contract in the Agreements page.
A recruit may locate, read and sign the contract during their onboarding process by following the steps from registration through to entering their accounts details. Recruits may also be invited to sign a contract by clicking the Invite Contract button at the bottom of the Contracts tab inside their Recruit Card in the Admin Portal.
Invite Contract will send a Contract Invitation email to the recruit with a link to the contract page of their Crew Portal Profile indicated by the Click Here button in the email. Once inside the Contracts page, the Recruit selects the contract to open, review and sign on their mobile device (or use their pre-saved signature) and press the Submit button at the bottom.
Once the contract has been signed by the recruit, the physical contract is generated as a PDF attachment to an email sent both to the recruit and to Admin. The PDF displays the name, details and address of the staff member and the signature blocks of both the staff member and the manager. Additionally, the contract PDF is permanently saved to the Crew Profile of the recruit to be accessed at any time.
- Invite Contract for Crew Members
Crew members can be invited to accept contracts from within their Crew Profile in the Admin Portal. Go to Contacts > Crew List > Edit Crew Profile (right of screen) > Invite Contracts (side left menu). Select the desired contract from the drop down menu and press Send Invite.
Invite Contract will send a Contract Invitation email to the crew member with a link to the contract page of their Crew Portal Profile indicated by the Click Here button in the email. Once inside the Contracts page, the crew member selects the contract to open, review and sign on their mobile device (or use their pre-saved signature) and press the Submit button at the bottom.
[insert image]
Once the contract has been signed by the crew member, the physical contract is generated as a PDF attachment to an email sent both to the recruit and to Admin. The PDF displays the name, details and address of the crew member and the signature blocks of both the crew member and the manager. Additionally, the contract PDF is permanently saved to their Crew Profile to be accessed at any time.
- Invite Contract for Clients
Clients can be invited to accept contracts from within their Client Profile in the Admin Portal. Go to Contacts > Clients > Edit Client Profile (right of screen) > Invite Contracts (side left menu). Select the desired contract from the drop down menu and press Send Invite.
Invite Contract will send a Contract Invitation email to the client contact with a link to the contract page of their Client Portal Profile indicated by the Click Here button in the email. Once inside the Contracts page, the client contact selects the contract to open, review and sign on their mobile device (or use their pre-saved signature) and press the Submit button at the bottom.
Once the contract has been signed by the client contact, the physical contract is generated as a PDF attachment to an email sent both to the recruit and to Admin. The PDF displays the name, details and address of the client contact and the signature blocks of both the client contact and the manager. Additionally, the contract PDF is permanently saved to their Client Profile to be accessed at any time.
9.4 Actions Forms
Actions forms are custom online forms for your staff to complete.
CrewCard offers as many online forms to help you manage your business as you need.
For example, you may need pre-start safety checklists, or office inductions, workplace inspections, or equipment sign-out forms. CrewCard can tailor such forms with checkboxes, text fields, images, links, checkboxes and yes or no questions for your staff to complete, sign and submit using their mobile device. In addition, any of your company policies, documents, SWMS and Toolbox Talks can also be included in these forms, providing you with fully fledged and dynamic safety inductions for every occasion.
The possibilities for potential Actions forms that can be added to your CrewCard system are as endless as your imagination. Furthermore, these forms are linked to your scheduling system for staff to complete when required, all conveniently saved in your CrewCard Admin Portal once completed as proof of acceptance and a helpful Admin email to let you know. CrewCard’s Actions forms automate your workflow by saving you from having to remember and follow up all the various agreements staff have to complete during the course of their work.
Actions are responsive web pages that can be accessed by your staff in their Actions page, emailed either manually or automatically with a link contained in the body of the email prompting the recipient to open the page and complete the form. The link is authenticated to log the crew user directly into their Crew Portal to complete, sign and submit the form. Once the form has been completed, an email is sent to Admin with proof of the agreement and the completed form is saved inside the Crew Profile in your Admin Portal along with the staff’s signature. The forms can also be accessed from the Forms Matrix, so that any agreements made by staff will be saved permanently in your CrewCard system.
Actions forms can be emailed manually at any time from within the Crew Profile in the Admin Portal and located using the side menu Invite Action option. Simply select the Action from the drop down list and then click Send Invite to manually trigger the email to be sent to your crew member.
Automated Actions emails can be programmed to be sent to crew members according to their skills, such as labourer or delivery driver. One or several skills (activities) may be selected, or all skills in the event the form applies to everyone in your organisation.
Forms can also be provided to staff at certain programmed times, such as the first time they are confirmed on a shift, or every time they are confirmed, monthly, quarterly, every six months or every year. For example, you may have a Forklift Induction that needs to be sent to a Forklift driver prior to their first shift, or you may require staff to complete a questionnaire every year to prove they are up to date with your latest policies and procedures. The best thing about using CrewCard for your forms is that it is connected to your rostering and scheduling solution, so Actions are only sent to staff as and when required, when they are booked. What is the point of emailing an induction reminder every 12 months to a staff member that no longer works for you?
Simply contact the CrewCard team with your requests for custom paperless forms and we will have them integrated into your platform ASAP. Simple forms can be produced on the same day, complex forms may take a bit longer.
See more examples of Actions forms below:
- Onsite Registration Forms
- Paperless Check In Forms
- Safety Inductions
- Office Inductions
- Request Forms
- Feedback Forms
- Handover Forms
- Medical History Form
- Course Registration
- Skills Training
- Competency Assessment
- Safe Work Method Statements — SWMS
- Toolbox Talks
- Incident Report Forms
- Quizzes and Questionnaires
- Jobsite Safety Inspections
- Sign Up Sheets
10.0 Settings
10.1 Admin Settings
Key: A
The following settings enable the user to customise CrewCard to meet their unique needs. Admin settings is only accessible for the admin of the account, as they have the ability to make set changes. To access, click Superuser in the top right-hand corner.
A drop-down menu will appear. Click Settings.
This will take you to all settings. View the menu bar on the left and click Admin Settings.
NOTE: When making updates to a setting, press ‘save’ which is located at the bottom of the page.
10.1.1 Accounts Details (for Invoices)
Below is an example invoice using the following settings to set up the company’s account details.
1. Payment Terms: X amount of days can be set for invoices which will appear as “Payment Terms: 7 days from date of invoice.”
2.Payment Grace Period: “X” amount of days after sent date before the interest is charged.
3. Percentage Interest: Interest rate can be set here (per annum).
4. Management Tax: Select to apply management tax by default.
There are 2 options for adding a Management Tax (or any extra charge) to tax invoices as either a percentage (%) or a flat amount, even if you do not select a Management tax amount in global settings. When you open a Tax Invoice (Ops Home > [any Invoice number]) at the bottom right-hand side of the invoice, click the “Apply Management Tax” checkbox (it will be whatever name you enter in the global settings page) and enter the amount % or flat rate to add to the invoice.
For Example: If you wish to add a Credit Card Surcharge to your Tax Invoices, you could change the Management Tax Name to Credit Card Surcharge in global settings. Even if the checkbox in global settings for management tax is not selected, when you open the Tax Invoice you can tick the checkbox at the bottom right-hand side, enter the amount of the surcharge and Send Invoice.
5. Management Tax Name: Name of Management Tax can be assigned here, i.e: Credit Card Surcharge
6. Management Tax Amount: Enter the amount you wish to charge extra on all tax invoices. If you add a % after the amount, the amount charged will be a percentage. If you do not include the % then the amount charged will be a flat rate. Include a negative sign “-” before the amount and it will deduct this amount from the invoice.
7. Merchant Fee: Select to apply merchant fee by default
8. Merchant Fee Name: Name of fee to be used throughout software
9. Merchant Fee Amount: Amount of fee to be applied (include % sign to use a percentage of invoice total)
10. Extra GST: Default (10%)
11. Accounts Email Address: Enter the email of the person responsible for the accounts in your company.
12. Bank Name: Enter company’s bank name
13.Business Account Name: Enter company’s account name
14. Business Account Number: Enter company’s account number
15. BSB: Enter company’s BSB number
16. Bank Country Code: This code is for international transfers, enter the code if relevant
17. Add Bank Details to Invoice: Tick box to show bank details on invoice
18. Transaction Description Code: To export ABA files
19. Bank Abbreviation: If your bank has a shortened name, enter it here
20. APCA Number: Enter your number for Direct Debit payments
21. Invoice Code: a significant code can be given to appear in every single invoice
22. From Address: “From Email Address” for quotes and invoices
23. Reply Address: “Reply Email Address” for quotes and invoices
24. Email Address for Crew Update in Account Details:
10.1.2 Administrator User Login Details
Admin username and password can be edited here:
10.1.3 Company Details
Use this section to enter your company details for the website. This will replace the default text in the software.
27. Company Name: Enter your company’s name
28. Company ABN: Enter your company’s ABN
29. Street: Enter the office street
30. Suburb: Enter the office suburb
31. State: Enter the state the office is located in
32. Postcode: Enter the office postcode
33. Email Address: Enter the company’s main email address
34. Phone: Enter the contact number for the company
35. Fax: Enter the company’s fax number
36. Mobile: Enter the company’s mobile number
37. Contact Person: Enter the point of contact within the company
38. Contact No.: Enter the contact person’s number
39. Contact Email: Enter the contact’s person’s email
The following settings will be display at the bottom of the page.
40. Footer Email Address: Enter a contact email address
41. Footer Website Address: Enter your company’s website
42. Term of Use Url: Link here your Terms of Use policy
43. Privacy Policy Url: Link here your policy
44. To change the logo:
1. Go to settings
2. Navigate to Admin Settings
3. Select Company Details
Tip: For best results — please use image format JPEG/GIF/PNG/TIFF/EPS to upload.
This will change the following image in the software:
45. To change the Background Image on the Login/Sign Up page:
1. Navigate to Admin Settings
2. Select Company Details
3. Click Choose File in 46. Profile Icon and upload your image file from your computer
Tip: For best results — Upload a JPEG/GIF/PNG image.
This will change the background image on the login and sign-up:
46. To change the Profile Icon:
1. Navigate to Admin Settings
2. Select Company Details
3. Click Choose File in 45. Background Image and upload your image file from your computerTip: For best results — Upload image formats JPEG/GIF/PNG/TIFF/EPS.
This will change the following image in the software:
47. Help Text: Write the text for the pop-out windows users will see when they click the question mark. Please below the example.
48. Header Colour Code: Enter known colour code, it will change header colour
49. Footer Colour Code: Enter known colour code, it will change footer colour
50. Footer Site Name: Name of the company
51. Website Tagline: A brief catchy slogan for your company.
52. Email Tagline: The slogan that goes out on every email.
Important Note: In settings page “Site Name” punctuation is NOT to be used, as this will cause error for crews when receiving emails.
FAQ: Why I am not receiving emails after locked-off shift, even when I setup different emails for crew online lock off email alerts?
Please check the following:
- Sent the businesses a “crew online lock off” email
- The crew name is not in the section “Crew that CANNOT accept Shifts in their “Crew Area””
- ‘Site Name’ punctuation is not used
- Make sure to ‘Save Configuration’ before exit
10.1.4 Managers
Admin has the ability to assign crew/staff as duty managers with access to different parts of the system. There are 3 different groups you are able to create with different access levels.
Tip: The crew/manager login will only access to the selected function from the Duty Manager Access list.
Note: Group 1 has the ability to access global settings.
Once the crew is selected to have duty manager access, their login details is the same as their crew login. When crew need to login as duty manager, select “Duty Manager” user type on the login page. When crew need to access as a crew member, crew need to logout and login again as ‘crew’ user type. When admin makes changes to the duty manager access, it displays in shift history:
Note: There are some functions only accessible by admin.
53, 55, 57. Assign Duty Managers: Select from the list of crew you wish to assign as duty manager(s)
54, 56, 58. Manager Access: Check/Uncheck the access you want the duty managers are allowed to use.
10.1.6 Ops Home Configuration
59. Enable Quotes: If ticked, the quotes column will appear on the jobs page. If not, the quote column on the jobs page will be removed.
60. Enable Invoices: Invoices can be viewed or taken out.
61. Show Staff per shift on Quotes and Invoices: This will show the crew who worked on the job on the invoice and the quote that is sent to the client.
62. Show In-house Client Reference Numbers: Shows client numbers assigned by CrewCard.
63. Use In-house Client Reference Numbers: Job Sheet, Invoice and Quote have default numbers. Tick to display ‘In-house Client Reference Numbers’ instead of ‘Default Reference Numbers’. Short names for clients (entered in Client Profile page) followed by automatically assigned job sheet/invoice number for each job sheet created.
64. Home Page: Custom home view. Please see guide 2.2
65. Group Shifts on Job Sheet, Shift Edit, and Staff View: On CrewCard there are three pages Job Sheets, Shift Edit and Staff View. You can group shifts on these pages by shift, date or activity.
10.1.7 Payroll Configuration
66. Order Payroll by: All crew in payroll page can be organised by their first name first or last name first.
67. Display and Export Payroll according to: Either exports according to shift date or payroll approved dates.
10.1.8 Shifts Page Configuration
68. Activities Hidden from Shifts Page: Group activities you would like to hide from shifts page. You can still book these activities on jobs page. Use the ‘>>’ arrows to move the activity from each group.
10.1.9 Terms and Conditions
Client Terms, Crew Terms, Manager Terms, Admin Terms and Duty Manager are custom files that allows you to add your company terms for each of the user types. This will come up for users who are the logging into the system for the first time, which they are required to accept.
Through the admin settings, click Terms & Conditions and use the text box to enter your own Terms and Conditions.
There are two tick boxes that can be turned on and off below the text box.
69. Client Terms: Insert or Update your Client Terms here through the text editor box.
70. Crew Terms: Insert or Update your Crew Terms here through the text editor box.
71. Manager Terms: Insert or Update your Manager Terms here through the text editor box.
72. Admin Terms: Insert or Update your Admin Terms here through the text editor box.
73. Manager Terms: Insert or Update your Duty Manager Terms here through the text editor box.
74. Clients Delivery Terms: Insert or Update your Client Delivery Terms here through the text editor box.
75. Reset Term Accepted(Crew): Check or uncheck if you want to reset term accepted for crew.
76. Reset Term Accepted(Client): Check or uncheck if you want to reset term accepted for client.
Reset Terms Accepted: When the box is ticked, client/crew must reaccept the terms and conditions before entering. When you update your terms and conditions, it is important to click this so that crew and clients will be informed about it.
CrewCard App Look: Depending of what is entered in the text box it will come up on the app like the following screen shot.
10.1.10 Privacy Policy
Staff, Manager, Admin, Duty Manager Privacy policy can be edited here.
77. Crew Privacy Policy: Insert or Update your crew privacy policy here through the text editor box.
78. Manager Privacy Policy: Insert or Update your manager privacy policy here through the text editor box.
79. Admin Privacy Policy: Insert or Update your admin privacy policy here through the text editor box.
80. Manager Privacy Policy: Insert or Update your duty manager privacy policy here through the text editor box.
10.1.11 User Action Reporting
The following can be switched on and off by a tick box:
81. Hide Reason on Shift Delete: Check or uncheck if you want to hide reason on shift delete.
82. Hide Reason on Rank Change: Check or uncheck if you want to hide reason on shift delete.
83. Show Staff Notes in Client Access: Check or uncheck if you want to hide reason on shift delete.
84. Hide Export Admin Summary from Managers: Check or uncheck if you want to hide export admin summary from managers.
85. Send email to admin when crew rank is updated: Check or uncheck if you want to send email to admin when crew rank is updated.
86. Admin email address for crew rank, disabled/enabled crew and deleted shifts: This email will receive notification mails regarding the following: Crew Rank Update, Disable/Enable Crew, Delete Shifts
10.1.12 Two -Step Authentication
If you wish to have a two-step authentication, please email
10.2 General Settings
Click the gear icon found on the upper right-hand corner and click ‘General Settings’ from the side menu.
10.2.1 Alternative Text
1. Alternate text for ‘Crew’: The word ‘crew’ can be replaced with any other preferred word across the CrewCard software.
2. Alternate text for ‘Client’: The word ‘client’ can be replaced with any other preferred word across the CrewCard software.
3. Alternate text for ‘Shift’: The word ‘shift’ can be replaced with any other preferred word across the CrewCard software.
10.2.2 Calendar
4. Show Start Time on Calendar: Shows start times on Calendar View.
5. Show End Time on Calendar: Shows end times on Calendar View.
6. Show Crew Name on Calendar: Shows crew names on Calendar View.
7. Show Crew Mobile on Calendar: Shows crew mobiles on Calendar View.
8. Show Crew Shift Number on Calendar: Shows shift numbers on calendar.
9. Show Unavailability Alerts: Unavailability alerts are shown on the shifts page when any crew is booked on a shift which is clashing with their unavailability.
10. View Calendar by Client/Site: Calendar can be sorted and grouped by client.
11. Show Job Description on Calendar: A description text can be entered on each job sheet, this feature will show that “description” on Calendar View.
12. Graph Colour Grouping: This feature allows the users to see the shifts coloured by activities or job sheets.
13. Calendar View Number of Weeks: How many weeks the user will like to see.
14. View Shift as Calendar Starting day of the week: Select what day to start the calendar on.
10.2.3 Clients
15. Clients can view Crew Details: Crew names and mobile numbers.
16. Clients can view shifts: Clients to view shifts in their “Client Pages”
17. Clients can edit/approve timesheets: Tick to allow all clients to edit timesheets shifts.
18. Display Confirmed Shifts Only on Shifts Page: Check the box to display confirmed shifts on the Shifts Page
19. Clients that are allowed to enter time off in shifts: These selected clients can manually enter the finish times of the crew. Use the ‘>>’ button to move the clients into the correct group.
20. Clients can request a quote: Enable this feature to make the “Request a quote?” option available in all online booking forms.
21. Hide same Crew For bookings
22. Crew abilities at Client booking form: Enable Crew Abilities in Client’s Booking Form.
23 — 34. Codes: (SMS or Email texts for codes 1-4): Names for Codes 1-4 can be assigned here which will appear in SMS messages, which are sent to crew depending on job requirements. Email text or email version of the code available.
35. Hide Crew first name from Clients: Check the box to hide first names of Crew from Clients. Uncheck the box to reveal first names to clients
36. Clients can enter a PO number: Check to allow clients to enter a PO number. Uncheck to disable.
37. PO number text: input PO number text.
10.2.4 Client Booking Settings
38-39. Primary and Secondary Booking Skill: Default activities that appear on the client online booking page.
40. Clients to have Booking Edit/Delete permissions: Some (or all) clients can be assigned to edit their bookings. This option will allow the selected clients to see full crew list and copy/repeat shifts send SMS’s to crew. This option can be used if CrewCard is set up as an internal rostering system and “clients” are set up as supervisors/managers within the company rather than actual clients.
41. Clients to be able to view Payroll: Some (or all) clients can be assigned to view payroll details. This option can be used if CrewCard is set as an internal rostering system and “clients” are set up as supervisors/managers within the company rather than actual clients.
10.2.5 Client Email Job Sheet Summary
Through the Jobs Page, there is a send button that emails the client a job sheet summary for a selected job. In this setting, we will be editing and creating a default of what the client will be emailed when sent the job sheet summary. Only ‘locked’ shifts will be included in the summary email.
42. Text Before Quote: Enter a default message to the client, this will appear before the Job Sheet. ‘[ACCOUNT_NAME]’ will enter automatically enter the clients name in the message.
43. Fields that are visible in the Summary: Select the fields visible in the summary using ‘>>’ button. You are able to change the order visible using the up and down buttons.
44. Text After Quote: Enter a sign-off message, include the name of who will be sending job sheets.
45. Email Summary from Address: Enter the email of the company/individual’s email you wish the job sheet will come from.
Help Text: Any tips or notes you will like to commonly share with your clients about the job sheets can be entered here which will appear in the email.
10.2.6 Crew
46. Shirt Size Field: Drop down box hidden/visible
47.Gender Text: Enter as many genders you prefer (Press enter key after you add gender text)
48. Profile photo upload required: Tick box on/off. If turned on, crew will be required to upload 3 images to their profile through their account.
49. In Staff login area, tasks are: Drop down box hidden/visible
50. Staff Available Across ALL Businesses: Tick to enable staff to be available across all businesses. (If not ticked, then the staff will need to be assigned to businesses individually)
51. Default Category: Used for quotes/invoices when Staff member has no assigned categories
52. Crew can enter finish time and lock shifts function: When enabled, all crew can lock off their shifts online by logging in to their crew page.
53. Show [x] days of past shifts in the Crew login area: How many days staff can see their past shift on the login page.
54. Crew can lock off shifts with a Start Time falling: “Before the current time”, “6-48 hrs in advance of current time” and “Any time” are the options for this feature, which allows crew to lock off their shifts “Any time”; “Before the current time”, which means shift start time must have passed to be able to lock, or 6-48 hours in advance of shift start time.
55. Individual Crew that can change shift times: Move Crew by using the ‘>>’ buttons
56. Show double booking warnings in crew login area: Sometimes crew may be booked on two clashing shifts by choice and not by mistake. If it’s preferred that the crew is not to be bothered with a warning, this option can be turned off otherwise crew will see a double-booking warning in crew login area.
57. Unlock double booking shifts in crew login area: This option will give crew the freedom to unlock double bookings in crew login page.
58. Email Admin about a “Crew online lock off”: CrewCard to send an email to admin every time a shift is being locked off by crew. Choose from drop down:
- Upon Lock off: If you wish to receive an email as soon as any shift is locked off online by any crew.
- Upon Start Time Change: If you wish to receive email ONLY when a start time is changed during lock off.
- Upon Any Time Change: If you wish to receive email only when a time change is made before locking off.
59. Send Client a “Crew online lock off” email: CrewCard can be set to send emails to the clients, whom the crew has worked for. Choose from drop down:
- Never: If you do NOT wish your clients to receive any emails about online lock offs.
- Upon Lock off: If you wish your client to receive an email as soon as any shift is locked off online by the crew, who has worked for this client.
- Upon Start Time Change: If you wish your client to receive email ONLY when a start time is changed during lock off.
- Upon Any Time Change: If you wish your client to receive email only when a time change is made before locking off.
60. Send the Businesses a “Crew online lock off” email: If businesses need to be notified about crew online lock offs or not, Choose from drop down:
- Never: If you do NOT wish the corresponding business to receive any emails about online lock offs.
- Upon Lock off: If you wish the corresponding business to receive an email as soon as any shift is locked off online by any crew.
- Upon Start Time Change: If you wish the corresponding business to receive email ONLY when a start time is changed during lock off.
- Upon Any Time Change: If you wish the corresponding business to receive email only when a time change is made before locking off.
61. Crew can Accept Shifts: Tick to allow crew to accept shifts in “Crew Area”
62. Crew that CANNOT accept online: All crew can be allowed to accept shifts online, which are already offered to them via SMS. Any crew member who is chosen not to be allowed to use this option can easily be selected from the crew list. Use ‘>>’ to more crew from each list.
63-64. “Allow Crew to see other Crew” and “Crew that can see ALL Crew on the same jobs”: Tick to allow staff see each other’s details if they are on the same shift in “Staff Area”. You can group who and who cannot. Use ‘>>’ to move crew from each list.
65. Allow Crew privacy: This option would allow crew to hide their details from other crew in “Crew Area”.
66. Allow Crew unavailability: Tick to allow staff to enter their unavailability in “Staff Area”.
67. Crew that have privacy: If any crew chooses not to share his/her details with other crew, which appears on the crew page under upcoming jobs, he/she can make a request to be put on this list. Use ‘>>’ to more crew from each list
68. Show Crew unavailability on graph: Turn on crew unavailability on graph
69-70. Unavailable Graph Colour (Hexadecimal) and Leave Graph Colour (Hexadecimal): Select the colour for the leave and unavailable blocks, use the available colours or enter colour code.
71. Group graph by: Graphic view can also group by “Businesses” (set under CrewCard) or “Crew Groups”.
72. Crew that can view ALL SHIFTS in graph: Some crew (usually high ranking crew) can be granted privileges to view all shifts if their names are put in this list. Use ‘>>’ to move crew from each list
73. Crew that can view ALL shifts with their name (not just the ‘C’ and ‘S’ shifts): In their crew support page, staff can normally see only confirmed shifts. With this option selected, staff can see shifts assigned (saved in the shift manually) to them even if not yet confirmed. Use ‘>>’ to move crew from each list
74. Crew can Update Personal Details: Tick to allow crew to update their personal details in their individual “Crew Area”.
75. Crew can Upload Files: Tick to allow crew to upload files in their individual “Crew Area”.
76. Crew can View Pay Details: Tick to allow crew to view their pay details in their individual “Crew Area”.
77. Upload Notification Email Address: Notify whenever a crew updates there profile by email
78. SMS Shift Time Buffer: [X] (Minutes) warning before shift.
79. Crew Carpool Shift Overlap: [X] (Minutes) allowing crew to see other crew starting or finishing within the allocated time frame. So that crew are able to arrange a lift with other crew who may be driving to the same location.
80. Show Warning if Crew Member has completed more than [X] [hrs/shifts] in [X] [time]: If a warning needs to be triggered when any crew works more than certain amount of hours per period it can be entered here.
81. Staff message title: Edit greeting title, which appears on first page of the crew profile
82. Staff message: A body of message can be entered here, which will always appear on the first page of each crew’s profile page.
83. Admin will confirm Crew Unavailability: If “No” is selected, then crew’s unavailability requests will be approved immediately. If “Yes” is selected, all unavailability requests need to be approved by office staff/operators.
84. Obey Crew Groups functionality: If clicked “yes” then only names of crew which are associated with each client on “Crew Groups” will appear on job sheet/edit page when sending out “shift offer” messages. Option “no” will show all crew but still highlight the crew names (in blue) that are associated with corresponding client on job sheet/edit page. (For more info see “Crew Groups”)
85. Remove Crew — Client Association violations from Crew name lists: Option “yes” removes staff completely from crew lists for certain clients. Option “No” shows the names but flags them as unavailable.
10.2.7 Crew Weekly Unavailability Setting
86. Set Weekly Unavailability Options: Enable to set a weekly unavailability options for the crew.
Custom Fields
10.2.8 Client additional information fields
This feature enables you to customise the client details page by adding fields of your own choice. Fields can be added as a text box, a text area box, check box or drop-down box. Once these fields are created, they will appear on each client’s profile page, which can be switched on or off by ticking boxes.
87. Show Warnings for required fields
10.2.9 Crew additional information fields
This feature enables you to customise the crew members details page by adding fields of your own choice. To add, click on Add Field then fill in the caption, type, default, extra, and tick display on reports.
Tip: It is recommended to check the selection in the crew detail page to ensure the new field is added and in the right selection.
When ‘Show Warnings’ for required field is available to edit/add/select/delete’ tick box is selected those fields are available in 3 exports:
?Shifts Page ? Select an Action ? Export to Excel
?Shifts Page ? Select an Action ? Export Summary (Admin)
?Timesheets Page ? Export All Records
88. Show Warnings for required fields
10.2.10 Staff Status
List can be put specific text; mark as required to show warning message when not complete; for dropdown type: please put the options separated by “|” in List field
89. Show Warnings for required field
10.2.11 Emails
Create emails templates for the following actions by filling out the text box. If you would like to go back to the existing messages, press ‘Back to Default’.
90. Auto-Booking email cancellation warning: Please input the message you want to send when an auto-booking is cancelled (The variable [BOOKING_EMAIL] is available to use within the cancellation warning text. Please remember to enclose the merge fields using square brackets [].)
91. Email Request Message: Please input the message you want to send when requesting/asking a crew if they are able to attend to a shift.
92. Email Request Message (2 connected shifts): Please input the message you want to send when requesting/asking a crew if they are able to attend to 2 connected shifts.
93. Email Request Message (more than 2 connected shifts): Please input the message you want to send when requesting/asking a crew if they are able to attend on more than 2 connected shifts.
94. Email Notify Staff of Change Message: Please input the message you want to send when requesting/asking a crew if they are able to attend on a shift with the changed date or time.
95. Email Cancellation Message: Please input the message you want to send when a shift has been cancelled.
96. Email Confirm Message: Please input the message you want to send when a shift has been confirmed.
97. Email Multi Confirm Message: Please input the message you want to send when a multi-shift has been confirmed.
98. Email Decline Message: Please input the message you want to send when a shift has already been filled.
99. Email Crew Reminder (16:00): Please input the message you want to send to remind a Crew regarding a confirmed shift before the start time.
100. Email Supervisor Reminder (16:00): Please input the message you want to send to remind the Onsite Contact regarding a confirmed shift before the start time.
101. Email Staff Reminder (After Hours): Please input the message you want to send to remind a Crew regarding a confirmed shift after working hours.
102. Email Onsite Contact Reminder (After Hours) : Please input the message you want to send to remind the Onsite Contact regarding a confirmed shift after working hours.
TIP: Variables are available to use within the SMS text. For example, “This job starts at [TIME_ON]”.
Please remember to enclose the merge fields using square brackets [].
10.2.12 Expiry Reminders Emails
Set up reminder emails before any crew additional information field expires for important documents such as Visa, working with Children, RSA etc.
Client Warning
Clients can also receive an Additional Information Warning by tick boxing:
10.2.13 Invoices and Quotes
Email Message
This page is where you can personalize your email messages to send out invoices. The text boxes on the right side of each section are available for you to type out exactly what your email will show when sending out invoices.
Sections you can edit:
103. Invoice Email Content: Email content template can be added here in this text box, each time an Invoice Statements can be sent out
104. Part Payment Invoice Email: Part payment invoice can be sent out alongside this Email content template, each time a part invoice can be sent out with this content.
Checkbox to include PDF as Attachment
104. Invoice Email Footer: Invoice Email footer can be added here, footer content usually includes declaring that the receiver is aware of the terms and conditions, or confidentiality
105. Complete Payment Invoice: Input content in this text box to appear in the Complete Payment Email.
106. Invoice Email Footer: Invoice Email footer can be added here, footer content usually includes declaring that the receiver is aware of the terms and conditions, or confidentiality
107. PDF Invoice Text: This content will be visible in the attached PDF invoice
108. Invoice Page — Email Statement Content: Please input the message format on sending an Invoice Statements that are not yet settled.
TIP: Variables are available to use within the email text. For example, “This invoice total was [SUB_TOTAL]”.
Please remember to enclose the merge fields using square brackets [].
109. Invoice Page — Invoice Page — Email Statement Reminder
Reminder 1
Reminder 2
Reminder 3
Enter the days after the invoice was sent to the Client and set the time on when they will receive the Email Statement Reminder.
10.2.14 Quote Template Settings
NOTE: Ensure “Set Customised Template as Default Option” is ticked for any of the below settings to be applied.
You are able to create your own quote template that includes a custom logo, default text before and after the quote section, custom footer, whether the quote prints in summary or detail form and whether the quote prints in landscape or portrait format.
The following configuration items are available via the ‘General Settings’.
110. Logo: A logo that will appear on all quotes.
Click on “Choose File” to select file from computer and upload template.
TIP: JPEG/GIF/PNG/TIFF/EPS formats are the recommended template format to upload.
111. Quote Email Content: Enter content of the template can be added here in this text boc, each time a Quote Email can be sent out.
112: Quote Label: Title of the quote when the quote is email to the client.
113. Text Before Quote: Any text that will appear before the quotation.
114. Text After Quote: Any text that will appear after the quotation.
115. Quote Footer Text: Any desired quote footer text can be entered here.
TIP: Variables are available to use within the quote text. For example, ” Date Prepared [DATE_PREPARED]”.
The available variables are [DATE_PREPARED], [TO],[JOB_REFERENCE],[CLIENT_CODE],[EVENT_DATE],[JOB_DESCRIPTION],[VENUE]. Please remember to enclose the merge fields using square brackets [].
116. Quote Summary/Detail:
The information within the body of the quote can be displayed in summary or detail.
This is drop-down box. To select, click on the drop-down selection of “Summarised” and “Detailed”. When “Summarised” is selected, shifts with multiple crew are shown in one line. If “Detailed” is selected all individual shifts are shown in the quote as one line. So if a quote has 10x general staff doing the same job quote would have 10 lines, (1 for each staff booked).
117. Set Customised Template as Default Option:
When ticked the above templet becomes default settings for all Quotes.
To override the default template for individual quotes, click on the option ‘Choose Quote Template’ in the dropdown.
118. Quote Page Layout: Landscape or Horizontal
10.2.15 Invoice Settings
119. Invoice Summary/Detail: Select Detailed or Summarised
10.2.16 Site Sheet Configuration
120. Site Sheet Configuration
Site sheet relates to the time sheet that can be printed off or email to crew. Below is the Site sheet configuration which you can edit.
Titles: of each column on the timesheet.
Content: the information that will relate to the title.
Width: how large the column is (recommend to increase size based on how much information is required).
Hide/ Delete: Hide the column from the sheet or completely delete it.
Please see below the timesheet based on the above settings.
10.2.17 SMS
121. SMS Shift Time Buffer: (Minutes) The actual shift start time minus the set amount of minutes. For example if this time is set to 15 minutes, staff will be told to turn up at 08:45. for a 09:00am shift.
10.2.18 SMS Configuration
122. Crew that receive SMS reminders: Group who will receive using the ‘>>’ button. By default, all staff will receive a SMS.
123. Staff that receive After Hours SMS: Group who will receive using the ‘>>’ button. By default, all staff will receive a SMS.
124. Automatically Add Used SMS to Clients Invoices: Adds costs of SMS messages to be sent to crew in order to fill the shifts within that job sheet.
125. Charge per SMS: Cost of each SMS to be added to invoices x 0.2, client will be charge double
Create SMS templates for the following actions by filling out the text box. If you would like to go back to the existing messages, press ‘Back to Default’.
126. SMS Request Message
127. SMS Request Message (2 connected shifts)
128. SMS Request Message (more than 2 connected shifts)
129. SMS Notify Staff of Change Message
130. SMS Cancellation Message
131. SMS Confirm Message
132. SMS Confirmation: Tick to NOT send SMS confirmation messages. When accepted by crew, shifts get confirmed but a “Confirmation message” will not be sent.
133. SMS Multi Confirm Message
134. SMS Decline Message
135. SMS Staff Reminder (16:00)
136. SMS Supervisor Reminder (16:00)
137. SMS Staff Reminder (After Hours)
138. SMS Supervisor Reminder (After Hours)
139. SMS Supervisor App Invitation:
TIP: Variables are available to use within the SMS text. For example, “This job starts at [TIME_ON]”.
Please remember to enclose the merge fields using square brackets [].
10.2.19 Software Configuration
140. Group Shift Search Admin Summary by Client: Excel Export Admin Summary in Shifts Page > Select an Action in the drop-down list regrouped by this option.
141. Enable Tasks: When enabled, a dropdown menu appears on each shift labelled “Tasks”, which can be edited in “Tasks” page
142. Enable Change of Business: CrewCard may be set to organise many different businesses. This option allows users to easily move shifts from one business to another.
143. Default Business:
- Active Business: creates new shifts under the currently selected business.
- Job sheet Business: creates new shifts under the job sheet business
144. Automatically insert a [x] minute break every [x] hours for Shifts exceeding [x] hours in length [x] Extend time off to allow for breaks: This useful feature allows CrewCard to automatically enter breaks,
145. If admin break is not set, add a zero admin break and override the incoming Crew SMS breaks: If any job does not have any breaks while being created by users and is not meant to have any breaks regardless of what crew texts in, this feature can be ticked and enabled.
146. Long Shifts: [X] (Hours) Over this amount of hours is considered a Long Shift. Set to zero (0) to disable.
147. Long Shift Break: [X] (Hours). A warning will be shown if the above number of hours is NOT given between an individual’s Long Shift and the next Shift.
148. After Hours Start Hour: Select in 24-hour clock out of hours start time
149. After Hours End Hour: Select in 24-hour clock out of hours end time
150.Allow Shift Map Checking: This feature allows the duty managers to drop a pin on a building, street or location to set it as a meeting point, crew log in to their profile page to view their upcoming jobs, they can see a satellite picture of the meeting point of each job.
151. Allow Shift and Job Sheet Note Checking: When job sheets are created, there may be some notes entered, which are vital for the job. If these notes must be checked (by clicking a check box), then select the “yes” option, that way unchecked notes will appear in red, and checked notes will appear in green. If “no” is selected, then there would be no colour indication in the background of the “notes” icon.
152. Show Scheduled times in excel export: When selected, this option will allow the excel export feature to show.
153. Order by rank in “Job SMS” area: All crew are saved in the system with a ranking number. Users can keep the crew in a ranking order in “job sending page”, or only in alphabetical order starting with their first name.
154. Order by rank in “Message” area: All crew are saved in the system with a ranking number. Users can keep the crew in a ranking order in “send SMS page”, or only in alphabetical order starting with their first name.
155. Rank Explanation: Ranking level: 1 — 5, 5 = offered job first — 1 = offer job last
156. Experience Explanation: Experience Levels 1 — 5, 5 = highly experienced — 1 = least experienced
157. Reliability Explanation: Reliability Levels are 1 — 5, 5 is very reliable — 1 is very unreliable
158. Score Info Pop-up Text: Each crew member is accorded a score out of 100 that is derived from a combination of their star rating (out of 5), experience level (out of 5), reliability level (out of 5) and recent activity level (out of 5) with the formula weighted towards their recent activity level.
159. Show Job Number in top right Job Sheet corner: Shows job number in top right corner of job sheet page. On/off option.
10.2.20 Online Shift Acceptance Configuration
160. Rank Required: Rank required to be able to accept available shifts online (0 to disable) based on their rankings.
161. Show Shifts when unavailable: Tick to allow staff to be able to see shift even if they are unavailable to them.
162. Show Views Jobs as Graph on Shift Page: Tick box on/off
163. Select All Shifts on JobSheet Page by Default: Drop down box on/off
10.2.21 Minimum Call (Hours)
164. Default Minimum Call: Set a default minimum call hour on the general settings page for any activity unless the activity’s minimum call is specified which will be under “activities”.
Furthermore, minimum call hours can be adjusted based on which day of the week the call is on. For example, minimum call hour can be set to 4 hours on the weekends, and 3 hours on weekdays.
165. Day of Week: Use the following to set the minimum call for different days of the week. Leave blank to refer to default.
10.2.22 Timesheets
These time sheets can be reviewed and signed by the client/supervisor onsite once completed.
Tick box: Tick this box if you need default Settings on Timesheets Export
166. Output timesheet in this format: Output of the time sheet page can be set as “portrait” or “landscape”
167. Show “Supervisor” in header area: can be set to appear on time sheets.
168. Show “Supervisor Contact No.” number in header area: Can be set to appear on time sheets.
169. Group timesheet by: Crew on time sheets can be grouped by either “time” or “activity”
170 — 171. Timesheet header area Warning and Timesheet header area Warning line 2: A default message which will go on top of each time sheet.
172. Show Timesheet footer: A default message which will go on the footer on timesheet
173. Timesheet Job and Venue Notes: Create note or leave blank to show signature box.
174. Show Timesheet Job and Venue Notes: Show Timesheet Job and Venue Notes in Site Sheet PDF Download and Site Sheet PDF Email
175. Show Tasks on Timesheet exports: Yes/ No
176. Venue Lock: Enable/Disabled
177. Team Leader Activity: Select which job is the team leader.
178. Hide Crew Mobile No. from other crew on the same job: Tick box yes/ no
179. Select All Shifts on Timesheet Page by Default: Yes/ No
10.2.23 Day Sheet
Settings for the day sheet which is accessibility through crew access ? Calendar
180. Hide Induction in the Day sheet: Tick Box On/ Off
181. Hide Inspection in the Day sheet: Tick Box On/ Off
182. Day Sheet Time: The minutes before shift to send the job sheet.
183. Day Sheet Email: Who the day sheet is emailed to. Tick box client, supervisor, team leader or project manager
10.2.24 Events Quote
184. Always select Instruction in Events Quotes: If tick box, the checkbox below the instruction will be ticked “Apply to all shifts on this booking”
10.2.25 Project Code
185. Enable Project Code: Enable in the Jobs page
186. Enable Project Code for Timesheets Page: Enable in Timesheet page
187. Enable Project Code for Shifts Page: Enable in the Project code in the search filter section
188. Enable Crew Status for Timesheets Page: Enable the crew status in Timesheet page
Rental Point integration settings.
10.2.26 Email Templates
CrewCard provides users with email templates that can be readily used. These templates are customisable to fit the needs and requirements of the user. Use the drop-down list or create your own template. When the option is selected, a pop-up window will appear so you will be able to edit it.
After creating the email template, click client templates — Client APP Invitation, and select the template you wish to use.
10.3 Compliance settings
This setting is for various compliance standards for qualifications, work hour limitations, visas and other documentation, which allows you to monitor all in one place. The system automatically blocks crew whose compliance has expired. Additionally, if an Activity requires a qualification and a crew does not meet the requirements, they will be blocked from accepting the shift.
10.3.1 Exceed Hrs/Week Warning
Exceed Hrs/Week Warning is the compliance setting for limiting the working hours of a crew.
Tick box how you would like the warning to be alerted.
Show Warnings for required fields: Check this box to have a warning appear under Shift Warnings under Job shift page — for both the Crew and Admin
Email Warning to Admin: An email is sent to the admin informing them that crew has exceeded the working hours.
Email Warning to Crew: An email is sent to the crew informing them that they have exceeded the working hours.
Fill following Fields:
Caption: Enter the caption of the field. This caption will appear on the crew profile page.
Input: Enter the value of input here.
Select: Select from the dropdown menu list if you want your Input Type to be in Hrs/Week, Hrs/2 Weeks or Hrs/4 Weeks.
Block Crew: The crew will have a text “BLOCKED” appended to it and will not be able to be assigned to a shift.
Required: The field is tagged as a required field on the crew profile page.
Warn: When a warning message will appear on the Shifts page.
Apply to All: The field is applicable to all crews.
Daily Email: An email is sent to the admin on a daily basis with updates.
Click ‘Add Field’ to add a new exceed hours/week warning.
The fields will appear on the Crew Profile. Fields will be available for the crew to select from.
If a crew has exceeded their max working hours, they will be blocked to accept any shift offer for that duration of time until a new time frame. This means that if a crew has exceeded 15 hours in 2 weeks, they will not be able to accept any more jobs within the two weeks time frame. A warning message will pop-up if you try to book the blocked crew.
10.3.2 Exceed Limit Warning
This is similar to the Exceed Hrs/Week Warning, but rather it is based off of the hours and shift the crew works in a week.
Caption: Enter the caption of the field. This caption will appear on the crew profile page.
Input: Total hours or total shifts available
Select: if total hours select ‘Total hrs’ or ‘Shift/Day’
10.3.3 Expiry Date Warning
The Expiry Date Warning works the same as the Exceed Hours Warning, but rather the control is related to the expiry dates of a crew’s licenses/visas. The expiry date warning will appear in the crew profile page.
This displays in the crew profile and the crew will be able to upload their information.
Crew View:
10.3.4 Training Expiry Date Warning
All the types of training added in the settings will become available on the crew profile page. You need to put a comment and expiry date of the training and upload supporting document for the crew. If a crew has an expired training, you will not be able to book them on any job.
Crew View:
10.3.5 Induction Expiry Date Warning
In the Compliance Settings, go to Induction Expiry Date Warning. Put a check mark on ‘Block Crew’ if you want to block crew once the training has expired for the crew member. You can also put a check mark on ‘Required’ which will tag the field to be required in the crew profile page. Additionally, when you put a check mark on ‘Warn’, a warning message will appear on the crew profile page and shifts page about the expired induction records.
You can also add the URL of the induction in the provided fields. There are also fields for the provider name, email and comments.
All the induction that you created in the compliance settings will now appear in the crew profile page.
Crew View:
When you select an induction from the dropdown menu, a new field will appear where you’ll need to add comment and expiry date for the induction and upload supporting document for the crew.
10.3.6 Identification Expiry Date Warning
Just like the above, title the type of identification you require from crew and select how you would like to be warned about the expiry date.
Crew View:
10.3.8 Visa Expiry Date Warning
Just like the other expiry date warnings, edit the setting for the Visa you would like the crew to be able to select from to upload their documents.
Crew View:
10.4 Recruitment Settings
Recruit staff for your job bookings. You can setup requirements, inductions, and other pre-requisites for recruitment before accepting a crew.
The recruitment settings are divided into:
10.4.1 Recruit General Settings
1. Enable Recruits Page Menu: This will enable the Recruit Cards page via Contacts > Recruit Cards.
2. Display Recruits Sign Up on Login Page: This will show the Sign-Up option on the System Login Page that directs recruits to the Sign-Up page.
3. Recruit Access: From the dropdown menu, pick either Manual or Auto invite
Manual Invite — Applicant can either registered themselves from the Sign-Up page or been enrolled by a recruiter, once they have done that, they will be invited by the recruiter via an email with a once-only access token to open their Recruit Details page and continue the process of onboarding themselves as recruits.
Auto Invite — The Auto Invite option bypasses the step of Recruiters manually inviting recruits to set their password, fill in their personal details, qualifications, experience, medical history, agreements, contract, induction and accounts so that once an applicant has registered on the Sign-Up page, they can progress to the next steps without the need for an email invitation
4. Interview:
Enable Interview
This will enable the Interview Tab for both Admin and Duty Manager.
5. Recruit Activation Email Send to Crew
When admin activated a recruit via Recruit Cards or Activation tab, the recruit will receive an email notification (Recruit Activation Email)
10.4.2: Crew Portal Profile Page
Tick box the following tabs that will be shown on the recruitment header.
Interview — Details — Qualifications —Experience — Medical — Citizenship —Agreements — Contracts— inductions— Accounts
This will also mean the recruits will need to fill out the information.
6. Details: Enable Details Page
7. Qualifications: Enable Qualifications Page
8. Experience: Enable Experience Page
9. Medical: Enable Medical Page
10. Citizenship: Enable Citizenship Page
11. Agreements: Enable Agreements Page
12. Contracts: Enable Contracts Page
13. Inductions: Enable Induction Page
14. Accounts: Enable Accounts Page
10.4.3 Sign up page
15. Hide business selection on sign up page: When user signs up, they do have to select what business. (This is helpful if there is only one business). Enable Business in the Sign up>> Job Seeker Sign up>> Business Location
16. Business Label: Relabel Business in the Sign up>> Job Seeker Sign up>> Business Location
17. Display employment history section on sign up: Sign up>> Job Seeker Sign up>> Employment History
18. Allow UK mobile number: The system defaults to accept 10 digits for Australian mobile numbers. Enable this setting to accept 11 digits for UK mobile numbers.
19. Resume: Select how you would like recruits to upload (upload it in a textbox or as an attachment).
Resume Textbox style:
Resume Attachment style:
20. Sign Up Questions: Create and add custom questions on the Sign-Up page to record answers for applicants.
Same as interview but when a recruit first signs up, you can add questions that they can fill in themselves.
What applicants will see:
21. Enable Skills/Activities for applicant to select upon sign up : Enable applicants to select different Activities(Skills and roles) in the Sign up>> Job Seeker Sign up>> Skills (Activities).

Fill the following SMS:
- Initial SMS
- Request for Call Back
- Request to Submit Document
You can add more titles if needed.

24. Interview Questions
Customise the questions that you may need to ask the recruit during a phone or in-person interview.
Admin’s View:
10.4.5. Medical Page
25. Medical Conditions: Enable medical condition, Recruits are required to fill in any medical related details that may be required as part of the employment details on the Medical page of their Crew Portal Profile. Explainer text can be customised for Medical Conditions.
When tick box ‘Enable Medical Conditions’, the ‘Info Box’ will be visible for the crew. You can also add a label for the info box. In the screenshot below, the label of the info box is “List all previous physical or psychological injuries that may affect your work performance (answer not compulsory)”.
26. Medical Disclaimer Check boxes: Add any additional custom questions under the medical conditions section for your recruits to check and acknowledge.
Click the Add button to a medical disclaimer check boxes. You can also make the medical disclaimer check boxes as mandatory and required by ticking the box ‘Required’.
Crew’s view:
10.4.6. Agreements Page
27. Resources: These Resources can be a policy, procedure or any other important information that the crew can access using the Crew Access or via the app. There is no need for an additional software to view the online content. Resources can be easily used in other sections of the CrewCard system such as Recruitment, Actions and Forms. When a resource is edited, it will be displayed automatically across the software. Resources can be added in the Resources Settings.
From the dropdown menu, select the resource that you want to add, then click Save Resources. Resources are configured under the resources settings. Before a resource can be made available in the recruitment, it needs to be created.
28. Agreement Disclaimer Checkboxes : Disclaimer check boxes will be added under the Agreements Tab in Agreements Section for the recruit tab of the potential crew member. To add a disclaimer check box, simply click the Add Agreement Disclaimer and enter the text in the provided field. If you want to make the disclaimer box as a mandatory field, tick the box ‘Required’. Click ‘Save Agreement Disclaimer’ once you are finished adding disclaimer boxes.
29. New Recruitment Enrolled Email: This settings allows you to set from where the email came from and who will be copied in the new recruitment enrolled email.
Admin Email Address: Enter the email address, this will be the email address that will be used during the course of the recruitment process.
Admin CC Email Address: Enter the email address, that address will be copied for the Recruitment Enrolled Email.
This is what the Recruit will received:
30. Profile Completed Email:
Admin Email Address: this will be the email address that will be used during the course of the recruitment process.
Admin CC Email Address: that address will be copied with the same email during the course of the recruitment process.
Accounts CC Email Address: that address will be copied with the same email during the course of the recruitment process.
Profile completion Email Attachment: When a potential crew member has completed their profile, they will receive an email confirming that profile has been completed. In that e-mail, files that needs to be completed will be included.
31. Assign Activity: The selected activity will be the one displayed during the recruitment process.
32. Assign Category: The selected category will be the one displayed during the recruitment process.
33. Insert Activity Details: The details of the activity will be displayed.
10.4.7 Contract Page
34. Contracts: From the dropdown menu, select the contract that you want to add, then click Save Contract. Before a contract can be made available in the recruitment, it needs to be created first in the contracts settings.
10.4.8 Induction Page
35. Induction title: Allows you to setup requirements, inductions, and other pre-requisites for recruitment before accepting a crew. Enter the Induction title
Subtitle: Enter the Subtitle of the Induction
Sub Title Description: Enter the Sub Title Description of the Induction
36. Default Super Fund
Default Super Fund is set as: Australian Super Fund (change using text box) This will be the fund that will be displayed by default during the recruitment process
37. Default Super ABN: Enter Default Super ABN
38. Default Super SPIN/USI : Enter default Super SPIN/USI
39. TFND: Enable TFND Section in Accounts Tab.
10.4.10 Activation Page
40. Activation Check list: This can be found in the activation tab in Recruit Card
41. Crew Tag: Enable crew tag
42. Crew Rank: Enable crew rank
10.5 Contract Settings
10.5 Contract Settings
The contract settings allows user to create contracts that can be used in recruitment. Additionally, signatures can also be created which can be affixed automatically to any available contract. The contracts function in CrewCard eliminates the need for hardcopies of any contracts because everything can now be done inside the system.
10.5.1 Adding Signature
Different contracts require different signatures. In this section, you can create signature depending on your requirement. Click Add Signature and a new window will appear where you must fill all fields. Under the signature block, use the cursor of your mouse as the tip of your pen, affix your signature as if you are affixing your signature on a piece of paper.
If you want to redo your signature, simply click the Clear button and the Signature block will be cleared. If you are satisfied with the appearance of your signature, you can now click Save. The newly created signature will then be added in the Signature List.
In the Signature List, there are Actions icons: Edit and Delete. If you want to edit the signature, click on the pencil icon and then you will be able to edit the signature. If ‘Delete Signature’ is clicked, there will be pop-up a warning asking if you really want to delete the signature.
10.5.2 Adding Contracts
Click Add Contract, enter the title of the contract, now enter the details of the contract in the next info box. You can use various formatting tools to make the appearance of your contract more formal and presentable. You can make the text bold, italic, insert photos, videos, and more, by using the editor.
After you added the content of the contract, you can now select the signature to be used for the contract from the dropdown menu, then click save.
This will then be added to the contracts list. If you want to edit the contract, click on the pencil icon and then you will be able to edit the contract. If ‘Delete Contract’ is clicked, a pop-up warning will appear
10.6 Qualification Settings
There are Activities and Abilities which require a Qualification before a crew can be assigned to a shift. As such, Activity and Abilities can be mapped to a Qualification. Depending on the Qualification settings, a crew may be blocked from being assigned to a shift.
All the qualifications you have added in this setting will become available in the activity page where you can map the qualifications.
The setting warns you if a crew member has an incomplete qualification or if the qualification has expired, you will not be able to book them for any shift. The word “BLOCKED” will be added alongside the name of the crew member.
To add a new field for Qualification, click Add Field then enter the Caption, Input and you can tick the boxes of Block Crew, Required, Warn, Apply to All, and Daily Email. You also can delete the qualification using the delete icon.
All the qualifications you have added in this setting will become available on the Activity and Abilities page where you can map the qualifications.
In Edit Activity page the qualification added here can be mapped to activities, scroll down to qualification section and to add a qualification click add qualification. Enter the the qualification name, tick Block Crew, required and warn if required then click save button. Automatically the new qualification added in this page will also be visible in Qualification settings.
Staff Abilities page has a section wherein you can select a qualification to be mapped to Abilities.
10.7 Action Settings
Sometimes a job may require that crew members are properly inducted about the venue, or before a crew can start a job, they will need information about health and safety.
The Action List is a new setting where you can set up actions that a crew needs to read and understand before they can complete a job.
If you do not see the Action Settings in your system, contact to activate this feature in your system.
Click the Add Action button to open the window for adding Action List. Enter the title of the Action List in the provided field and start adding steps to the Action List. There are different steps that you can add to an Action List.
Type the title of the action.
Add a step from the drop-down list that the crew will have to do after reading.
These are the available steps that you can add to your Action List:
- Subtitle — this is a text which can be used as an additional information
- Text — information in the form of texts
- Checkbox — checkboxes which you can set as mandatory or not
- Question — a question step where crew members will have to answer
- Yes/No Question — a question step answerable by yes/no
Forms that have been uploaded in the forms page will appear in the drop-down menu, select a form that relates to the action.
Click ‘save’ at the bottom right-hand side of the page.
Click the edit button next to the action.
Use the arrows to group the crew ability who are required to read the action.
Click ‘save’ at the bottom right-hand side of the page and a message will pop up.
10.8 Resources Settings
10.8 Resources Settings
These Resources can be a policy, procedure or any other important information that the crew can access using the Crew Access or via the app. There is no need for an additional software to view the online content. Resources can be easily used in other sections of the CrewCard system such as Recruitment, Actions and Forms. When a resource is edited, it will be displayed automatically across the software.
10.8.1 Adding a Resource
Click the Add Resource button, this will open a new window where you can add the contents for the resource. You can edit the text, and insert links, photos, tables and videos.
Once you are done adding content for the resource, click the Save button. The newly created resource will then be added on the resource list. You can edit with the pencil icon or delete with the bin icon.
10.8.2 Mapping a Resource to an Activity
A resource can be mapped to an activity. After adding to the resource list, you can edit it to allocate it to an activity. In the below screenshot, the resource that we created Test Resource for Crew is now mapped to Activity Cashier.
10.8.3 Crew Portal Resources
The crew needs to have the resource activity under their profile. Click the Add Heading button in the Crew Portal Resources and enter a name for the header. After entering the name of the header, click Save Heading. The header will now appear in the list of headers.
Click the button + Resource, and a new field will appear where you can select a Resource from the dropdown menu which will be added to the header. Click Save Resources after selecting the resource from the dropdown menu. Based on the above settings that we configured, this is how will the resource will look in the Crew Access of a crew member:
10.8.4 Resources in Recruitment
Resources can be added into the recruitment process. When you want your recruits to read and understand your company policies and procedures, you can do so by configuring the recruitment settings and choosing the resources. In the Recruitment Settings, select the resource that you want to add from the dropdown menu then click Save Resources. Go to 10.4 Recruitment Setting to view the complete procedure for recruitment.
10.8.5 Resource in Forms
Resources can be added in the Safety Induction in Forms Settings. You can put a check on the box ‘Policies and Procedures’.
10.9 Processes settings
Improve the efficiency of your workplace by adding all of your company processes into CrewCard so they are easily accessible to your office team members as responsive web pages.
CrewCard includes a complete internal documentation module to record and provide access for admin and duty manager users to all of your internal user guides, training and company processes in an easy to navigate, user-friendly interface stored within the secure environment of your CrewCard Admin Portal.
It makes sense for the instructions for your office workers to be on the same platform as the one that they use to roster and manage staff, which also reduces time and financial costs to the organisation of maintaining many separate systems for the same workflow. Some of the advantages for clearly documenting your processes for staff are:
- Processes help employees complete their work tasks as expected
- Employees learn responsibilities autonomously without needing to over consult with supervisors
- Scripts can be accessed via the processes for telephone workers to recite
- Online processes minimise errors and reduce the chance of employees not following company processes correctly
- Employees can access processes at anytime and from any location
- Reduce training and internal emails / communications
To access the processes page, click Records in the header and select Processes under the Logs column. A list of processes will appear divided into sections under their relevant headings. Process titles and keywords within the processes will result from the search terms used, allowing the admin or duty manager user or the crew user to quickly access the required information to perform their work.
The processes module works in much the same way as the resources module.
To create and add a new process, go to settings and then scroll down to the Processes tab in the left-hand side menu. Click the + Add Process button on the top left-hand side to create a new process. Add the title and the body of the process in the text editor below it. It is possible to attach images and links to web pages and videos to make your processes as informative as possible. Once the content has been added, click Save in the bottom right-hand side of the process.
Once you have created some processes, you can assign them to the Admin Portal for admin and duty manager users and the Crew Portal for crew users. Within these portals, the processes can be organised under headings by clicking + Heading on the bottom left and then pressing the Save Heading button next to it.
Once the heading is saved, a table will appear with the heading title in grey and the buttons + Process and Save Process to the right of it. Once the + Process button is clicked, a drop down menu will appear. Simply select the desired process from here and then press Save Process above. Repeat this process until the list of processes is added under the heading. Continue to add headings and processes as required in the Admin Portal and/or Crew Portal sections of the processes settings.
10.10 Forms Settings
Access Policies Online
CrewCard allows you to add your company policies as responsive web pages or uploaded attachments for your crew members to access within their Crew Portal. In fact, any documentation can be added via the Resources module.
We have generic policies available to be integrated into your CrewCard system by our team and can offer 3 complimentary policies from the list below for our existing customers:
- Anti Discrimination Policy
- Social Media Policy
- Use of Company Resources
- Drug and Alcohol Policy
- Privacy Policy
- Sexual Harassment Policy
- Covid-Safe Plan
Company policies and other documentation can be created and stored in the Resources settings of the Admin Portal. Resources can be used for any type of documentation you require, company policies being only one such example.
To add company policies, go to Settings then click Resources in the side left menu. Click the + Add Resource button top left to create a new Resource. Add the Title and the content of the Resource in the text editor below. It is possible to attach images and links to web pages and videos to make your resources as informative as possible. Once the content has been added, click Save in the bottom right of the Resource.
Once your resources have been created they can be added to the Crew Portal and the Recruitment module for staff to accept during the onboarding process for your company.
Within the Crew Portal, the resources can be organised under Headings by clicking + Heading on the bottom left and then pressing the Save Heading button next to it.
Once the heading is saved a table will appear with the heading title in grey and the buttons + Resource and Save Resource to the right of it. Once the + Resource button is clicked, a drop down menu will appear. Simply select the desired resource from here and then press Save Resource above. Repeat this process until the list of resources is added under the heading. Continue to add Headings and Resources as required in the Crew Portal section of the Resources Setting.
Company policies and other documents (resources) can be assigned into the Agreements page of the Crew Portal Profile for recruits to view, sign and submit. Go to Settings and select Recruitment from the side menu. Scroll down to the Resources section and select the desired Resources from the Choose Resource drop down menu and then press Save Resource. The order the resources will appear in the Agreements page for recruits can be altered by dragging the resources up and down on the left of the table using the drag icon buttons.
10.11 SWMS Settings
CrewCard has an in built SWMS feature that is customisable based on the job your company. SWMS will display on the venues inductions when a crew is on shift for.
11.1 Businesses
Key: A
The CrewCard System allows you to operate as many businesses as you like under one platform. Some users operate several businesses; others use it to break their staff up into regions, states or cities. The system also allows you to break up the different departments within a company. If there is a problem adding a new business, please email as an additional fee may be required. On the business page, you are able to edit each business by using the pencil icon to edit or the x icon to delete.
Custom Rates: Assigned to each business once they are created. (See “Rates” for more info)
11.1.1 Add a New Business
Click Add a New Business Record ? Add your business details into the fields provided
TIP: You can add as many different businesses as you like
Sort Number: Sort Number 1 means it can be seen by Clients in their Login. Sort Number 0 will not visible to your clients.
Company Name: Name of Company
Client Display Name: A display name can also be added, this is a different name that will be displayed to clients in their client login when making online bookings.
Manager Name: A manager can be selected for this business
11.1.2 Add a Business Manager
Create crew contact (Guide 2.7) ? return to business page ? use pencil icon to edit business ? select manager from drop-down box ? Save
Manager Login: Manager login has the ability to only view and edit the roster in their allocated business. They have no ability to see what happens in other businesses.
Can Manager Create Job Sheet: With “yes” selected in this option, the assigned Business Manager will be able to create job sheets.
Email Address: For outgoing emails will also appear in the invoices (for this business). Also, this email address receives the “Online Auto-Booking Forms”.
2nd Email Address: An alternative email address to send/receive copies.
Phone, Fax, Mobile: Contact details for the business.
Incoming SMS: Tick box Use incoming SMS as company mobile number, which is set in Global Settings should be used as company’s mobile number. See “Your Incoming SMS to Web Number” for more info. See guide 4.7.17.
Street, Suburb, State, Postcode: Address of Business (optional).
Time Zone: Select a time zone that the business will operate
Manager Bonus Rate: It is possible to assign a bonus rate for “Business Manager” payable as a commission of a certain amount of $ per hr of labor worked in that business.
Import Key: Allows up to 5 businesses to connect to thumbprint software PeopleKey integration. (If you would like to add more please contact
Account Details: In the global settings page, you can enter your default accounts details. These will appear on the Tax Invoices you send to clients. If any business you have created needs to use different account details than the default one, then leave “Use Separate Accounts Details” unticked. Otherwise, enter each business account detail in this section.
Tip: Crew can be assigned as managers to multiple businesses and can view all assigned businesses or each business individually
11.2 Partners
The CrewCard System enables you to manage as many partners as you want from a single platform. The two parties could be individuals who agree to collaborate to manage a business. Partners is similar to admin, but partner is a smaller admin or client.
Simply click the Admin Dropdown and Select Partners.
This takes you to the Partners Page. Click the Add Partner button to add a partner.
TIP: You can add as many different businesses as you like
Fill out the form and press the save button.
Partner Name: Name of the Partner
Code: Partner Name Code
Can Manager Create Job Sheets: With “yes” selected in this option, the assigned Business Manager will be able to create job sheets.
Email Address: Partner Login has the ability to only view and edit the allocated partners. They have no ability to see what happens in other partners.
Password: Partner password for the Partner Portal
2nd Email Address: An alternative email address to send/receive copies.
Phone: Phone Contact details for the business.
Mobile: Mobile Contact details for the business.
Incoming SMS: Tick box Use incoming SMS as company mobile number, which is set in Global Settings should be used as company’s mobile number. See “Your Incoming SMS to Web Number” for more info
Street: Street Address of Business
Suburb: Suburb Address of Business
State: State of Business
Postcode: Postcode of business
Timezone: Select a time zone that the business will operate
Manager Bonus Rate: It is possible to assign a bonus rate for “Business Manager” payable as a commission of a certain amount of $ per hr of labor worked in that business.
Import Key: Allows up to 5 businesses to connect to thumbprint software PeopleKey integration. (If you would like to add more please contact
Default Customer: Select the default customer
Default Venue: Select the default Venue
11.3 Timesheets
Timesheets page displays the completed shifts crew have completed and the times they worked. This page helps view the total amount the crew has made in a set period of time.
How to use Time Sheets:
Use the following fields to search through the timesheets.
Member: Enter the crew’s name you wish to view
Date from/until: The date you wish the timesheets between
Job No.: Enter the job number and all job sheets related to this job will display
Crew Status: Click the box to drop down a list of options from gender and the work status.
Lock Status: Select drop down a list of options from the following lock statuses: Locked, Unlocked, C/A Lock, Admin Lock and Payroll Lock.
Time Conflict: Select to drop down a list of options from All to Time Conflicts.
Export Options: Click the text box and a list of export options will be displayed
Click what you wish to export and it will download into an excel sheet.
Exploring a timesheet:
The crew’s name is located on the top left-hand side before the timesheet, next to it is the time period of the timesheets that are listed below it.
Click the crew’s name to open up the crew profile.
Below the crew’s name, there are two buttons
Export Record: This download all shifts under the crew into an Excel sheet
Export as Approved Timesheet: This downloads only the approved shifts for the crew
Schedule: Shows you what was originally booked
Actual: You can enter the time that actually happened, this will send be copied in the grey section of the timesheet.
Breaks: Click the break icon and a pop-out window will appear.
TS: Timesheet column allows you to change the time as well. Click the clock and the timesheet pop-out will display
Pay Category: Select how the crew will be paid for the shift, a total of the day or by individual hours, this is reflected on the invoice.
There are two ways to total the payment of the crew, hourly: this will display the quantity of the house the crew worked, day: this will sum the hours up and produce an overall total. See below.
Extras allow you to upload additional costs that can be charged to your client. For example, call-out fee and travel fees. You can delete any extras that have been created while using the app through the settings.
In the last section of the timesheets, crew can write comments about the shift, it will appear here. A tick box is the timesheet is approved and at the end of the timesheet is any rates have been updated in the system click the drop-down box to allow the timesheet to automatically update with the new rates or choose not to allows the timesheet to update with the new rates.
In an event the timesheet is still editable when the shifts are locked this is because the timesheet is not yet approved. Ensure the checkbox approved is ticked to make the shifts uneditable.
Note that in the Timesheet page, a time buffer setting is existing for a crew. If the user can’t fulfill the time buffer the Time On and Time Off will turn to Red font colour. Make sure that the crew doesn’t have an overlapped shift to avoid this instances.
Tick box next to one or more shifts then use the action bar in the footer to perform the following actions.
Deleted Shifts: The selected shifts will be deleted without a message sent to crew
Cancel/Delete: When shift/s is canceled/deleted a Cancellation SMS is sent to notify crew.
Time Change: This feature is available when time or date has changed, when shift time/date has updated click on the “Time Change Button” to open a new window with an SMS message ready to send to affected crew member to advise changed information and requests crew to reply confirm/accept the changes. The status of the changes displays as followings:
- Crew name appears as green on the shift Page, ‘S’ (sent) in message column also indicates a message has been sent.
- Crew name appears as black when crew member/s has confirmed and accepted.
- Crew Name appears as red to indicate crew has denied the changes and ‘D’ (Denied) also appear in message column.
Scheduler/ auto: Please see guide 4.3.
Offer Message:
This option is used when sending out shift offer messages to staff members. Click, and a page called ‘MultiSMS’ will open up which allows you to offer shift/s to multiple staff members. The default SMS appears in the text box (editable and customisable in Global Settings) with another box with the list of Crews that are assigned to the activity.
In this list, crew members have an asterisk next to their name to indicate that they are booked at that time, or a hash symbol (#) next to their name which indicates they entered their unavailability. Any other crew members are available for shifts.
Offer Same: The Same Crew SMS features works in two ways.
1. You can book multiple people on several shifts, with a view to keeping consistent staff booked on those shifts, provided you select an equal number of shifts on each occasion. For example, if on the shifts page, you had four shifts for four people from 8am to 12pm and you needed the same four people to return on four subsequent shifts, perhaps that evening from 8pm to 11pm, you would have to select all eight shifts (it has to be an even number of both to work, four morning shifts and four evening shifts) and choose “Message Same Crew Shifts” in the “Select an Action drop down list or press the edit (pencil icon) to enter the Shift Edit Page, then leaving the Crew Member name blank, press “Offer Shift Same Crew”. This will bring up the default SMS (customisable, editable) and a crew list of available crew for that Activity. Once again crew that are already booked in all time slots will have an asterisk * next to their name and those that have entered their own unavailability will have a hash symbol # next to their name. In this same crew SMS mode, if a crew member is already booked for one but not all of the shifts, a *+ will appear next their name and if they have made themselves unavailable for one but not all of the shifts a #+ will appear next to their name. The message will create one shift number for both (or all shifts) but will offer crew both shifts in the same message. Depending upon how you have set the default settings for the same crew SMS message in global settings, the message you’ve sent may look like this:
[715] Can you do 2 shifts, Sun 05-07, 07:45am — 12:00pm & Sun 05-07, 20:00pm — 23:00pm approx., at Cronulla Beach ? Client — X Productions. Reply 715Y for YES, 715N for NO. Await Confirmation.
The crew members are accepting both shifts by replying 715Y. With this function, it would be possible to select all eight shifts (four in the morning and four in the evening) and send this message to eight or ten or twelve crew members (however many you think necessary to get the job filled). Once again, the system will wait the predetermined length of time that you have programmed into it; the first four of the highest ranking to reply in the affirmative will be awarded the job and will receive the confirmation messages. Those who missed out will receive the declined message to inform them that they will not be needed and to stand by for more shifts. Once again, on the shifts page, it will be possible to see which shifts have been sent out using the offer shifts same crew feature because in the shifts, under the SMS field, it will show SC “?” and the shift number created by the system for these shifts, in this example SC (715). There will be the “?” next to the SC (715) of the first of these ‘linked’ shifts. If you pressed this “?” icon, a list will open showing all the crew you sent the Same Crew SMS message to, including the time the message was sent. As you refresh the page you will see Y and N appear after the names of the crew members that have responded yes or no to the shifts and the times they responded.
2. The second way that the “Message Same Crew Shifts” can work is offering multiple shifts (under different clients and job sheets) to one crew member, for example an entire week or fortnight’s work. In the shifts page, you need to select all the shifts that you wish to offer to the one crew member and press the edit (pencil icon) to open the shift edit page. Press the “Offer Shift Same Crew” button, select the crew member you wish to offer the shifts to from the crew list and press ‘Send SMS’. The content of the SMS will say how many shifts are being offered with dates, times and locations.
Offer Multi: Multi Roster Message option works the same way as the Message Same Crew Shifts. Message Multi Roster Shifts allows you to offer several shifts in one SMS/Email to a Staff Member/s. If they accept the shifts offered, they receive a Confirmation SMS with the details of all their shifts in one SMS/Email.
On the shifts Page, at the bottom of the screen under ‘Select an Action’, and in the shift edit page and the job sheets pages, there is the option ‘Message Multi Roster Shifts’. This feature allows you to offer multiple shifts to a Crew Member or several Crew Members in a single Message (SMS/Email) per crew member. The crew member/s only need to reply with a single SMS accept to be confirmed for all shifts.
For example: You could create an entire roster for the following week, select all the shifts you want in the Shifts Page, scroll down the bottom of the page, under “Select an Action” select the “Message Multi Roster Shifts”. All shifts will be presented in SMS/format to the staff to accept the shifts in one go. When the crew members accept the shifts, they will automatically be sent Confirm Multi Messages (after the predetermined length of time that is customisable in Global Settings under SMS Incoming Configuration, after Incoming SMS Accept Shifts Interval).
Confirm Shift: By selecting shift/s and clicking this option you simply make a Crew member/s confirmed for a shift without sending them a Confirmation Message. Their name will appear black on the shifts page with a C next to it (under the SMS field) indicates they have confirmed.
Confirm Message: This will send a confirmation message to the crew who is booked for the shift
Confirm Multi: Confirm multiple shift with the same crew
Lock: Shifts must be locked with the correct times in order to be processed by payroll. Once the start/finish/break times are ensured correct, shifts can be locked using this option from the drop down menu. Once locked a padlock icon will appear next to the locked shift.
Admin Lock: Shifts must be locked with the correct times in order to be processed by payroll. Once the start/finish/break times are ensured correct, shifts can be locked using this option from the drop-down menu. Once locked a padlock icon with the word ADMIN under it will appear next to each shift/s. Admin locked shifts can only be unlocked by ADMIN users.
Payroll Lock: The job is locked for payroll the time sheet will be sent to be paid
Unlock: This option reverses the locked or admin locked actions.
Copy Shift (s): The selected shifts will be copied
Deleted Shift (s): The selected shifts will be deleted
Message Cancel & Delete Shift (s): Delete/ cancel shift and a message will be sent to the crew member to notify them
Message Notify Staff of Change: The change in the selected shift will be sent to the crew
Message Notify Staff of Change: The change in the selected shift will be sent to the crew
Highlight Shift(s): Highlight the shift, this reminds you to make changes to it
Remove Shift(s) Highlighting: This removes the highlight from the shift.
To edit the timesheet layout, please view guide 10.2.21 Timesheets.
11.4 Client Booking Block
4.3 Client Booking Block
Key: A
This feature allows you to put a block on clients from making “Auto Bookings”. To add clients to this list, click “Add Client Booking Block”.
Select the Company Name you want to create the booking block for, then fill out the date and time for the period and add a reason (optional), then click “Save”.
12.1 Payroll
Key: A
The payroll page displays a calculation of all the pay rates for your staff. The payroll page defaults to the previous pay week and will display all the staff that have worked for certain business in that pay week. It shows the amount of hours they have worked in each different activity, with a calculation of the total pay for the week. The total hours for the business are also shown for the week and the amount of commission the business manager has earned.
Search payroll week select the week then press “Show Payroll Week”.
Search individual payroll for crew, select the crew name and enter a date, then press “Show Pay Records”.
12.1.1 MYOB Export
Import/Export Instructions
Part A: Crew Member MYOB Card ID
Please ensure that CrewCard has the correct MYOB Card ID for each crew member. You can view or edit the MYOB Card ID on their Crew Profile. Contact for help to set up.
12.2 Industries
Industries are services provided by companies that are classified into groups.
To begin, navigate to the Admin Dropdown and select Finances. Choose Industries.
To Add a new industry, Click the Add New Industry button.
This will direct you to Industries — Add Industry page.
Enter the Industry Name, Select the Activities and Select the Abilities which are part of the new Industry.
Once done, Click Save button.
The newly added Industry has already been added to the list of Industries on the Industries page.
At any time you can return to the Industries list, edit and delete Industries using the action keys. Click the Edit icon to edit the ability or click the Trash icon to delete the Industry from the system.
12.3 Invoices
Key: A
CrewCard can send invoices to clients, when an invoice is create for a client it will then appear on the invoice page. When an invoice has been paid by the client, then the invoice can be “Locked”. You can search by locked & unlocked invoices every time a search is done the total amount of invoices will be shown on the bottom right of the search box.
12.2.1 Advanced Invoice Search
Advanced search can be done by the search bar. The totals of invoiced amount is shown on the right hand side of this bar where it says “Search Invoice Total“.
No.: Search by invoice number
Client Name: Search by client name
Date From, Date To: Search by date
Outstanding and Open Invoices: When selected any search you make will only come up with outstanding and open invoices
Deleted Invoices: Will only show deleted invoices
Show Only Selected Invoices: Search only tick box invoices
Show Client Totals: Group by client
Show Date Paid Invoices: Show paid invoices
Show Date Locked Invoices: Show locked invoices
Show Disabled Invoices: Show disabled invoices
12.2.2 “Select an Action” drop down list
To apply interest, please see guide 10.1.1.
Apply Interest: To apply interest to any outstanding invoices, tick the box for one more invoices, click action and select “Apply Interest” from the list. This will add accrued interest to the selected invoice(s). They can now be sent to clients. Or, simply click “apply interest” in the middle section of each invoice line.
Email Statement: This can be done for one or more this will email the invoice to the account contact for that client. However, you can select another contact
Email Statement with Attached PDF: This can be done for one or more this will email the invoice to the account contact for that client with attach Email Invoice Statement.
Print Invoices: Print one or more invoices depending how many are selected.
Lock Invoices: When locking invoices mean no changes will be done. Lock invoices usually mean it has been paid.
Unlock Invoices: The invoice is still outstanding.
12.2.3 Part Payment towards Invoice
If part payment is received via Electronic Fund Transfer enter the amount and date in the ‘outstanding / payment’ column. To view history, click on ‘History’ Icon will provide a history of payments. This will be updated on the invoice, statement and clients notes.
To customize your own template for Email invoice for part payment to clients:— please see 10.2.14 Invoice and Quotes
12.2.4 Add Invoice Payment Date
You can add a date when an invoice was paid via Electronic Fund Transfer, enter date in the date paid column, click Add.
12.2.5 Disable Invoice
You can disable an invoice by clicking the disable invoice button, confirm action:
A window will appear to confirm ” Click OK to disable the Invoice” Click Ok to disable else click Cancel button.
12.2.6 Updating Invoices
There are two ways to access the invoice update page. One is through the jobs page discussed earlier in guide 3.0 Home Page, and the invoices page using the eye icon.
The following page will open:
On this page, you can add a Management Tax & Merchant Fee to the invoice. Before updating the invoice, the user has the ability to change the date on the invoice if needed, if they do not wish to edit the date the field will have the original date in it.
To create a Management Tax and Merchant Fee, please read guide 10.1.1 Accounts Details (for Invoices).
To customise your own template for Email invoices to clients:— please see 10.2.14 Invoice and Quotes
12.2.7 Unpaid Invoices
We recommend using the Email Statement when sending Unpaid Invoices only. In the Invoice Page, Select the Unpaid Invoice(s).
Click the Select an Action and Select Email Statement.
This will direct you to Email Invoice Statement page. Select who you want to receive the Email Statement and click Send Statement.
The client will receive an email with the outstanding amount or unpaid invoice/s that needs to be settled.
12.2.8 Email Statement Reminder
Email Statement Reminder allows you to keep users up to date and give them a heads up so they don’t miss the next invoice payment date.
To begin, go to General Settings, then select Invoices & Quotes, and finally go to Settings 109. Email Statement Reminder — Invoice Page.
Enter the day following the Payment Terms and the time the client should receive the Email Statement Reminder. When finished, click the save button.
This is an example of how the Email Statement Reminder will appear to the client.
Keep in mind that when the settings are set to Reminder 3, the client will receive up to three Email Statement Reminders.
12.4 Activities
12.3 Activities
Key: A
12.3.1 Adding a New Activity
To add a new activity, click “Add New Activity”:
Name: Enter a name
Code: These codes can then appear in the SMS messages for staff, both request and confirmation messages, this can be custom in settings. The activity codes will also appear in the Crew Support pages along with an explanation of the activity.
Example: G is shortened for General Labour
Graph Colour: Select colour this will appear on the “View Shifts as Graph” (this is on the shift page)
Show Skill in Clients Booking Area: If ticked the activity will display in the Client Access (Login) as an activity that they can select when making a booking.
Tick to indicate that this is a licensed (ticketed activity): If a person is booked on a shift for a ‘Ticketed Activity’, a warning will display on the shifts page if the ticket number and/or ticket expiry date have not been entered or expired. It is not possible to accidentally book a person for a job that they are not qualified for.
Tick to indicate that this is a dual text activity: Crew and onsite contact will receive a message the day before booking.
Tick to Delete: Will delete the activity and store it in ‘Show Deleted’
Job Description: Describe the job for the staff to view
Sub Activities: When an activity has more than one task to do
Grouping activity: Use the arrows to select
Categories: Categories the Activity falls under.
Staff: If known staff members can be selected to have this activity on their profile.
TIP: This action can also be done individually in the crew profile page.
Qualification: Select related qualification
Auto Scheduler Settings: Enables shift default when shift offering
Minimum Call (Hours): A default minimum call hours can be entered here for the activity
12.3.2 Activities Main Page
All activities & Sub-activities displayed on one page.
Edit Activity: To edit activity
Edit Rates: Edit rates related to this activity. Please note that activities must be assigned to a category first.
Duplicate: To duplicate activity
12.3.3 Creating a new Activity with Duplicate Rates and Activities
For Creating a New Activity with Duplicate rates from another activity. In Homepage, click the admin drop down menu and select Activities.
In the Activities page, Select an activity that you want to copy the rates.
Click Duplicate Button.
A pop up will appear that allows you to enter the new Activity name. Enter the Activity name in the given field. Note that by default the Activity Name will be the activity that you have copied.
Once the Activity Name has been entered, click the Ok button.
The new Activity has been created and rates have been duplicated. Note that the Activity will also be copied too. Click the Duplicate button to see whether the rate has been copied.
Whenever an Activity or Category is edited or remapped, updating rates in the Job Sheet, Shift Edit Page or Events Bookings Page is recommended.
12.5 Categories
Key: A
Categories allows associate crew activity and hours applied to their pay rate. When setting this up, we strongly suggest you contact
For example: You may have three different rates you pay your staff for the same activity: Trainee, Normal, and Experienced. These would be your “Categories” you can apply and customise a range of rates to each Category. To change a Crew Member’s pay rate from Trainee to Normal, just change the Category in their Crew Member Details Page from Trainee to Normal. In this way all the rates that have been set will be applied in one go.
Priority: Pay/charge rates can be entered on either “Rates” or “Categories” pages and the amounts under “Rates” are displayed on Invoices/Payroll by default. Priority allows the users to prioritise which rates should be applied first and overrides default rates. The higher the number, the higher the priority.
Any of the crew, activities or rate can be selected to associate with the category, simply move them to the right section “Part of this Category”.
12.4.1 Add New Category
Add new Category using the ‘Add Category’ button.
A new page opens, fill out Name of category, Priority allows the users to prioritise which rates should be applied first and overrides default rates. The higher the number the higher the priority., assign staff that you wish to assign to this category (this can also be done in the crew profile page).
Name the category then assign staff, Activities and Rules and Save Changes.
Return to the Categories page and click on ‘Edit Rates’ on the newly created category.
Edit the paid names and charge names by copying those in other categories for the first activity.
Enter the paid rates and charge rates desired.
Select the Activity and click ‘Duplicate Selected’ for the remaining Activities in that category to auto-complete remaining Activities.
Edit the paid names and charge names for each Activity.
Click ‘Save Changes’.
Whenever an Activity or Category is edited or remapped, updating rates in the Job Sheet, Shift Edit Page or Events Bookings Page is recommended.
To customise the categories, rate and awards rates, please contact
12.6 Discounts
Discounts can be added to client profiles which will apply to their invoices each time. Save the discount in the system using the discount setting.
Name the discount & select the type of discount.
Fixed: The amount entered will be taken off the total of the bill.
Percentage: The percentage entered will be taken off the total of the bill.
Enter the amount in the next field.
Note: you must put a ‘-‘ sign before the number. Example: ‘-10.00’
Client Profile:
On the client profile go to client discounts, press the arrow for the drop down menu which will present you with all the uploaded discounts. Select the discount you wish to use and press ‘Save Details’.
12.7 Extras
Extras allow you to upload additional costs that can be charged to your client. For example, call out fee and travel fees. You can delete any extras that have created while using the app through the settings.
12.8 Allowance
Create allowances to add to shifts on the job sheet. Example off allowances are meal and travel allowance. Add allowances to be saved into the system.
Example: A cashier who conducts a shift for 10 hours between the time of 4pm to 2am they will receive a $20 meal allowance.
Allowance Name: Name off allowance which will be used to select in job
Paid: How much the crew will receive
Charge: How much the client will be charged
Allowance rules can be setup in two ways:
Shift Hours: The allowance will only be available for shifts over a certain length.
Day/Time: Allowances can only be added to shifts that fall between a certain time of a particular day. Allowances can also be grouped under activities that are in system. Use the arrows to assign the activities to the allowance. This is the same for rules.
12.9 Leave
The leave page allows you to easily keep track of crew leave. The page gives the user the ability to edit existing leave or add leave. Click add leave.
This will take you to a new page:
Enter the business the employee works under ? Name of crew ? Activity they do ? Their Rate ? Date of leave ? Type of leave the crew is taking
12.10 Rates History Search
This page allows you to perform an advanced search on any past rates that have been uploaded in the system.
13.0 Export Crew to Astute
Required PM Fields for PM to Astute Crew Export
Employee ID | The Unique Identifier located in the Crew List Page Tip: can use mobile number |
Gender | Settings > General Settings > 45. Gender Text |
First Name | Crew Profile> Personal Details > First Name of the Crew |
Last Name | Crew Profile> Personal Details > Last Name of the Crew |
Date of Birth | Crew Profile> Personal Details > Date of Birth of the Crew |
Mobile | Mobile Phone Number |
Email address (also Username for CrewCard App) | |
Phone | Can be Mobile Phone Number or landline |
Address | Street Name |
Suburb | Crew Profile > Address > Suburb |
State | Crew Profile > Address > State |
Post Code | Crew Profile > Address > Post Code |
Account Name | Bank Account Name of the Employee (not name of the financial institution) |
Super Company Name | Name of the Super Company financial institution EG Australian Super |
SPIN/USI | Super Fund USI |
Super ABN | Super Fund ABN |
Super Product Name | Is the name of the Product under the specific super fund. It is identified by the USI |
Super Membership Number | Employee Super Membership Number |
Super Account Name | Employee Super Account Name |
TFN | Employee Tax File Number |
Optional PM Fields for PM to Astute Crew Export
Bank Name | Bank Name of the Crew |
Account Name | Account Name of the Crew |
Account Number | Bank Account Number of the Crew |
BSB | 6 Digits number used to identify the individual branch of an Australian Bank |
Residency | Crew Profile> Address> Residency |
Passport Country | Crew Profile> Citizenship Status> Country |
Visa Type & Expiry | Crew Profile> Citizenship Status> Through Vevo Check “Passport ID is required to do this” |
Add New Crew
In the Crew List Page, Simply Click + Add Crew for Creating Crew in PM.
The following window will open:
Enter the crew details and use the arrow buttons to select their activities, these activities that are available in the list are from the activities uploaded through the settings.
After entering the information you have the option to save and exit or open the crew profile to finish uploading their information.
In the Crew List section, there is an overview of crew personal details. Employee ID column, To update the Employee ID click on the Employee ID field and provide an unique identifier to the employee.
Click Save Details.
Edit Crew Profile
Click on Contacts in Central Navigation Bar and Select Crew List.
When Crew List is clicked from the menu, it will display all active crew members. To enter a Crew Member’s Profile click the Edit icon to the right of the page.
To add the Employee End date (Crew who got Terminated or Resign) and reason, Enter the End Date and Reason in the Overview Section.
- Start Date — The date when the crew member is first confirmed to a shift.
- Added: Super Admin -Employment Start Date when the crew is first activated or added to the system.
- Employment End Date — The date of the employee’s last shift.
Please note: In the event Crew Members have been added to the system and have not yet been confirmed on their first shift, the value Added will be substituted for Start Date so the export to Astute will succeed. None of these fields need to be added by the Admin User, they are handled automatically by the system.
Select Personal Details in the side menu of Crew Profile page and update information accordingly.
- First Name, Last Name and Date of Birth
- E-mail address / Username for CrewCard app.
- Mobile Number and Phone
- Provide ABN if required
To add or modify gender options, go to the Settings. Click on General Settings and select Crew. Refer to “45. Gender Text “ to add or modify the type of gender as preference. Click Save Details.
Select Address in the Crew profile and select the Residency. Once done, Click Save Details.
In Crew profile, Select Banking details in the side menu and update the following:
- Bank Name
- Account Name
- Account Number
Click Save Details.
Select Super Details in the side menu and Enter first few letters of the Super Company Name. Suggestions will available for the selection.
When user selects the Super Company Name, the following are automatically populated:
- Super ABN
- Super Product Name
Click Save Details.
Select TFND in the side menu and Provide the details of the Employee Tax File Number ( A digit of 9 numbers ). Click Save Details.
Go to Citizenship Status section in Crew Profile, enter the passport ID and select the country. Click Check Vevo, it will prompt for the Visa Type and Visa Expiry.
Export Crew to Astute
Once Personal details has been updated, Crew is ready to be exported to Astute. Click on Export to Astute inside the Crew Profile.
Note: Crew members who are already in the system prior to the Astute Dev will need to be confirmed to a shift. The date will be used as the Employment Start Date which is a mandatory field in exporting crew to Astute.
An automatic message will confirm “Inserted User ID”.
The crew member has been added to the Astute portal. Select User Tab and Employees Tab.
13.1 Export Timesheet to Astute
Click Admin Menu drop down menu at Central Navigation Bar and select Timesheets to get access to the Timesheets.
In the Timesheet Page, Click on Export Options dropdown menu and select Export Astute Report.
The document will be download as .xls file. Open the Timesheet file, Click File, Select Save As and Select Text (Tab delimited) (*.txt).
Convert the file to one of the formats accepted by Astute, which are: JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIF, GIF and PDF. Tip: Export to PDF will convert the file to an acceptable format.
After converting the file to a supported format, Compress the file using ZIP. Right click the PDF file, Select Send To and Select Compressed (zipped) Folder.
Timesheet file is ready for import into Astute. Login to Astute Portal and Click Payroll Tab.
Select Import Timesheet and Click Choose File to upload.
Once the zip file has been uploaded, Click Import.
14.0 Time Off In Lieu
Time Off In Lieu can be managed within the CrewCard Platform.
In the Crew Profile, select Time Off In Lieu from the side menu to navigate to the Time Off In Lieu (TOIL) section. Note that Full Time and Part time staff can fully utilise this function.
Here you can set the TOIL hours balance and TOIL period. You may Contact CrewCard support to let us know the pay period options and which day of the week the pay period should commence.
TOIL Period refers to the amount of hours that staff are able to work before the time off in lieu is recorded. It can be 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks or 4 weeks. For example, a staff member might have an agreed weekly working hours of 38 hours per week. Any work performed over and above 38 hours (minus breaks) will be added into the TOIL calculation. If the staff member had a balance of 0 hours and worked 45 hours in week 1 and then 48 hours in week 2, they will have an updated TOIL balance of 17 hours at the end of week 2. This means they can take 17 hours off work and still receive pay for these hours.
Please note that the CrewCard TOIL calculations work both ways. If we use the example above and the staff member in week 3 only worked 10 hours, 28 hours would be deducted from the balance of 17 hours and the TOIL balance would be reduced back to 0.
Click on TOIL history to see a breakdown of the TOIL balance for the staff member and the events that changed the balance, such as manual updates of the TOIL balance and system generated updates calculated each pay period according to the programmed logic.
There is a Time Off In Lieu page in the Admin menu that enables you to see the TOIL history for multiple staff and to search the TOIL history of staff.
In this page, you can filter the crew member, crew group and the TOIL period based on the date. TOIL balance is updated weekly depending on the confirmed shift by the admin to the crew. You can Update the TOIL figures for shifts which are already existing in the system or allow users to manually update the TOIL Balance of all staff using the Refresh Button.
From this page, you can click the Forecast button to view the predictions of the TOIL balance in upcoming TOIL periods by looking at the Forecast Working Hours and Forecast Balance. In this page, you also can use the same filter as in the previous page.
You also can check the TOIL details of each crew in the Timesheet. In the timesheet page the TOIL balance is available including the following details: Toil Period, Previous Start, Previous End, Previous Balance, Current Start, Current End and Current Balance
In the event when the hrs./TOIL period was modified in the Crew Profile.
For example: week 1, the set Hours/TOIL Period is 20 and in week 2, the Hours/TOIL Period was changed to 30. The first week will work based on 20 limits while the second week will work based on 30 limits however if you edit the shift for the first week then the calculation will update with new Hours/TOIL Period which is the 30 limits.
15.0 Reporting
In this section, you will find different reporting available in the CrewCard System.
15.0.1 Export in Jobs Page
Email Job Sheet Summary: This will be sent to the client, it is important to customise these through General Settings > Client, you can customise the layout of the email that is sent, which is located in guide 10.2.5 Client Email Job Sheet Summary.
Print Approved Job Sheet: CrewCard will let you print the approved Job Sheet or download it into a PDF.
15.0.2 Export in Shifts Page
Export Run Sheets: Exports a detailed Run Sheet for selected shifts into PDF format. Useful for viewing staff’s start/finish times, venue and other details.
Sample Export Run Sheets
Export Excel: This feature enables you to export the selected shifts from the Shifts Page to an Excel spreadsheet. Once the scheduling has been done this feature makes it easy for importing the roster into other packages. You can save an Excel sheet into CSV files or tab_delimiter files.
Export Excel Sign Off: The system will create a sign off sheet and download it into an Excel file
Sample Export Excel Sign Off
Export Summary: Export into Excel that displays a breakdown of the selected shifts which shows the following breakdown.
Date | Business | Activity | Job Sheet Number | Total hours | Total Paid $ | Total Bonus $ | Total Charge $ | Profit | Margin |
Site Sheet PDF Download: The job sheet will download into a PDF.
Sample Site Sheet PDF Download
Site Sheet PDF Email: The software will create a PDF off the job sheet and send it to the allocated email.
When Site Sheet PDF Email is selected it will direct you to Email Timesheet page wherein you need to enter the email address who will receive the Timesheet and click send button.
They will receive this Timesheet as show on below figure.
Export Staff Emails: The emails from staff on shifts will download all together into an Excel.
Sample Export Staff Emails
Export ABA File: A software to pay contractors, contact
15.0.3 Report in Events Page
Export Select Shifts: This will download all selected shifts in Events Page>> Booking Tab
15.0.4 Report in Statistics Page
The statistics page allows you to view and compare two time periods at once. Enter and select the information you would like to compare for the two different graphs.
15.0.5 Export in Invoice Page
Export Invoice to Xero: This will export the invoice fields to the Xero.
15.0.6 Export in Staff List Page
Export Emails: Export the email address of the selected Crew Member.
15.0.7 Export in Search Staff Page
Export Staff: This will export staff details depending on the filter selected.
15.0.8 Reports in Invoices Page
In the Invoices page, it allows you to view different reports depending on the filter selection:
Advanced search can be done by the search bar. The totals of invoiced amount is shown on the right hand side of this bar where it says “Search Invoice Total“.
No.: Search by invoice number.
Client Name: Search by client name.
Date From, Date To: Search by date.
Outstanding and Open Invoices: When selected any search it will only come up with outstanding and open invoices.
Show Date Paid Invoices: Show paid invoices.
Deleted Invoices: Will only show deleted invoices.
Show Only Selected Invoices: Search only tick box invoices.
Show Disabled Invoices: Show disabled invoices.
Show Only Selected Invoices: Display selected invoices
Show Client Total: Display Invoice total group by client.
Show Date Locked Invoices: Show locked invoices.
Show Deleted Invoices: Display deleted Invoices.
Apply Interest: To apply interest to any outstanding invoices, tick the box for one more invoices, click action and select “Apply Interest” from the list. This will add accrued interest to the selected invoice(s). They can now be sent to clients. Or, simply click “apply interest” in the middle section of each invoice line.
Email Statement: This will email the invoice to the selected type of person in the invoice loop. Note that we recommend to use the email statement for unpaid invoices only.
Print Invoices: Print one or more invoices depending how many are selected.
Lock Invoices: When locking invoices mean no changes will be done. Lock invoices usually mean it has been paid.
Unlock Invoices: The invoice is still outstanding.
15.0.9 Export in Timesheet Page
Export All Records: This download all shifts under the crew into an Excel sheet.
Export All APPROVED Records: This download all approved shifts under the crew into an Excel sheet.
Export KeyPay Records: This download all shifts with the following fields:
Employee External ID | Employee Name | Start Date Time | End Date Time | Break Start Date Time | Break End Date Time | Total Break Time | Location External ID | Work Type External ID | Comments | Venue | Activity | Activity External ID | Task | Notes | Hours |
Export KeyPay APPROVED Records: This download all Approved shifts with the same fields as Export KeyPay Records.
Export KeyPay Report: This download all shifts with the following fields:
Employee External ID | Client Name | Employee Name | Order Owner | Start Date Time | End Date Time | Week Ending Date | Break Start Date Time | Break End Date Time | Total Break Time | Location External ID | Work Type External ID | Comments | Venue | State | Activity | Activity External ID | Task | Notes | Hours | Base Pay Rate | Charge |
Export Astute Report: This download all shifts in the timesheet for import required in Astute with the following fields.
Job UIN | Run Ref | Run Date | Country | Location | Hiring Manager | First Name | Family Name | Temp Type | Skillstream ID | Billing Cost Centre | Type | Item Detail | Rate Name | Pay Rate | Agency Rate | Pay Unit | Temp Status | Month | W/E Date | Units | Number of days worked | Net | Input GST | Agency Name |
Export Astute APPROVED Report: This download all approved shifts in the timesheet for import required in Astute with the same fields as Export Astute Report.